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We made it home around nine in the morning after waiting most of the night to make sure the coast was clear. When the gates opened at the house I breathed in deeply and drove the SUV up to the house, once we were outside our home I abandoned the car, guns in both my hands as I walked rapidly towards the house. 

"Elliott!" My father tried to get my attention as I sped off. 

I needed to get away from him, I needed to take a few moments to regroup. Being with my father for so long hearing all the bad things about how Harry was had made me just need space. 

"Elliott!" He called again as I got to the front door. 

Again I kept my back to him as I opened the door slamming it open seeing nothing but an empty room in front of me. 

"Elliott Cole, stop right there!" My father shouted angrily. 

Stopping in my tracks I closed my eyes, my mind thinking all the worst things. After a few moments I opened my eyes and turned to look at my father who was out of the SUV and standing by the door of it, Louis was the other side of the vehicle watching on waiting to see what was going to happen. 

"What?!" I snapped as I looked at him. Luckily there was only the three of us present right now, I didn't know how it would all go down if all my father's men were around hearing me speak to him like this. 

My hands were shaking as I balled them at my sides and stared at my father, his face was angry, his eyes were narrowed and his lips painted into a nasty smirk. He walked towards me, I stared at the gun in his right hand his arms swinging at his sides. Within a few seconds, he was standing in front of me looking down at me, "Do not walk away when I am talking to you."

I stood there and waited for him to speak knowing if I answered back then I would just be making it worse. He was already pissed off, I didn't need to antagonize him anymore. 

"You can't just go," he told me. "Board room, ten minutes for a debrief."

Biting my bottom lip it took all I had not to snap at him for making me stop over something so petty. Turning away from him I headed into the house and up the stairs, I sprinted towards my bedroom where I flung my door open and entered it before I slammed my door shut and let myself fall on the floor propping myself up against the door laying my guns next to me.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't felt this way before but it was almost like I had been kidnapped all over again the only difference was that this time I had my father. Having my father was good but it wasn't enough. 

As I pushed myself to my feet I wiped my tears that were falling from my eyes with the back of my sleeves. Looking at myself in the mirror I was a mess, I guess that was to be expected having spent the night in a vehicle with no sleep. Turning away from the mirror I headed through to my bathroom where I splashed some cold water on my face waking me up harshly before dabbing it dry then raking a brush through my hair pulling it into a loose ponytail away from my face. 

Pulling my hoodie over my head I stripped out of these old clothes and pulled on a pair of fresh black skinny jeans, a black tee shirt and my trusty leather jacket. Once my father had finished with me in the board room I was heading out, I couldn't stay cooped up in here, I needed to do something. Before I left my bedroom I put my combat boots back on my feet and turned to look at myself in the mirror again.

Although I looked much more awake I still wasn't happy with how I looked. I needed some sleep, I could feel it as my eyelids were heavy and as determined as I was I knew I was struggling. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the two guns on the floor, I yawned as I turned away from my mirror and bent down to pick them up and holding them close to me. 

Looking down at the gun Harry had given me I swallowed hard as I saw a little cross etched in the handle like the tattoo he had on his hand. He'd done that for me, he'd handed me his own gun and trusted me with it, a big step but at the same time, he wasn't even here for me to share this moment with. 

Putting them into my jacket pockets, one in each, I left my bedroom and headed down to the board room. Pushing the door open I entered the room, head down as I found a seat near the back and sat down without even looking up. To be honest, I didn't have the energy to be here right now, I would rather be anywhere but here. 

"I'd just like to thank everyone for all their efforts last night," my father spoke from the front, his voice was loud. "I know we had some losses last night but we should all just be grateful for being here."

Closing my eyes I reached into my jacket pockets and held the handles to the guns as I tried to distract myself from the words leaving my father's mouth. 

"Also," my father's voice was loud indicating to me that he was closer to me. I listened intently with my eyes closed, I could hear footsteps, definitely my father's. I knew the small drag of his left foot anywhere, someone else might not have been able to detect it but it was there. "We may not have been able to find Reagan but we most certainly have something of his that he will want back very soon."

Opening my eyes I looked around to my left where my father's voice had been the loudest, there he was standing by the wall, his eyes were on me as I stared at him, waiting to see what else he had to say. He didn't speak anymore, yet it didn't stop him from keeping the eye contact almost like he was waiting for me to say something. 

After a minute I heard the door burst open, everyone's attention turned away. I looked over, for a moment I didn't quite realise what was happening, for a moment, I was blind to the situation. 

There in the doorway was Niall only he wasn't alone, slouched against him was another male, a bloody mess of a guy. His face was just covered in blood, his brown hair matted and the clothes of the individual were torn as I noticed the piece of clothing tied around the left arm. 

Guns were raised, my mind drawing a blank, Niall had been with the enemy of course guns were raised. "Wait!" I shouted as I got to my feet, my father turning to look at me waiting to hear my excuses, instead, I looked away from my father and to Niall. "What-"

"I told you I would never let anything happen to you," he told me as he staggered towards me. "He's going to need some help."

My father nodded his head to his men giving permission to help the other person, as soon as he'd been moved away I ran over to Niall and hugged him not caring what anyone in this room thought or said. "What are you doing here?" I asked him as I held him close to me. 

"Like I said, anything for you, Ell." He pulled away from me, I could hear people talking behind me but I blocked out all the sounds as I looked at Niall. 

"Why have you come here?" I asked him

"Do you really expect us to help you and your friend?" My father butted in as he stood tall next to me. 

Niall looked passed us and to the man behind us on the ground, I ignored where he was looking as I waited for his answer to my father's question. Niall looked to my father, "Because, that man on the ground is the man you have out there."

My eyes widened as his words sunk in, I turned around and looked down as people helped the blood ridden man on the floor. Taking a few steps closer I kneeled down near his face as a couple of my father's men tended to his wounds. His eyes were closed as I stared down, my hand wiping the blood on his face revealing his skin and his true identity.

"Harry?" I whispered before I realised it was him, "Harry?!"

My emotions were high he didn't respond, he didn't even open his eyes. My insides churned as I looked at Samuel who was closest to me, "You've got to help him, please."

As soon as they realised who it was things seemed to move a little quicker, the urgency set in, Samuel and Lucas quickly taking him out of the room away from everyone. I looked up at my father as I pushed myself up to my feet, he was looking at me his face unreadable as I stood there and rubbed my right hand over my left arm. After a minute he turned away from me and to Niall before he motioned to the door, both of them leaving the room. 

Around me, people started to leave the room until I was alone in the room with only the blood stain on the floor for company. 

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz