Chapter 38

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The building was tall and freakishly big, it was a well known hotel among planets around and many flew miles just to come.

Gary at first didn't see the big deal, why fly all the way to an hotel when there's many pretty much everywhere- then again he wasn't much of a picky person as he never had the luxury to pick.
Clutching onto the strap of his backpack, Gary understood now why people went through the trouble, the building was beautifully painted and was pretty much surrounded by amazing amounts of fun.

The trio were standing in line, a line that was devided into many so everyone would get attended by an employee faster. Nervously, Gary shifted to stand closer to Avocato, he didn't feel comfortable around crowds ever since he entered downtown.

Avocato payed now mind, at least Gary thought, so he didn't hesitate to allow their arms to brush against eachother as he inched closer.
Unlike Gary, Little Cato seemed to be both excited and bored out of his mind. The line was slow to him but he knew it would be worth it.

The child and human shared short conversations, Gary glad that he was momentarily distracted until it was their turn to enter.

The inside looked a lot like an airport. People were getting their bags checked and passing by machines to make sure no one carried anything dangerous.
It was weird, to say the least, but it was the solution they had come up with after the many attacks they had gotten.

The hotel works differently than others. Everyone would enter and get checked up for any illegal or dangerous items, then you'd get a card that allowed you in the hotel and your room, the hotel being closed off to anyone else.

Avocato glanced down as he felt something tug at his sleeve, feeling his stomach flip as he noticed Gary was the one holding it and not Little Cato- Little Cato was far too busy admiring the place.
Avocato noted that Gary looked around nervously as he tried to hold onto his sleeve as lightly as possible. Judging by the way Gary was living, the conversation they heard from Derek and people after Gary- it was safe for Avocato to assume Gary hadn't been in such a nice place before.

"Next!" One of the guards yelled out, making Gary jump as they were the ones next in line.

"Come on" Avocato mustered his best comforting smile, one that he only used on his son, and took Gary's hand to drag him along.

Gary stumbled as Avocato took his hand, warmth rising up his arm as the smallest of smiles creeps on his lips. He felt safe with Avocato here, with his holding onto his hand.
Avocato's hands were large compared to Gary's, they were both soft yet tough due to handling weapons regularly and Gary found himself quite liking the feel of his hand on his.

Disappointed washed over Gary when the other had let go to place the bags on the moving belt so it could get checked up. Gary sighed as he placed his own bag down, removing the things necessary before joining Avocato and Little Cato in removing his boots.

Gary waited for Avocato to go through first, turning to look at him only to feel himself blush at the sight.
Before him, Avocato was biting the bottom of his shirt to keep it up as he unbuckled his belt.
Swallowing hard, Gary found his eyes drifting to the white patch of fur that could most definitely be his "happy trail"

"Gary!" Little Cato called, making the other jump and quickly advert his obvious staring "Come on!"

"Ah- o-okay" Gary nodded as he awkwardly walked through the machine, his cheeks still flushed in both shame and embarrassment to have stared at Avocato- the man who so kindly is helping him and is basically his boss.


No way...
Was Gary just staring at Avocato just now?

Avocato couldn't help but chuckle at the idea, glancing back at the blonde as he walked through the machine.

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