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 E L L I O T T C O L E 

My head was spinning as things started to jump out at me, things started to seem too real. 

Just looking at the shackles that attached to the wall drooping onto the floor I started to feel weak like I was back there, it was all too real when I opened my eyes. 

"Styles is a very lucky man," he told me as he used his thumb and fingertips to squeeze my chin and make me look at him. "I wonder how long it will be before he realises he can't save you."

How true his words were, no one could save me. As he disappeared in front of my eyes I shook my head trying to get it all out of my system. I didn't need their reminders if I was to escape here if I was to live I needed a clear head. 

Pulling my right hand from my pocket I checked my palm, the bleeding had stopped leaving my hand tacky where the blood was drying. I put the gun in my right hand before I decided to go for it. 

My heart was beating furiously, almost like it wanted to escape due to the stress I was putting on it. Stepping out of the room I looked towards the stairs before I walked in the opposite direction. The corridor seemed to go on forever and I hoped that maybe somewhere at the end I would find another way out. 

I sped my pace up as I neared the end, my eyes spying a ladder, I seemed to have been walking for ages but finally, there was a way out. I ran to the ladder and looked up, my eyes seeing a grate above me like a drain, climbing the ladder I realised that it was made to look like a grate but it was solid and did not have any gaps to let water in.

Slowly I put my hand on the lid and pushed it testing how heavy it was before I slowly moved it. My insides felt sick and my mouth tasted of metal as I popped my head up a little, my eyes scanning the area before I heard steps approaching, I quickly ducked down and replaced the lid silently before I shook my head to myself. There was no way I could get out from here. 

Heading back down the ladder I decided the best thing to do, the only thing to do was to enter the house and leave through the door. If I could get out the back somehow then I could get over the fence but I had a long way to go till then. 

When I finally got back to the stairs I closed my eyes as I stood behind the door and took a deep breath listening for any signs of life nearby. All I heard was silence, stepping out of the basement area I looked around not seeing anyone. I took everything I had and started to walk out of this area before I headed up the back entrance of the stairs which would bring me up into the bedroom opposite mine. 

Quietly I got up the stairs, my breath calm as I tried to listen as I got to the top. Scanning the room I smiled to myself as I left the room and into my old bedroom. If I was to try and get out of here I would need some supplies in case I didn't succeed. Opening my wardrobe I reached for a handbag and pulled out the pink framed sunglasses which I put on before I looked in the mirror adjusting my hood over my hair before smirking to myself. 

Leaving my bedroom the coast was clear, I neared the bedroom I had found Harry and Jessica in. Reaching for the handle I took a moment to clear my mind, what did I actually need for this room apart from the fact I was being nosy. I didn't care, I had a moment to take a second to be snooping. Putting my hand on the handle and trying it I was disappointed to find it was locked, trying it again I put my shoulder into it but it still didn't budge. 

"Well, fuck," I mumbled to myself as I leaned my head on the door. 

Everything seemed to stop as I heard a click to the left of me, I closed my eyes as I realised it was the very distinct click of a gun. "Move away from the door," his voice was sharp as he spoke to me. I knew it was him, he had a voice so unique that I would know it anywhere. 

Pushing myself off the door with my hands I kept my hands up either side of my head even though the right one was holding the gun I had brought with me. When I looked up through the dark sunglasses I saw him there staring at me. I wondered if he knew who I was right now, if he remembered me for me or if he'd forgotten all about me. I wondered what he would think when he realised it was me all along, would he be angry, would he be relieved?

My hands shook as I held them up, I was shaking because it was him, because it had been so long since I had seen him. I couldn't believe he was here in front of me.

He was every bit the Harry I remembered apart from the large bruise on the side of his head. I stood there like an idiot just staring at him, I didn't expect to be caught having come this far in the house. I was a little struck seeing him topless, something which I had seen maybe twice, my eyes searching over the tattoos on his chest before I looked back into his angry green eyes. 

"Drop the fucking gun!" He snapped as he looked at it. 

My eyes looked to the gun I held in my right hand before I slowly unwrapped my hand from it and let it fall on the floor. My mouth was open a little, I was breathing through my mouth as I realised I had put myself in danger's way. 

He went to speak but there was a loud buzzing sound through the house, he sighed before he reached forward for my face, I took a step back from him as I put my hands out in front of me. "Do-"

"Shut the fuck up!" He was so mad right now and it didn't surprise me. He pointed his gun at me, "Down the stairs, now!"

I narrowed my eyes at him before I tilted my head to the right side as I shook my head, I was not intimidated by him, not when I knew what he was really like. I opened my mouth to speak, to argue with him, to say something, but he quickly and efficiently took the gun he was holding and put it against my chest, making me not say a word as I looked down at the gun on my hoody. 

"I will not hesitate to put a bullet through you, I don't care who you are."

He would pay for every word he said to me later, I would make him pay one way or another. I was not the same person as he remembered. Now I was someone who could easily take someone down, right now though, it wasn't the right time.

I stepped back and turned around, my feet leading the way through the spare bedroom and down the steep staircase leading to the area near dad's office. Harry was right behind me every step of the way, the gun jabbing into my spine as he pushed me into the office. 

He locked me in the office leaving me there on my own. I let out a scream as I realised I was trapped, there really wasn't another way out of this room. Picking up the chairs I threw them at the window even though I knew the reinforced glass would not break. Ignoring everything I knew about my father I yanked open the drawers on the desk throwing the drawers on the floor before I picked up the photo of myself and Thomas taking a moment to stare at it. 

He'd done this, he was also responsible for part of this. He'd been there to help Max. 

Screaming again I smashed the photo against the corner of the desk before pulling the picture of the broken glass. I stared at how young and carefree we looked together, he'd been my actual best friend for many years and somehow he just let all that go, he turned on me, turning me in. 

I hated him, I wanted to kill him. There was someone who brought out the worst in me right now. The anger was bubbling up inside of me as I looked at the photo. 

I heard the door being unlocked and as I looked up I saw my father standing there staring at me as I held the photo of his kids in my hand. He watched me as I tore the photo in two right now the middle of me and Thomas before I dropped both pieces, the side with Thomas landing on the floor, the half with me landing on the desk as I stared at the man I had called dad for all these years.

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt