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Bea sent me home after that little incident, I found myself laying on the sofa with my feet over Niall's thighs as we watched something random on the television. He'd made a phone call before he'd settled with me, I had no idea who he'd phoned but all I knew was I couldn't get Harry out of my head no matter how hard I tried. 

The stupid film in front of me wasn't helping, Niall had picked up and now I was just getting wound up as I looked away from it. My eyes focused on the ceiling as I tried to think about something, but all I could think about was him. 

I wondered if he knew it was me? He must have, he chased after me. 

What was he even doing there with Jessica? Had it all happened as she planned all them years ago? I had thought about nothing else for that first year, now it was all in my face. 

"Did you ring Liam?" I asked Niall as I sat up facing him and crossed my legs under my body. 

Niall looked at me, "I had to."

Sucking my lips in I nodded slowly, more to myself than him. I wondered what Liam had to say, I can imagine he wasn't very happy. I had seen him lose his shit when one of his girls who worked for him got into trouble, what would happen to me? I imagined he was on his way here right now which was probably the reason behind watching a film so late. 

"Niall?" I sighed as I leant against the shoulder on my left shoulder. "Do I look different?"

He laughed, "What are you talking about? You look like yourself." He shook his head as he looked at me before he raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?" His voice was soft and understanding as he spoke. 

"That guy tonight," I started to say before closing my eyes wondering if I had made a mistake in telling him. 


My eyes widened when I opened them, looking directly at Niall, "How did you-"

"It's my job to know," Niall reminded me as he turned the volume down on the film before he faced me again. "Did you think Liam would let me be out here with you without doing my research."

Shrugging my shoulders, "I don't know." I played with my thumbs looking down at them as I spoke again, "What is Liam going to do?"

"He'll be here shortly," Niall told me quietly.

Moving my legs from under me I knew I had a lot of explaining to do even though none of this was my fault. If I knew Liam like I thought I did, then he was not going to let this lie.

 If I knew Liam like I thought I did, then he was not going to let this lie

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"All of this, everything I have done is for your own good, Elliott." Liam had arrived not long ago and he had been telling me what he thought was the best things for me right now. "You need to get your stuff together."

"Please," I looked at him with desperate eyes as I thought of nothing more than Harry, "I won't cause any trouble. I won't draw any attention to myself. Don't make me leave." I didn't want to go, what if I never go another opportunity to see him again, what if that was it and I just ran away. "Please, Liam."

He sighed as he looked down at me, I was sitting on the sofa looking up at him as he stood just a few paces in front of me. Niall had disappeared into his bedroom away from Liam and myself, giving Liam the privacy to say what he needed to say. "Every time you don't just do as I say, you test my patience. Every time you test my patience I debate whether all this was worth it and when I do that I wonder what I can do with you next." He told me as he shook his head, his voice sounded disappointed more than angry, his face looked angry though. "I can't trust you."

"You can trust me," I told him. "All I want is to stay here with Bea, I love working with her." It wasn't a lie, she really was a good boss when it came to it. She was also a good friend, that was something I didn't want to lose.

Liam pinched the bridge of his nose before he turned away from me, taking a few steps from me before he ran his hands through his hair looking back at me. "Elliott-"

"I'm not going!" I snapped cutting him off standing my ground as I stood up and looked him directly in the eye. 

I watched him as his facial expression changed from one of disbelief to surprise before he breathed out a long breath slowly, his face relaxing. "Do you think you have a say?" He asked me as he stepped towards me closing the small gap between us. 

Stepping back for him I fell back on the sofa, I couldn't leave, I couldn't just go. 

"Get your stuff together, Elliott."

Sucking in my bottom lip I bit as I stared up at Liam defiantly, "I know you don't think I can be trusted but don't you think I would have said something because I could have."

Liam balled his fists at his sides, his lips sucked in and his eyes closed before he slowly opened them, he reached around to his back and pulled a gun around pushing it towards my face. "Get your fucking shit together, you're leaving!" 

My eyes followed the gun as he moved it with me as I got to my feet and backed away from him. Sure I'd seen Liam angry before but this was different, never had he pulled a gun on me and looked like he meant it. Getting into my bedroom I shoved all my things into the bag I arrived with before walking towards the door, my eyes catching my reflection in the mirror. 

I should have really been more grateful and respectful to Liam considering everything he'd done for me. He'd let me live, he might have brought me but he did many things for me that he didn't need to. Running my fingers on my left hand over my right cheek I just couldn't believe how smooth it was, how it looked like nothing ever happened to me, how I looked like Elliott Cole, apart from the blonde hair and the weight loss. 

I jumped when there was a pounding on the bedroom door, moving away from the mirror I pulled open the door and looked at Liam who was standing there, gun in hand and a look of pure hate on his face. "Let's go," he told me as he waved his gun towards the stairs. 

Taking my bag, I walked passed him and headed down the stairs where Niall was waiting with his belongings. He opened the door and I followed him as we walked over to the large black SUV that was parked nearby, Bea was standing by the vehicle with her own suitcase and a look of annoyance on her face. 

"This is crazy!" Bea announced as she shook her head as the lights on the SUV flashed signalling it was unlocked. She grabbed hold of the door and opened the door as she looked over in Liam's direction, "I'm not moving every time there is a fuck up in the camp. I didn't sign up to be in no moving circus."

"You're in my circus, Bea, I hate to remind you of that. The moment you came begging was the moment you became part of this." Liam reminded her in a harsh voice before he looked at me and pointed to the passenger seat of the SUV using his gun. "Get in!"

I watched the gun waving around before he moved it away from me, I opened the door to the vehicle and climbed in taking my case in with me and slamming the door behind me as I sat in the high seat. I sucked my bottom lip in and looked up at the sky as I leaned back in the chair, things were looking bleak, things were going to get real boring for Liam quite soon if he kept moving me around, he'd either end up moving all the time or just outright killing me, right now the latter sounded like a much better option. 

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