Chapter 34

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Gary wasn't used to such attention, he was much more used to people recognising him on bounties rather than the "regular primate that beat the soldiers in a race with a kid on his back".

The children seemed to look up to him in a weird way, they assumed anyone that was related to Lord Commander's second in command would have to be amazing but Gary....Gary was just Gary.

Avocato stood tall despite wearing his regular clothes, anyone being able to tell who he was by the aura he gave off. The Ventraxian couldn't help but chuckle as Gary ever so slightly hid behind him, not wanting any more attention- if only Gary knew that by getting closer to Avocato it would only call more attention upon them.

"Bye dad! Bye m- Gary!" Little Cato waved with a huge smile, genuinely happy that both his parents had come to drop him off (not that Gary was his mother yet)

"Oh! Have fun Little Cato!" Gary seemed to suddenly forget everyone, waving and matching the boy's excitement while Avocato only gave a small nod with a smile, blinking slowly at his son.

Little Cato seemed to smile even wider at his father, giving a very obvious slow blink back before bleping and running inside.

"What was up with that?" Gary curiously looked between Avocato and where Little Cato had run off to

"Don't know what you're talking about" Avocato span on his heel, making his way down to the streets

"You know! The thing!" Gary jogged after, walking backwards once he was in front of Avocato

"What thing?" Avocato continued playing clueless, not wanting Gary finding out for some odd reason

"You know..." Gary gestured with his hands, trying to explain. Once the human realized he wasnt doing a very good job, he closed his eyes the same way the two had done before opening again.

Avocato felt his stomach flip and his heart pick up, without a second thought blinking slowly back at Gary

"That!" Gary stopped poiting at Avocato's face with a huge grin "is it some kind of secret message between cat people?"

Avocato stopped, nearly bumping into Gary as he felt his face heat up at the realisation that he had just blinked back at Gary. He stared at Gary's goofy face, smiling cluelessly

"We aren't cats- we are Ventraxians" he corrected, ignoring the other's remark.
He couldn't let the other know what certain Ventraxians gestures meant- such as this one...

"And don't even try to guess what it means" Avocato interrupted Gary who only puffed his cheeks now.

Chuckling, Avocato poked his cheeks back in and continued walking, leaving Gary to throw a small tantrum over the untold "Cat people" secrets.

Much to many Ventraxians dislikes, Ventraxians and cats were quite similar. When a Ventraxian closes his eyes in the presence of another living being it is a sign of trust and affection- a simple "I love you".

Gary spent most of their trip taking guesses on what it meant as well as giving Avocato many obvious slow blinks.

"Stop that" Avocato shoved Gary's face away as they entered another shop to buy the things they needed for the trip, he seemed to be surprisingly flustered by Gary's actions.

While Gary sulked and whined on how he wanted to know what it meant, Avocato's mind was still running wild at the previous realisation.
He had never shown such affection to his previous "friends" (that were really just people he worked with) way less with his wife whom he was forced to marry.

Things started clicking together for the Ventraxian.
The odd feeling he got when around Gary, being unusually comfortable around Gary, showing his true self around Gary...

Avocato sighed at how obvious it all was.

He was in love with the human.

"Avocato!" Gary whined, tugging on the back of his jacket like a child "what does it mean? I'm going to go crazy if I don't know! I won't be able to sleep at all now!"

Avocato turned to look at Gary, his lips were pouting cutely as he looked up at the Ventraxian with pleading eyes.

"There's no way I can tell you" he spoke through gritted teeth, trying the best to hold back the intrusive thoughts

"Why not! Pretty please" Gary tried begging again, smiling innocently at the other only for Avocato to pull on his cheeks

"I said no-" Avocato held back an amused grin, smashing Gary's face together "now let's go get you some swimming trunks, alright?"

"Okay" Gary sighed, giving up and allowing Avocato to smash his cheeks together.

At that moment, it took Avocato's whole being not to kiss the man.

The two began looking for something for Gary to be able to swim in.
While Gary was looking at the board shorts that were much longer and went down to the knee, Avocato was looking at some swim briefs.

"Do you prefer to wear those?" Gary asked, intrigued by the images of Avocato wearing those deep in his mind

"Hm?" Avocato hummed, taking one of the briefs in hand "no, my fur would get stuck and its super uncomfortable. I just think you'd look good in these" Avocato answered, not really thinking

He had only realized what he said when he turned to Gary who's face was flushed
"I couldn't wear those- too revealing" Gary laughed nervously, turning back to the other section.

Avocato was disappointed in himself as well as the fact Gary wouldn't wear these.

"Then which kind do you prefer?" He asked, walking after the human

"These, I guess?" Gary shrugged, taking one of the longest trunks "But I'm not sure, sometimes they scratch and make rashes" Gary sighed

"Then...How's these?" Avocato picked up swimming trunks that were much shorter than the other, not reading the label and just wanting for the other to feel comfortable

"Oh! That should work" Gary smiled, taking the pair in hand before it was swiped away "hey!"

"Whats your size?" Avocato asked, looking through all shades of blue

"That's rude to ask! I can look for it myself" Gary huffed

"Fine- then pick this color, it will suit you" Avocato lifted one pair of blue trunks  "pink will look good as well" he nodded

"Oh...okay?" Gary laughed, doing as told and picking out some trunks of the same blue shade "thanks Avocato" he smiled

Avocato's tail swayed behind him happily but his expression remained the same as he took the shorts and payed for them.

Neither of the two realizing the trunks were booty swimming shorts.

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