Chapter 28

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Avocato wasn't used to having dreams or nightmares for that matter- he usually didn't remember any as he'd wake up and think about work right away.
However he had woken up from a very vivid dream about his ex wife.

He gasped softly as his eyes snapped open, sighing in relief as he reminded himself that woman was gone and it was nothing but a dream.

Avocato's attention was taken to the blanket on his shoulders to keep him warm. He smiled softly as he stood and folded the blanket before he noticed the medical pod was empty

"Gary-" he gasped, dropping the folded blankets on the chair and rushing out.

There were pancakes on the table and  a smell of bacon in the air, the sound of soft sizzling as well quiet singing along with it.

Avocato slowly walked into the kitchen to find Gary cooking the bacon as he lightly swayed side to side.

"I don't want to set the world on fire
I just want to start...a flame in your heart" Gary sang softly, placing the bacon on a plate.

Avocato smiled to himself in relief, glad the other seemed to be alright now. He examined Gary's scarred and bruised back. Despite lacking his other arm, that Avocato had to remove do he could heal properly, Gary still cooked well- sure, you could see he was struggling, but he managed.

"In my heart I have but one desire...
And that one is you- AVOCATO!" Gary screeched as he turned around and realized the other was standing there

"Hey" Avocato greeted with an amused grin, watching Gary's face turn red.

Avocato had done some research and there were many reasons a human could change color- however he knew at that moment that Gary was embarrassed

"H-hey?" Gary took the plate of bacon and made his way out the kitchen to place it on the table "what are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing" Avocato walked behind Gary, swiping his finger over Gary's scar just as Bluestein had done.
Gary arched his back with a soft gasp, quickly turning and using the table behind him for support as he stammered, his face growing more red.

To Gary, Avocato was acting weird. He was smiling more and seemed to be alright with proximity- not to mention, he was the one to uproach Gary first.

"You're still hurt, are you not?" Avocato asked, eyeing Gary up and down as his eyes settled on the gunshot wound that was still healing.

"W-well...I was getting sick of laying down and not helping" Gary replied, standing properly now as he tried to cover his stomach self consciously

"That so?" Avocato hummed, taking Gary's arms in his hands so he could inspect the wound properly. He looked at the wound before his eyes trailed down hungrily Gary's V line.

"A-Avocato?" Gary stuttered out nervously, leaning back against the table to try get away from his gaze.

"Right" Avocato finally let go as he realized the other's discomfort, stepping back to look properly at Gary's red face "You're probably cold, I'll grab you something to wear"

"Oh! T-thank you?" Gary watched Avocato walk upstairs, gripping onto the table for support once again.
Once Avocato was put of his vision he covered his red face with his hands, his shoulders beginning to turns red as well.

"He was just checking on you" Gary told himself, though that only brought a grin to his face that was hidden by his hands "he was checking on me..." he giggled to himself, genuinely happy the other seemed to care about him.

"What am I doing" Avocato sighed once the door shut behind him, leaning against it as the image of the embarrassed human under his gaze wouldn't leave his mind.

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now