Chapter 37

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"Goodmorning" Avocato greeted Gary with a sleepy smile, his hand brushing the human's hair our of his face as Gary hummed and leaned closer.
Wrapping his arms around Avocato's waist, Gary could feel the soft rumbling from his chuckling

"You have to get up" the other reminded Gary but Gary only nuzzled closer to his soft and fuzzy belly, too tired and warm to move.
Avocato sighed with an amused smile, leaning down to place a soft kiss on Gary's ear and whispered

"Wake up mom!"

OK that was a yell

It wasn't until he felt a sudden weight on his belly that Gary woke up, eyes opening slowly to be met with Little Cato's big excited eyes.

"Wake up Thinder Bandit! We're here!" The kit exclaimed, shaking Gary slightly who wrapped his arms around the boy and forced him onto a hug so he'd stop.

Little Cato giggled, trying to break free from Gary's grasp by batting his face gently with his tail
"Come on, Gary!" He whined "its going to be night time by the time you get up!"

Giving in, Gary sat up with the kit still in his arms and walked out of the room, yawning lightly as he walked towards a window out of habit.
He stared out for a moment, still processing what was happening and where he was before finally turning to look at the pilot's chair to see Avocato on the phone with someone.

As Avocato noticed the other staring, he glanced and gave a quick smile in greeting, chuckling lightly as he noticed Gary's messy hair.

That chuckle...
Gary felt his heart do backflips at the sound that suddenly reminded him of the dream.
He wasn't a professional with friendships (since his first friend in forever was a child) but even he knew that the friendship he and Avocato had didn't involve kissing- especially since Avocato wasn't that affectionate.

"Gary!" Little Cato finally caught the human's attention again, squirming away from his grasp and climbing up the man as if he were some tree. The kit settles down on Gary's shoulders and grabbed onto his hair as if he could control the human, yanking softly to guide Gary towards where he wanted

"Let's explore! Dad said we can choose where to eat breakfast" he laughed as the human complained at the yanking

"Alright" Gary was quick to brush the dream aside, grabbing the hoodie Avocato let him borrow as he shuffled towards the door "Mission to find breakfast is on, Spidercat" he chuckled

Avocato waved as the two left, watching with amusement as Little Cato continued pulling Gary's hair to guide him around. Once they had left, he turned his full attention back to the phone call

"Still didn't find him?" He sighed in disappointment "alright, whenever you do find Mantis, contact me as fast as possible- do not kill him...I need to have a talk first" he ordered.

There's no way Mantis had personal relations with Gary which means he was contracted by someone...and that someone was going to pay.

"How about over there?" Gary suggested another café for them to eat

"Nah- too....normal- we need a special place since its the first meal of our adventure!" Little Cato replied, now resting his chin on the human's head instead of pulling his hair

"Adventure?" Gary chuckled, glancing up

"Yeah! We're going to explore the hotel and then do lots of fun things! An adventure" Little Cato grinned

"An adventure" Gary nodded with a soft smile "well....Little Adventurer, what kind of place are we looking for?"

Little Cato hummed in thought, looking around for any ideas as he wasnt sure himself
"Oh! Oh!" He suddenly perked up "how about there?"

Turning to the direction Little Cato pointed, Gary noticed that it looked like a vintage classic American café- the kind of ones you'd see in a deserted place in movies but is actually surprisingly popular

"Let's go see" Gary smiled, somehow glad to see something that resembled his home planet.

Carefully, they crossed the road and checked the menus outside which hit Gary with a wave of nostalgia as they were mainly Earth dishes- the kind him and his dad would eat together.

"Let's eat here!" Little Cato decided as he licked his lips hungrily

"Alright, let's go and get your dad" Gary smiled, reaching up to mess the kit's hair before turning around to head back to the ship.

Little Cato looked around curiously, eyes traveling to anything interesting enough for him

"Hey Gary?" He leaned over to block the man's field of vision


"Can we go to the park after?"

"If your dad agrees, sure" Gary shrugged with a smile "but if he doesn't agree we can always sneak away from him"

Little Cato grinned, liking the idea. He rest his chin on Gary's head once again as he closed his eyes to enjoy the sunlight, in the space station they lived there wasn't much of natural sunlight or warmth so it was nice.

"You're back" Avocato was waiting for them by the door, chuckling lightly as he gently flipped Little Cato's relaxed ears as he bathed in the sunlight "did you decide on where to eat?"

"Yep! Little Cato picked"  Gary answered as he notices Little Cato become more sluggish above him

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