Chapter 3

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Today was just horrible. Little Cato was at his patience's limit. If there was a time that life was testing him, it was now.

A group of thugs caught him on the way back home and beat him up good. He could have taken them...if they weren't in a group.

"Gotta practice fighting when I'm outnumbered" Little Cato mumbled to himself but he knew it was a hard thing to do, especially when he is alone most of the time.


The boy just got beat up and he doesn't want to go back to an empty home, not after a horrible day like this.

Little Cato turned to a random road, avoiding his usual path home. He opened his backpack and pulled out his usual cloak, throwing it over him and covering his head with the hood.

As he walked he could see the same markets from last time, meaning he was still close to home- not good enough. He wanted to go further, he needed to go further.
All the other kids with their stupid perfect families and perfect lives, going out to play with their perfect friends. Little Cato didn't need that, he didn't need perfect friends and sure as hell didn't need a perfect family.

"Hey watch it kid" a gruff voice called as Little Cato bumped into metal. When he looked up he felt his heart fall.
You know the feeling you get that just gives off the "I am in deep trouble and now Im going to die because I am in so much trouble"? That feeling.

He bumped into a guard.

The guard eyed him up and down, a suspicious glance as he slowly reached for the boy's hood.

"No, I can't get caught now...Not when I've come this far!" Little Cato thought and in his pure panic he started running

"Hey kid! Wait up!" The guard called, getting the attention of a few other guards

"What did he do?" One of them asked as they ran after the boy

"Don't know but if he is running then surely he did something!" The other replied picking up the speed

Little Cato wasn't going to risk it. If he is getting caught he better be on the other side of the planet by then.
With a swift jump, he managed to reach the roof of a market, taking the chance to jump to another and climbing to a top of an apartment.

He kept running on top of the roofs. Looking back, he laughed from the adrenaline as he noticed the guards far away.

"Holy crap- " he breathed before slipping on a tile and falling on a huge bin.

"Quickly get him!" He heard as he tried to stand up. It smelled like crap in here and he was bound to get caught which was also crap. His day in general was crap.

"Come on!" A hand pulled him out, placing his hood back on and grabbing his hand. Little Cato couldn't see much with the hood now in front of his eyes, all he knew is that someone was dragging him around.

He could feel his legs grow tired from running and from the many turns he took. He bumped into a few people hearing many "sorry"s and "excuse me"s from the man leading him.
Soon after they stopped on a quieter place, the many shouts were now mumbles as the guards finally lost tail of him.

Little Cato took this chance to take off his hood and look at the stranger that helped him run from the guards.
In front of him, stood a tired man who wiped the sweat off his forehead with the sleeve of his jacket. The man had undercut blonde hair and his eyes seemed to be a clear blue, a colour the teenager liked a lot. The stranger seemed to wear some blue jeans a red shirt and a brown leather jacket.
Little Cato recalled his species as Human.

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now