Chapter 22

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The smell of food filled the air as the two Ventraxians sat on the couch. It was unusual for the two to have someone cook for them- sure, Avocato cooked for his boy whenever he could but he was always far too focused on work to make something anywhere as good as Gary's food.

Usually, Avocato was more about survival, taste never mattered- food was food- but lately, he found that he quite enjoyed Gary's food.
The human wasnt necessarily a good cook but he wasnt horrible either- he was average at cooking. The many years of living alone forced him to learn how to cook something as he had grown sick of the same disgusting food he'd make for himself- though...this wasn't about the taste for the Catos, it was about having someone actually do something for them without them asking them to do so. Gary was cooking for them because he genuinely wanted them to eat and stay healthy.

"Is it done?" Little Cato jumped up from Avocato's chest, where he was layed on, as he heard a plate being set down on the table, belly rumbling from the smell.
Avocato sat up, equally as hungry, as he eyed the food being set.

"Salmon" he muttered, remembering the conversation he had with Gary

"Yep! Had to write it down or else I would've forgotten" Gary laughed, watching Little Cato rushed to the table as he tried to undo his apron.

Avocato followed, trying his best to keep good posture even though he was hungry. He walked around to stand behind Gary and help him remove the apron

"Oh! Thank you" Gary tilted his head back to smile at Avocato.
Avocato only nodded quietly, finding the longer he looked into Gary's eyes the more of his oxygen they seemed to take away- quite literally like an ocean, he was drowning in them.

As Gary hanged the apron up, Avocato sat down on the table along with Little Cato, who was already digging in. He took a small bite of the food, ears perking up and tail gently swaying behind him.

Gary sat down with them, watching Little Cato's body language and then Avocatos and noticing they acted similar only that Little Cato seemed to be connected to pure energy while Avocato tried to mask it more. The human chuckled to himself, finding it adorable at how much the two looked like each other and at the fact that they seemed to enjoy his food.

"We should set up ou- my room right after this!" Little Cato suggested with his mouth full

"Little Cato" Avocato scolded lightly, taking a napkin and cleaning his mouth for him

"Sorry Little spidercat- its too late, you need to go to sleep" Gary replied

"But tomorrow is weekend! I can go to sleep later!" The boy whined

"Exactly! Tomorrow is weekend so we can wake up early and do it well rested" Gary pressed, not wanting the kid to create bad habits

"Fine" Little Cato gave in with a groan, eating the rest of the food


"What do you mean he's still alive?!" The sound of broken glass filled the room "you told me you killed him! You cut him up and burned him!"

"It appears he managed to survive" a quiet voice replied

"Survive?....Survive?!" The other repeated "who in the bloody hell would survive that?!" Another crash of items being thrown about.

There was a pause in the room as a knock was heard, the door opening after

"Excuse me for letting myself in" a strong voice laughed "I would like to make a deal"

"Im in a bad mood- get out" the sound of a gun being drawn without hesitation

"Please...I hate Gary just as much as you d-"

A gunshot interrupted the man
"Do not compare my hate for that to yours" they sounded digusted and furious

"Of course" the man cleared his throat, the bullet having barely touched him "I hate Gary Goodspeed...I want him dead as well- however..." the man dared to walk closer "I want him to suffer before he see he stole something away from me- something that would've sold for quite a lo-"

"Get to the point" they spat

"Right..." the man sighed "You provide me with the information and I will capture him, torture him then kill him" the man suggested with a mischievous smile "that is unless you guys want to kill him yourselves"

"Mantis will kill him- he will go with you" the voice pointed to the quiet man who stood at the side, giving a slow nod.

"What? The wolverine look a like? Sure thing- don't really matter as long as I get to see that little thief beg" the man laughed

"Good...whats your name"

"Derek...the name's Derek" the man took out his hand for the other to shake "pleasure to meet the both of you"


"Gary!" Little Cato sat ontop of the human, smashing his paws on his chest to wake him up "Gaaaaaryyyyyy"

"Im awake" came a groan from underneath Little Cato, Gary's eyes still closed

"Gary" Little Cato groaned as well "wake up!"

A small chuckle was heard near the door, Avocato leaning against the door frame watching his son annoy the human that slept in the bean bag. He briefly wondered if it was best to get Gary a proper bed as it could cause more back pain than the human already had.

Despite the small boy trying to wake Gary up, the human only wrapped his arms around him and turned to snuggle close, clearly half asleep.

"Gary!" Little Cato whined, trying to break free, beginning to purr quite loudly at the simple sleepy hug.

Avocato finally walked in, watching how the human cuddled his boy with a small smile before turning to look at Little Cato's puffing cheeks

"Dad! Help me" Little Cato whined between his purrs, enjoying Gary's arms around him

"No" Avocato grinned, a rare sight for anyone but Little Cato. Instead of helping Little Cato, he just turned to leave, taking a small glance at Gary before leaving.

Little Cato pouted in annoyance, unwillingly snuggling close to Gary.

"Warm..." came Gary's sleepy mumbles, a small smile present on his lips.

Little Cato laughed, taking out his phone and lifting it high to take a selfie of both of them- he had embarrassing photos of his dad he could have of his friend as well.
Once he took the picture of the sleeping smiling idiot, he sent the picture to his dad and put his phone away, nervously cuddling close to Gary as well.

While Little Cato had started to drift off, Avocato was staring at his wrist device, zooming in of Gary's adorable face.

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now