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My eyes scanned the room for a sign, anything. I needed to know how long I had been here and what happened to me. Taking a bullet to the stomach is not a good thing, surely there must have been a lot of damage. Mustering up the courage and all the strength I could I pushed myself on my elbows hissing as the pain shot through me. I could see my notes clipped to the end of my bed, all I had to do was sit up and reach forward to grab them. Breathing in deeply I held my breath as I pushed myself into a sitting position ignoring all the pain in my body. 

I took a moment to refresh myself, I needed to breathe just to try and expel the pain in my stomach. Surely this stupid drip was supposed to be giving me some kind of pain relief, I had no idea what it was doing but right now it wasn't helping. I leaned forward and stretching my fingertips I hooked the clipboard from the bed and pulled the notes towards me before I laid back down. 

My eyes closed as I tried to relax, I needed to get my breath back after all that moving around. The words blurred as I tried to make sense of the notes that were there. It seemed to be a chart measuring my blood pressure and resps, not that I knew what any of it meant. 

I was a burden right now, a burden to this hospital, a burden to whoever was waiting for me on the other side of the door and a burden to life. I wished that Harry would come through that door and we could just pretend that everything was okay, that we were okay but I knew it wasn't going to happen. I wished that my father would come through the door with open arms and take me home. Mostly though, right now, I wished that Will would return, I wished he knew how much I needed a group friend and he was the only one I would have said was that person. 

Putting the clipboard on my bed I reached for my stomach, my hands pushing the blanket off me before pulling up the drab hospital grade nightdress before I saw a bandage covering my stomach. I let out a groan before I covered it back up and pulled the blanket over me again. I probably wouldn't get to leave this place for a while, not after being shot. 

I still couldn't believe he'd done it. 

"I hope you've all had time this past week to do your homework," Miss Bradbury said as she stood at the front of the classroom before she took her seat behind her desk and looked over at the class. A chorus of groans echoed around the room, myself included as she laughed. "Everyone is going to have the opportunity to speak today." 

My eyes looked around to the person next to me, today Maxine Mackenzie had decided to sit next to me, first time for everything I suppose. I looked away from her before I pulled my homework from my bag, a couple of pages I had printed from the computer with some garbage I knew Miss Bradbury would want to hear. 

"So," Miss Bradbury smiled, everyone looked at her as she looked down at her notes before speaking again. "I asked you all last week what you wanted to do when you grew up, what job you wanted, I wrote down everyone's answers. I hope after thinking about the assignment that you have all truly thought about the future and what you want to do with your life. All this thought with the mindset of this is your only life, you never know when today is your last day."

I hated this lesson sometimes due to the morbid nature. I knew she was trying to take something grim and spin it but did any of us teenagers actually want to think about death. All I wanted to do was get drunk and pass out, I didn't want to think about not waking up.

"Let's start shall we," she looked down at the book in front of her before she looked up, her eyes on me. "Your answer last week as a little vague, Elliott. So maybe you have something a little more substantial this week?"

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