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Jessica had been gone for what felt like forever, it was her idea for me to come out in this club tonight and she'd disappeared off to confront someone over a spilt drink. Her cousin, Marie, was old enough now to fight her own battles yet somehow she always got drawn into the drama. Standing from my seat I flung my leather jacket over my shoulders pushing my arms through as I looked towards the bar where they had headed. 

"Where you going?" Louis asked as I looked in his direction his voice getting my attention. 

I sighed, "Just going to find the girls. I just want to make sure they aren't getting into any trouble."

Louis laughed, "They are grown-ups, they can look after themselves."

Returning to my seat I nodded, "I didn't even want to come out tonight. It just winds me up that I am here and she's buggered off to kick off." I looked around seeing if they were returning but there was no sign. 

"You two have a strange relationship," Louis pointed out as he leaned back in the chair he was sat in as he reached for his glass. "I would have never put the two of you together in a million years and then suddenly you two are in this intense relationship."

I shook my head, "You don't know what you're talking about. Jessica, she, I dunno, I want to keep her safe."

Louis rolled his eyes, "All this boils down to Ell, doesn't it?" He asked but I didn't reply as I thought about it. "You know that Jessica is not Ell, Jessica is her own woman, she's not the daughter of Terry."

"I know that!" I snapped as I stood back up and brushed my hands down my thighs, "There was nothing between myself and Ell, she was just a job!" I walked away from him as I shook my head, only he could make me feel this shit on a night out. I don't know why he had to bring Ell up every time he found a moment to. Jessica was the only one at the moment that I felt understood me. 

Heading to the bar I could see the back of Jessica's head, I knew it was her, the blue dress she was wearing also gave her away. Walking closer to her I could hear her arguing, I took a step back as I listened, hoping that maybe if she did cause a scene we might get kicked out and then we could just go home. 

"How dare you act like nothing has happened? You just stand there like you belong, you are a joke!" Jessica's distinct voice spoke loudly. 

"Do we have a problem here?" I heard a voice asked, someone who had obviously jumped in.

"It's okay," a familiar voice spoke, I swear I had heard that voice before, I knew that voice from somewhere. "They are just leaving."

"I'm going nowhere!" Jessica snapped, "We've got unfinished business!"

"I don't know who you think you are talking to," the familiar voice said calmly. "But if you don't leave I'll have to chuck you out myself."

"You wouldn't dare!" Jessica dared the woman. 

This was probably my time to step in before it went too far, I knew that Jessica could handle herself and I didn't want her to be causing any more trouble than necessary. If I  let her do what she wanted then she might bring attention to us in the club and that could be more trouble than we could all handle tonight. 

"I think you forget who you are dealing with, Jessica."

I stepped forward and through the crowd, I put my arm around Jessica as I looked up at the person in front of her. I couldn't see her face due to the blonde hair covering it but when I looked at Jessica I knew that something was certainly not right about this situation. 

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