Chapter 53

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Mantis watched the woman with great interest, seeing how she drank much more calmly now that she had what she was after. There was no more random cups flying around and no more bottles shattering against the walls, just the quiet sipping on a fancy glass of whisky.

"Have you decided what to do with them?" He asked, standing in the middle of the room as he looked at Sheryl who sat, nursing her drink

"Well...not exactly" She hummed "Thats the general, I have no need for more enemies especially the Lord commander-" she groaned as she stood, stretching before downing her drink and slamming against the wood of her desk "so we'll have to kill them off, both parent and child, before that gremlin finds out we did"

"I'd like to do it" Mantis offered quickly, hand coming up to caress his healing arm that Avocato had dislocated

"Yes- sure, whatever" Sheryl shrugged as she made her way towards him "only problem is I can't decide..." she smiled wickedly "I can't decide whenever I should kill them in front of Gary or Gary in front of them"

Mantis trembled, her voice was dark- heavy with venom, hatred but also power and joy. He felt a grin tug at the edges of his lips, spreading to match her own wicked grin

"And my payment?" He tried once again

"Be patient, my lapdog" Sheryl walked past, lazily waving as she walked through the dum lit hallway.

The halls were dark and his cell cold but even so Gary found comfort in the hand that wrapped around his. They had been laying down like this for a while. Gary holding Avocato's hand, Avocato holding Gary's hand.
None of the two had dared to utter a word, both finding comfort in the warmth seeping from their fingertips to their hearts, the quiet stuttering purrs from the child sleeping in Avocato's arms, the unspoken idioms of consolation in their eyes.

Both had studied one another. Gary took in the feeling of the warm fur on Avocato's hand, the soft pink pads that made his heart dance. Avocato let his eyes drift to study every freckle on Gary's arm, every crease in his smooth palm.
They were sure, that they had memorised each and every small detail in their eyes, every vein and wave, every mixture of color that brought out the color they both grew to love so much.

Avocato had watched Gary's terrified eyes slowly dilate the longer he looked into his own and watched the pupil shrink once again without a single flinch as his mother footsteps were heard coming closer.

He didn't want to let go...
Neither did.

Even so, Gary was the first to pull away as he sat up and leaned back against his cell, expecting to see his mother soon.
Avocato didn't move. He remained in the same position he had been since the night before, hand reaching out if Gary were to ever need to hold his hand again.

"Mornin' fellas" Sheryl greeted with a lazy grin, coming to a stop in front of both cells with her hands on her hips.
Her voice wasn't loud but it had been loud enough to wake the sleeping kit, making the smaller flinch and cling onto his father's chest as Avocato finally sat up as well, wrapping his arms protectively around his son.

It must have been quite a sight for Sheryl, her son's hopeless eyes, the general's galre with furt and the fear in the kid's wide ones.

Her eyes wandered to Gary, watching him for a moment before she turned to the pair, noticing how the human visibly tensed as she showed any interest in the ventraxians.
So....was Gary far more afraid of the two hurting rather than saving his own skin?

"I've got a deal for ya" Sheryl turned back to Gary "You accomplish it I let them go, what do you say, eh?"

"Wha-" Gary's eyes widened in disbelief "really?"

"Really" Sheryl nodded, she knew Gary was as obedient and idiotic as a dog, he would not try to run away knowing the lives of these two kitties were on his hands- not when they seemed to be important to him

"What is it? I'll do it!" Gary crawled closer to the bars, using then to help him up as he held onto them "you have a deal!"

Avocato's nose scrunched up in distaste and mistrust, he didn't like where this was going and he had a feeling that Sheryl wasn't one to keep promises


"I need you to steal something for me..." Sheryl pulled out the keys

"You won't even know I'm gone!" Gary smiled, happy that he would be at least be able to help the people he loved "I'll steal it as quick as--"

"and kill someone too" Sheryl finished, opening the cell for him

"Kill--?" Gary muttered, feet still in the jail although the door was wide open

"Kill" Sheryl affirmed with a nod "but don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it. Plus..." she turned to the two ventraxians, almost flinching at the deadly fury in the general's eyes "one to go to save two? Seems like a good deal to me" she fixed her posture quickly

Gary faltered, staring at the outside of the cell with uncertainty. She was right, it was a hella of a good deal to miss out on- especially when it evolved his new found family.

"Gary. Don't do it" Avocato warned, holding his son closer. His voice was commanding but Gary could see worry in Avocato's eyes.

Gary couldn't lose the only people that ever cared for them.

The sound of his boots echoes as he stepped out of the cell, jaw set as he looked at his-- at Sheryl with fire in his eyes.

"Where do I begin?"

(( Hey guys!
Sorry for the very late update >~<
I have been wanting to continue but my mental health hasn't been the greatest which was causing me to lean towards THIS idea

So here is how the story could have ended:

They all escape, Gary fought his mother like in the episodes but this time he did not come back for her- he has a new family and that's Avocato and Little Cato.

While running out, however, Mantis who is pretty f*ck*ed up, manages to shoot during his dying breath- hits Avocato.

It takes a moment for them to notice as Avocato is a big Dilf and tries hide it but he never makes it to the ship as he collapses-
Things get pretty dramatic, Gary shouts at Little Cato to keep running as he goes back for Avocato.

Gary tries lift Avocato but mf is heavy af because of his fat milkers- so Gary runs quite slowly but WoHoo! He manages!

They put Avocato in the medical pod and Little Cato is kinda begging for his dad not to go, Gary trying to hold his crap together for the kid.

They both fall asleep next to Avocato until there's coughing which wakes Gary up.
In a flash- Gary is by Avocato's side

"Don't ever scare me like that again" Gary cries as Avocato only smiles and caresses his cheek, wiping his tears away

"Gary" Avocato croaked "take care of my boy...I love you" and OOF the heartachine does that heart breaking PIIIIIIIIIIIII

"No... No No No No" Gary tried to grasps onto Avocato's hand once again (you know like in the cell so it hurts you guys more) "don't go- don't leave me" he sobs, bringing the hand up to caress his own cheek just as Avocato was doing "not now...."

" you"

Then it basically skips to Gary and Little Cato in front of a time worm- since bringing up that "Hey your dad kinda died while you fell asleep" would hurt too much even for me

"You ready for this, Spidercat?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, dad"

Boom the end-

But I'm too nice to do that to you guys so I'll delete the angst from my brain 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️)))

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara