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Everything around here was so boring, this was the definition of hell. If I thought there was a heaven and there was a hell, this would be exactly how I thought hell would be. Being stuck in a house with no windows and no way to the outside was not my idea of fun, it was in a word, hell.

All Harry wanted to do was keep me locked up on my father's say so... I hated every second of it. 

"Elliott," sometimes his voice verged on beautiful, sometimes his voice verged on annoying, tonight it was annoying. Looking up from my bed I saw him standing in the doorway, his arms were crossed across his exposed tattooed chest as he looked down at me as I was lying on my bed. "Are you actually going to do anything today?"

"What is there to do?" I asked him as I looked away from him, closing my eyes I allowed the darkness to consume my vision as I listened to his steady breathing and then his voice. 

"There are some games downstairs," he told me. His voice was refreshing in the darkness that was my mind and vision. 

Opening my eyes I looked back in his direction before shaking my head, "Please leave me alone. Stop trying to make this whole situation seem normal, this is not normal."

"You are so stubborn," he told me as he sighed. "Just, do you really want to stay here and be miserable?"

Narrowing my eyes I looked away from him, I shook my head to myself this time. I couldn't believe that he was trying to be friendly after everything he'd put me through since being in this house. I thought about the situation with the guns when we first arrived, we'd been here a while since then but even now there was something about him that terrified me deep down. 

"Leave me alone, Harry." Even saying his name felt foreign as I pulled my blanket close to me, I covered my body with it and stared at the wall in front of me. 

This place was driving me crazy, there was no way I wanted to spend the rest of my life here till I was safe. I hoped my father would find a way to make everything safe soon. 

I heard him let out a breath, a long steady breath. "Look, Elliott, whilst you are here I have to keep you safe-"

"That doesn't include you entertaining me."

"For fuck sake," he cursed under his breath. "I just want to make sure you are okay. I want to make sure you are safe."

"Don't pretend that you care!" I snapped as I flung the blanket off my body and as I moved to sit up and then stand I stared at him. "This is just a job for you, so please stop with the bullshit caring act."

He let out a cold laugh, "Oh I do care." His voice was chilling as I froze in place by the bed. I was going to walk closer to him but something about his voice that made me change my mind. "You're right about one thing, this is just a job and that is what I care about, I care about keeping you safe to save myself."

"-said she would come and see her." I heard my father's voice speaking about a woman, I had missed the beginning of the sentance and I doubted I was going to find out who he was speaking about when I heard a beeping, the pace of the beeping when I first heard anything was steady but as I woke the beeping quickened and when my eyes opened the machine I was hooked up to was the first thing I saw confirming my thoughts that it was a monitor on me. "Elliott," I heard my father's voice, it was calm and comforting. Turning my head to see him I was surprised to see Thomas sitting next to him. 

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now