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Cradling my arms around myself I shivered as the cold wind blew through me, my hair blew away from my face and all I could see was dust as I stood in my back garden. It was the back garden from when I was little, there was the little red slide that I loved alongside Thomas' large wooden climbing frame that had a swing attached to it. Scattered over the grass was all the toys we used on a daily basis including my favourite doll, Lissa. I crouched down and gathered the doll in my arms as I held her and looked down at her dirty face before I looked back up, standing in the doorway was my brother, a smile on his face. 

"Are you coming to play?" I asked him as I motioned with my free hand to the doll in my hand. 

Thomas shook his head, "Aren't you a bit old for dolls, Elliott?"

Shaking my head at him I laughed, "Please play?"

He sighed as he moved away from the door, he walked towards me and sat down in front of me which made me smile and copy his actions. "What do you want to play?"

I grinned widely, "Let's play hide and seek."

Thomas rolled his eyes before he nodded, "Okay. I'll count first."

Leaving Lissa on the ground in front of me I got to my feet as I headed away from my brother, heading into the house. I noticed as I dashed through that everything was from my childhood, the wellies by the back door, the old fridge with drawings on it, the carpet on the stairs, everything was so old. 

Running up the stairs, my feet only taking a step at a time I giggled as I got to the top and headed towards my dad's bedroom. Thomas would never think to look in here, I hid under the bed which was easy enough to roll under before I bit my lip and laid there on my front waiting. 

As I waited I looked at the things under the bed, I found a shoe box which looked like it had been gathering dust, pulling it closer my hands smudged the dust as I pulled the lid off. My eyes widened as I looked in the box, my hands reaching inside and pulling out a small gun which looked suspiciously like a toy. 

I rolled out from under the bed and holding the gun up I opened the door as I looked around for Thomas who was coming up the stairs. "Thomas!" I called to him, "Look what I found!"

He appeared in front of me but he wasn't as happy as I was when he saw what I was holding. "Where did you find that?"

"It was under dad's bed, isn't it cool? Why is he hiding toys from us?" I asked as I pointed it playfully towards him. "Do you want to have a go?"

Thomas shook his head, "I'm going to find dad."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I watched him walk away from me, I wrinkled up my nose in disgust. Why wasn't he as excited as my find as I was? I shrugged my shoulders as I headed towards my own bedroom at the end of the hall. Pushing the door open I found Jessica in my room, she was sitting on my bed as she stared at me. 

"When did you get here?" I asked her, I was confused as it was only me and Thomas here to play. 

She laughed, "I've been here all along." She looked at the gun in my hand, "Can I have a look?"

Handing it to her I smiled, "I found it under my dad's bed, isn't it cool?"

Jessica played with it in her hands before she held it out pointing it at me, "I wish my dad had things like this lying around my home." She smiled at me, "Let's play then." I watched her as she pressed on the trigger, the loud sound rushing through the room, through my head.

Sitting up I woke in a cold sweat, I grimaced as the pain in my stomach returned due to moving too quickly. Looking at the bed next to me I realised I was alone, I sighed as I laid back down and looked at the spot next to me which was now empty. I wondered when he left if anyone knew he was here with me if he returned to her after being here with me. 

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now