Chapter 35

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The day couldn't have gone slower for Little Cato, he spent the whole day trying to speed through which only ended in him finishing all and having nothing to do in classes.
However, he felt like he was being rewarded for the hard work as soon as he saw his dad waiting by the gate.

"Dad!" Little Cato jumped, hugging his father before his ear twitched with confusion "Where's Gary?"

"He is packing your bags" Avocato smiled, taking Little Cato's bag and carrying it while placing the kid on his shoulders

"Oh! When are we going?" Little Cato leaned over to look at his dad excitedly

"Tonight" Avocato smiled "I want to go as soon as possible"

"Really?!" Little Cato gasped before growing quiet "dad?"

"Yeah?" Avocato's ears twitched as he noticed the change in mood

Gary had just finished cooking and now was packing up the food so they could eat during their trip. He made sure to pack more than usual in case Little Cato got hungry and wanted a snack.

"It's not fair!" A sudden cry scared the man, causing him to nearly drop the cookies he had just made.

"Little Cato-"


Gary walked out of the kitchen, surprised to see Little Cato arguing with  Avocato. He stood there for a moment, watching the boy stomp upstairs and slam the door to his room.

"W-what happened?" Gary whispered, unsure if he should even butt in

Avocato didn't seem to have noticed Gary, snapping his face towards the human in embarrassment when he noticed he had been standing there

"He's...upset..." Avocato sighed, scratching the back of his neck

"Yeah...I can see thst" Gary finally placed the cookies in his bag, since he had not much to carry him decided to pack all the food with his things.

When Gary didn't get another answer from Avocato he sighed and smiled softly
"I'll go check up on him" he pat Avocato on the back and made his way upstairs.

"Little Cato?" He knocked, calling softly as he opened the door.
Inside the room, Little Cato was sulking in the corner, laying down on the bean bag with his arms crossed.

"Come on buddy" Gary gently closed the door behind him and made his way towards the boy "talk to me" he spoke softly, picking up the kid and making himself comfortable in the bean bag with Little Cato on his lap.

Little Cato huffed in reply, looking away from Gary in a small tantrum but purring anyway at the attention when Gary began brushing his hands through his hair

"What's wrong?" Gary cooed, forcing Little Cato to look at him by turning his head softly

"Dad..." Little Cato pouted "he's being a jerk...and a coward"

"What?" Gary blinked in surprise "Avocato being a jerk sounds half right but...a coward?"

Little Cato giggled quietly at Gary's attempt to cheer him up, nodding as he nosed Gary's neck to get closer

"I asked him were going to be my mom but he said no" Little Cato finally revealed

"Ah...I see" Gary hummed, rocking slightly to ease the boy "Wait what-"

Little Cato meowed when Gary pulled away, looking at Gary in surprise

"L-Little Cato! I'm a man!" Gary stammered "I can't be a mother!"

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now