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H A R R Y S T Y L E S 

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H A R R Y S T Y L E S 

Knowing that Jessica was safe upstairs I set to work on the task in hand. When Will had not produced any results regarding Elliott, Terry had requested he be brought back to Granston for a chat. Now he had been here for four days in the basement, all he had was a bottle of water not much else. 

Entering the room and turning the light on I watched as the man tied to a chair squinted his eyes and tried to shield them from the light since he'd been in the dark the whole time. 

"Shall we talk about where Elliott is now?" I asked him as I stepped closer to him. 

The black eye he'd received from myself was looking particularly nasty as I checked it out. 

"You have all the information on her," he told me as he referred to the book I had found at his property. The book provided basic information but this was Elliott, she could be anywhere really. 

I shook my head, "We've checked the hotel, she's not there."

Will shrugged his shoulders as he looked at me, "I have no idea then. She rings me most days to check in, to let me know where she is."

"Why would she tell you anything?" I asked him angrily as I frowned at the thought of her trusting this man in front of me. He was barely a man, he was a loner who didn't deserve the attention she was giving him, the attention that I craved from her. I just didn't understand how she had put so much trust into this guy, she wasn't usually the trusting type but with Will, she'd told him where she was going, she was relying on his help and that irked me. 

He shrugged his shoulders, "She just needed a friend."

Scoffing I looked him up and down, "You aren't her friend. People like you don't have friends." I shook my head. "I need to find her, where would she go?"

"I couldn't possibly help you with that," he narrowed his eyes at me as a smirk crossed his lips. "After all, I couldn't possibly be friends with someone like Elliott who would tell me anything."

Breathing heavily through my nose I was beginning to get really wound out by his answers. Elliott would not trust him, she didn't trust anyone. 

As I raised my fist I was interrupted by the sound of the walkie talkie crackling before I heard John's voice, "Cole, Styles, you're going to want to see this."

I put my fist down and grabbed my walkie talkie from the sideboard and pressed the button, "This had better be good."

"You have a visitor."

I looked back at Will who was just sitting there waiting before I left him there leaving the room and heading up the stairs and to the office where Terry was having a snooze. I looked at the screens before sighing, they were still off as we hadn't gotten around to fixing them up. 

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now