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Banging on Will's door I stood there in tears as I waited for him to answer. I was angry that my own father hadn't believed me, also that the man who I loved didn't believe me, Harry. It hurt me because I thought he loved me too, he had admitted it to me when I was in the hospital, the nurse had told me so. I remember distinctly. Maybe she was wrong, but it didn't mean that I didn't love him, even now. 

I would have thought after all the time we spent together he would know. We spent all that time together in that house, just the two of us, but he didn't know, he didn't let on if he thought I was telling the truth. 

I banged on the door again before putting my head on the door, I needed Will right now. I needed him to answer the door and tell me everything was going to be okay. When the door opened I steadied myself before looking up at him, my eyes blurry as I stared up at him. 

"What happened?" He asked me as he stepped aside and let me into the house. 

Once the door was closed behind me I closed my eyes as I spoke, "He didn't believe me." And there it was, what hurt me the most, that neither of the two most important men in my lives didn't believe I was me. "They chucked me out like I was nothing."

Will wrapped his arms around me as he let me cry into his chest, my tears coming out fast as I held him close to me for comfort. "You don't need them," he tried to tell me but it wasn't what I wanted to hear. I did need them, they were all I wanted in my life. "You have done so much without them, you've come this far on your own."

His words didn't mean anything right now, I had achieved hardly anything in the past three years apart from escaping Liam and ending what pitiful life Zayn had, it wasn't much really. 

"Can you help me?" I asked Will as I pulled out of his grip and looked up at him. 

He opened his mouth a little as he thought about what I was saying, "What do you want me to help you with?" 

I shrugged my shoulders, "I have no idea." I groaned as I sat on the bottom step of the stairs, "I dunno. I think I'm going to move on, you know?" I shook my head as I held my head in my hands as I realised I was talking gibberish. "There is nothing left here for me now."

Will sat on the floor in front of me and put a hand on my knee, "I'm here for you."

Smiling at him I put my hand over his, "I kind of forced you to have me here. If I go then you get your home back, you get to not worry about anyone else."

"I guess I like you being here. It's nice to have someone to talk to, someone who I can just be myself with."

His words were kind, "Thank you." I leaned my head on the bannister as I looked down at him. "Do you think we were meant to meet?" I asked him as I wiped my tears away with my sleeve of the hoody as they started to dry up. 

"If you are asking if I believe in destiny, then no. Do I think I was meant to let you into my car that night? Then yes. I think somehow we were supposed to be friends." Will smiled at me as he took his hand back from my knee. "Maybe I am meant to help you," he told me, "You've helped me."

"How have I?"

He laughed, "I have never let anyone into my house. I have never let anyone into my life before. You are the first person in years that I would call a friend."


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Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now