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Niall arrived at some point, he strutted into my bedroom with a grin and a bag of fast food which he promptly chucked in my direction before he sat at the end of my bed his legs crossed as he stared at me. "So," he looked at me with wide eyes and a stupid smile. "What's going on?"

"What?" I asked him, I was confused as nothing seemed to be happening. I had been trapped in this God-forsaken bed for the day only managing to drag myself out of the bed to go to the toilet and back. "You must have the wrong person," I rolled my eyes as I opened the bag of food, "This," I motioned to my legs with my hands before returning to the bag, "Is me now."

"Well," his voice changed to a whisper making me stop looking at the bag of nuggets and up into his eyes. "I was just listening in on a conversation downstairs, maybe I got the wrong end of the stick."

Groaning I didn't look up as I removed the nuggets from the bag and opened the small tub of ketchup that he'd brought along before shrugging my shoulders. "Beats me," I said in a monotone voice before dipping a nugget and popping it in my mouth chewing like I hadn't eaten a good meal in a long time. 

"It sounds like Daddy dearest is worried about you," he told me which caught my attention. I looked up at him as I swallowed the chewed up food and tilted my head to the right in confusion. 

I raised an eyebrow before straightening my head, "Spit it out then, Horan!"

He laughed, "You're not going to like it."

"I never like any of his ideas," I reminded Niall. Every time my father had set out to protect me or help me out it always ended badly. "You better tell me now, not like I can run away this time."

Niall reached into the bag and took a nugget dipping it into the sauce as he spoke, "He's looking into a rehab centre. Something to help you get back on your feet."

My eyes looked down at my legs which were on top of the blanket, even just looking at them make me feel awkward. There was nothing there, no feeling, nothing. I wanted nothing more than to feel something in them again but pushing me wasn't going to help. The days I had spent in the hospital had resulted in nothing, I didn't think rehab would help. 

Shrugging my shoulders at Niall I watched him as he tucked into the food he'd brought for me, luckily for him I was no longer hungry. I had to think about what I wanted in my life. I knew I wanted to walk again, who wouldn't want that? I needed more than this, I needed to escape this life. 

"Ni?" I gave him a sad smile as he looked at me. "Can you take me to Will's?"

He shook his head without even thinking about it, "I'm not allowed to take you anywhere." 

Pinching the bridge of my nose I closed my eyes as I tried to think of another way out of here. I needed someone who was out of the picture to talk to, someone else who wasn't part of this. 

There was a small knock on the door, I looked up at Niall before looking towards the door, he jumped up and walked towards it dragging it open. Watching from the bed I strained to see but Niall was blocking my view. 

"I don't think now's a good time," Niall said to whoever was the other side of the door not that I was expecting anyone to come and see me. 

"Who is it, Ni?" I asked inquisitively as I gave up straining to see. There was no point, I couldn't see. 

Niall looked back at me, his eyes were wide but his voice was calm, "It's no-one."

"Let them in," I told him as I shook my head and relaxed back on my headboard the small amount of padding comforting my back. "Niall!"

He stepped back away from the door, I waited and watched a few seconds passing before he walked into my bedroom. My heart was pounding in my chest loudly as I looked up at him. 

His bright emerald eyes stared at mine as he stopped by the door, he just looked at me, nothing was said, nothing needed to be said for a moment as we took a few moments to marvel at each other. 

"Ell," Niall dragged out my name, I looked away from Harry, it was hard to look away but when I looked at Niall I saw the pleading look in his eyes. "Ell?"

"I'm good," I confidently to Niall before giving him a small head nod. He looked between myself and Harry but took the hint and left the room leaving the two of us alone. 

My eyes returned to Harry who pushed the door closed so it was just the two of us. Everything was crazy as I stared at him, I didn't know what to say, I wished I did but I was lost for words, for real words anyway. "What are you doing here?" I asked him as I stayed still. 

He walked towards my bed, he rested his hands on the end of the bed frame and stared at me, "I needed to see you for myself." His words made me feel like some kind of freak show to be watched for afar. "I just meant," he stumbled over his words as he looked down at his hands. "I wanted to see you," he told me, his voice was quiet as he spoke. "I know I've not been around."

"Damn right you haven't," I told him. "I don't want you to come here and pity me," my words were honest. "I see the pity in your eyes the same as before," my words were regarding the facial scarring I used to have. "I'm not that person."

He looked up at me and shook his head, "You've got it all wrong." He insisted as he walked around my bed, he stood to my right and looked down on me. My eyes widened as I looked up at him, I didn't like the situation I was in, I knew I couldn't control it, I knew if things went wrong if I didn't like what he said I wouldn't have a choice but to stay and listen. "You, Elliott Cole, you are the same girl I met back then. Even then you were feisty, you haven't changed at all."

"Don't pretend to know me," I snapped at him. "One second you are there for me, you are saying we can do this, we go to my father, tell him everything, then that's it. I end up in the hospital and it's like I meant nothing to you." I shook my head at him as he opened his mouth to talk, "You told me you loved me, you told me you wanted what I wanted."

Harry didn't speak, he just stared down at me, for a moment I thought he might say something, anything but he didn't. The silence was deafening, it made me feel sick. If I could I would have reached up and punched him in the face. My feelings had been laid out every time and every time it was me who ended up hurt. 

"I do know you," the words left his mouth slowly. He sounded unsure of what he was saying as he took a deep breath, "I know that you are so self-conscious that you push people away even when they care for you the most. I know that you never wanted this life, you just wanted to be normal." He sat at the side of me, his eyes never leaving mine, "I know that you worry about being alone, that you don't want to end up like your father." He managed a smile, "You, even if the worst times, just smile and try and get on with it. You try your hardest to pretend that you are normal, you just want to help people, you are too kind but never expect anything in return."

My insides were jelly as I shook in my spot, I didn't know what to say but as he continued to speak I realised there was nothing for me to say yet. "You are Elliott Cole, you are the sweetest, most alluring woman I have ever met." He didn't stop even as the door opened, he didn't flinch or look away from me. "I know that I don't ever want to spend another day trying to deny the love I feel for you. I want you and nobody else." He took my hands and I didn't stop him, his touch was what I needed, the shaking stopped and I melted into his hands as I relaxed against his skin. "I don't need any of this, none of this means nothing if we can't be together."

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