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"Like you?" I asked as I walked towards her, stopping a few steps in front of her so I could see her properly.

She raised her eyebrows as she smirked, "Bitter, twisted," she tilted her head to the side, all soft side of her seeming to disappear in an instant. The tears she had shed soon dried up as she watched me. Her blue eyes gleamed in the light as she watched me, I couldn't stop looking at her, it was like she had me under her control. I noticed her eyes looked down at my hand before she looked back at me, "Oh."

I looked down at my hand before looking back at her, there was nothing there, nothing that seemed to be of any interest to me. "What?"

Brit licked her top lip as she pulled her lips back into the smirk, "You're one of them."

My eyes looked back to my hand before I realised she was looking at the tattoo on my wrist, the black band with the bear outline. I covered it with my other hand and made eye contact with her again, "No." I took a step away from her, "Things got complicated."

She nodded as she listened, her eyes watching me intensely as she balled her fists together in her chains. "Sounds like things are about to get even more complicated," above us there was a lot of noise like someone was in the house, doors slamming and heavy footsteps. 

I turned to look at the door before I looked back at her, on her face was a look of excitement before she winked at me, "I think that might be the cavalry." She smiled widely as she let out a small laugh, "So, after Tom didn't return, after he went on that job, I swore I would make sure anyone assicaoted with the group that killed him would suffer." Her eyes returned to my tattoo, "Seems like the choices you made in your past are going to change how your future plays out."

Shaking my head I backed away from her, "I didn't," I headed out the room quickly as the noise on the upper level got louder. Turning I headed down the coridoor, the only other way out of here was up through the man hole. Picking up speed I broke into a run my bare feet slapping against the col hard floor throbbing in pain as I pushed myself. 

I managed to get to the end, my hands scrambling as I climbed the ladder and moved the cover above me, my hands shaking as climbed out, I didn't stop to look around as I ran towards the nearest covering under the trees. Once there I took a moment to catch my breath, I couldn't believe that there was no one here, no one here in the house just keeping watching, surely there should have been someone here but if what she was saying was true I doubted that anyone who be left behind. 

Turning on the spot I looked around to see if anyone was around and for the most part I seemed to be alone, I just needed to get out of here safely, that or just stay hidden and out of sight. If Reagan was here to take his daughter home there was no way he was going to just leave me and pretend that nothing happened here. 

I felt in my pockets but I'd left everything I needed in my bedroom, no mobile, no weapon, nothing. I didn't know what was worse, going down there and listening to her words knowing what I know or staying in my bedroom and being caught from the off, at least here I had a small chance of getting away. 

As brave as I knew I could be I couldn't just go back in there with no weapon or no plan, that was the best way to get caught. I quickly ducked down when I heard a loud rumble of a car engine, not knowing who the car belonged to I had no choice but to hide. All I needed to do was wait this siege out, wait till my father returned home. I'd give anything for someone to just rock up and save me from all of this right now, I hated being a sitting duck. 

Moments passed along with the sound of the car, I slowly put my head up looking out to see if there was anyone around, I looked from right to left before I started to take a power walk towards the main gate. Ducking everytime I heard cars I finally made it to a spot that was by a weak spot in the wall. I touched the wall near it before I pushed the forth brick up out before doing the same with one a few layers higher, all I needed to do was climb up and jump down on the other side, easy. 

Looking up at the top of the wall I swallowed hard, eight foot of solid brick. 

"Don't be stupid," a voice called out to me making me turn around and look at the owner with wide eyes. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I leaned against the wall behind me. 

Bea walked closer to me, her brown hair swaying from side to side as she got to me, she put her arms around me and held me close. "Niall called," she told me, "We've got to get you out of here, safely."

I pulled away from her and looked at her with a confused look, "How did he know?"

Slowly she pointed to a camera which covered the grounds, "They are every where. Oh course, loverboy has a feed on his phone, it seems Niall knew who to call."

"Reagan is here," I told her as I ducked down pulling her with me, my voice becoming a whisper as I looked at her, "He cannot find us." I looked at her and saw her tattoo on her wrist, the same as mine, if she was caught it would be game over for the both of us. 

She smiled, "I have a car waiting." She stood up and pulled me to my feet before she handed me a gun from her pocket, "There is no way I came all this way to not get you into that vehicle."

"Why are you doing this for me?" I asked her as we walked along the hidden footpath. 

Bea nudged me playfully with her shoulder, "Because believe it or not, we are friends. Lately though, it seems to be me doing all the favours. You owe me big," she winked at me before we saw the exit. 

She walked out in front of me, checking to see if the coast was clear. I watched from my hiding spot as she nodded at me, slowly I took a step forward, just as I was about to come out there was a loud gun shot, I watched in horror, almost like it was in slow motion as she turned and the bullet pentrated the skin just below her right ribs. Eyes wide I rushed forward, gun high as I fired at the man who had shot her, my hands were tight as I shot clearly and precisely taking down the man and the other three men who were there waiting. 

Turning back to Bea I grabbed hold of her as I pushed on her wound, "Not like you to get distracted," I told her as I pulled her back to her feet. "Where's that car?"

Her eyelids were drooping as she pointed the right, biting my lip I decided I needed to just do whatever I could to help her. I put my arm around her waist and propped her agianst me as I dragged her in the direction she'd pointed, "Thanks," she managed to say. 

"Hey," I smiled at her as I tried to keep it all light hearted, there was no way I was going to show her that I was worried. "We're going to get you some help." Turning to look forward I could see a silver car sitting there waiting. 

Turning my head back I saw a couple of men running in this direction, lifting my gun I fired at both of them my shots hitting their heads before they dropped to the floor. 

"Ell!" I heard a shout, when I turned back it was Will who was clambering out of his car and towards me. "What happened?!" He took his sister from me and picked her up as he looked down at her stomach, "We've got to get her to the hospital."

I followed him as he put her into the car, "You can't take her to the hospital!" I told him as he closed the door behind her.

"I have to!" 

Watching him he returned to the driver's side, "Come on, Ell, get in."

I shook my head at him, "I can't go with you if you're going to the hospital." I held my hands up as I looked at him, "Please take care of her."

"What am I supposed to do then?" He asked me desperately as he leaned his hands on the car and looked at me, his eyes wide and full of tears. 

"Just go, Will, get here out of here. She needs to live!" I told him before he got into the car and drove off, all I could do was watch on as the car disappeared out of my view. 

I needed to get off the street, shooting people in broad daylight was not a good idea.

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