Chapter 24

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"Augh...damn" Gary groaned at the sharp pain on his lower right abdomen, blinking his eyes rapidly to focus on his surroundings.

First thing Gary noticed around him was the familiar cold metal floors and the whirring sound of a ship.
Why is it everytime Gary has anything to do with a ship it's something bad?

Sitting up with a groan, the second thing Gary noticed was that his new shirt was missing and that there was a hole on the pained area

"Great" he mumbled to himself which sent him on fits of coughs.
He placed a shaky hand on the gunshot wound and looked besides him, noticing now that he was in a cell.

Gary tried to process everything, laying back down and closing his eyes.
So.... Gary had a hole in his belly welly and was trapped inside a ship probably by that weird guy he probably knows but has no memory of.

It seems that lately men want him...

Want him dead that is.

"Sleeping beauty is awake" the man laughed as he walked in with three guards behind him.
One of the guards was an ugly blue alien with some green drool while the other two were wearing their uniform helmets.
From the two, wearing the huge helmets, one of them was far too short to which Gary assumed was a dwarf species of alien.

"Pfft" Gary began laughing "what are those two? Bobble heads?" He laughed despite his situation he was in, taking short breaks to cough in pain.

"Oh you think you're funny now, eh?" The man  growled, gesturing to the blue alien.
With a nod, the blue alien opened up the cell and forced Gary up, poiting a gun to his head.

"Lets see if you find this funny, Goodspeed" The man grinned "Dr Bluestein- do it" the man nodded, watching Gary stumble to his knees once Bluestein pushed him down

"Ow what the fu-" Gary glared at the blue alien before he whezed when the man booted him suddenly on his stomach.

The smaller alien flinched, stepping forwards but was held back by the other taller one

"I told ya I'd get ya sooner or later, Gary" he grinned "now tell me where my diamond-"
Bluestein cleared his throat

"I mean...our diamond is"

Gary coughed a few times, lifting the back of his hand to clean his chin
"Sorry- uuuh...who are you again?"

Silence set in, the man blinking in surprise.
The human man glanced at the blue alien before looking back at Gary

"What the- its me! You stole a diamond from us- remember?" He barked "was blue and tiny-"

"Oh yeah yeah-" Gary nodded, remembering the diamond he stole right before he met Quinn "I lost it"

Silence again, everyone looking at Gary in disbelief.

"You lost....a item worth lost it?" Dr Bluestein repeated in disbelief

"It's quite a funny story really" Gary chuckled, coughing a bit before he began to ramble "so right after you two were like chasing me all like 'I'm going to kill you! Raaagh!'- I hid in this bar place where there were lots of Infin-"

Another kick, though this time to the face.

"Augh! Would you stop that!" Gary groaned, sniffing as he felt his nose begin to bleed as well.

"Bluestein- you two" The man gestured for the guards to follow, Bluestein poiting a gun against his head

"Go on" he shoved Gary forwards, gesturing him to follow.

"So like....Daniel" Gary followed, trying to start small talk despite the circumstances

"Im not Daniel!" The man span, screaming in his face


"No! I'm- its- Ugh! It's Derek damn it!" Derek shouted, lifting his fist ready to punch Gary when Bluestein shook his head "right...." Derek huffed, stomping away.

Gary sighed, following after as he took occasional glances at his own wound.
He couldn't run now, he was surrounded by people who would easily outrun him in his condition.

"Thats a pretty nasty wound" Bluestein ran a finger against Gary's back, making the other shiver at the touch- his back had become more sensitive after the cut.

"Yeah- feels nasty too" Gary spat, disliking the touch from a stranger

"Here we are" Derek interrupted them, gesturing Gary to a chair.
Bluestein, smashed the gun against Gary's back, making him yelp as he fell forwards towards the chair.

The room was round and vast, a single chair in the middle as many items were scattered around- items that could only be used to hurt.
At the end of the room, stood the man that had chased Gary the other day. He was wearing tight black clothes and the same metal plates, a helmet in hand.

The same helmet as the man that had burned down Gary's apartment.

"You guys wait outside, I'll deal with him" Derek laughed as he walked to get cuffs for Gary.

"Come on" Bluestein turned his back to Gary to shoo the two guards away who seemed against leaving and whispered among eachother "You can watch the show from outside"

Gary's eyes wouldn't leave the man who slowly put on the helmet. Things finally clicking together.

Gary was in no condition to do so....but if he didn't he'd certainly die.

So Gary took the chance while Dr Bluestein and Derek were looking away, grabbing the chair and taking Derek's gun from his back pocket.

"Hey!" Derek shouted as Mantis got into position to chase. Just as Mantis was about to jump forwards Gary threw the chair and shot Derek's leg, making a run for it.

"Oh no you don't-" Bluestein snapped the gun towards Gary who grabbed it without hesitation with his metal hand, turning the gun just enough so when the laser went through his metal hand it wouldn't hurt him.

"Dont look so blue" Gary grinned, twisting Dr Bluesteins hand behind his back and poiting the gun to his head.
"Move" Gary ordered, his tone cold towards the two guards as he pressed the gun closer to Bluestein's head.

The two guards got into a fighting stance, leaving Gary to try think of another solution- there's no way he could take both of them without the element of surpris-

"Ah!" Gary screamed when he saw Mantis' shadow behind him in the reflection of the windowed doors, quickly jumping away from the fire that shot out of the metal plate.
His eyes widened as Bluestein stood and Mantis made his way to him with the same knife that cut his back k in the other wrist plate. The two guards charging foward as well.

Time seemed to slow down as Gary's eyes scattered around the room, falling on the vent behind him. He quickly shot the vent and kicked it open, shooting Bluestein in the head as he crawled inside.

He did tell the other guys to move.

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