Chapter 40

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"Come on Gary, I was just trying to keep you from getting lost again" Avocato said, his voice holding laughter behind it and his ears perked up with the satisfaction of what he had done

"Do you know how terrifying it is to ride the stairs of hell upside down?!" Gary's face was still red from embarrassment and the feel of...someone's hand still on his buttcheek

"It was just escalators Gary" Little Cato laughed as he ate the rest of his cheery meal

"Exactly" Gary ate one of his fries as he stared at the distance, almost as if remembering something traumatic

The trio had been sat down for a while, eating their orders. Gary decided to have something fatty as he hadn't in a while and Little Cato wanted to try the same food, Avocato, however, decided to order something more healthy from another place, meeting his son and Gary at the table later.

Avocato watched the two eat, his eyes drifting to Gary's cheek as he chewed. What was it called again? Ah...yes...rabbit- Gary reminded Avocato a lot of that animal.

Before Avocato had noticed, he was already reaching over to poke Gary's cheek, leaving the human confused as all he did was mutter "soft" before returning to his own food.

"Fluffy" Gary copied Avocato's actions, poking his cheek as well before grinning childishly as he returned to his own food. He didn't understand what Avocato was doing but assumed it was a ventraxian thing.

Avocato noticed something, however...he noticed that when it came to Gary he was weak. The moment he felt the man's soft poke on his cheek his ears instantly burned and he felt his stomach do flips (but perhaps that was the food...he wasnt sure) and worst yet- Avocato liked it.

Once they were all done, Little Cato insisted they go check the games stores around which Avocato had no reason to refuse.

"Gary! Do you know what this is?" Little Cato said dramatically as he held the game in one hand while the other wiggled its fingers

"" Gary glanced at Avocato to see if he knew though only received a shrug

"Yes! No- Not just any game!" Little Cato grinned, practically shoving the game in Gary's face "this here is an adventure game where you get to complete super cool quests and kill monsters and stuff!"

"Woah! Thats super tight" Gary had no idea what Little Cato meant but he tried to match his excitement

"Right?! Then there's this one guy-" the boy pointed to a character on the front "he's my favourite because he's an assassin! He fights with two blades and is all-" Little Cato proceeded to give a cool pose- the kind of cool pose you'd see a man in a corner of a club do as he is too cool for dancing and everyone thinks he's mysterious and cool because he is mysterious and cool.
"Hmph" Little Cato huffed quietly with a deep voice, flipping his imaginary hair. Gary waited for the rest...


"Wait? Hmph? Thats it?" Gary asked, one eyebrow raised in amusement at Little Cato as Avocato only chuckled in amusement

"Exactly! Because he is that cool!" Little Cato grinned

"Oh my're right- that does make you cool" Gary gasped

"How so?" Avocato smiled in amusement.
Gary didn't answer, instead he crossed his arms and tried to make a cool pose as well, looking at Avocato before

"Hmph" he turned away slowly

"I-" Avocato laughed "I still don't see it"

"Oh come on! It was cool- anyone would've seen it" Gary turned back

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