Chapter 23

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Gary woke up unusually late, eyes snapping open at the crazy dream he had.
A good dream...
Not a nightmare.

He examined his surroundings to find Little Cato snuggled close to him and purring loudly

"Aww" he whispered to himself, petting the sleeping kit, remaining there a few longer minutes as he did not want to leave the warmth- it was far too rare for him to get moments like this.
Sighing, Gary lifted up the kit and placed him on his own bed, allowing him to have a longer nap as it was weekend.

"Well" Gary jumped at the voice behind him, turning quickly to see Avocato "look who's awake"

Avocato leaned against the doorframe, he was wearing a tank top which was unusual for him as well as a playful smile on his face.
Gary felt himself blush, tugging on the long sleeves of Avocato's shirt that he borrowed

"Y-yeah...sorry about that" Gary chuckled, a little embarrassed "h-how come you're here?" Gary asked, eyes glancing over Avocato's biceps every half a second which made the other check of he had something on his shoulder.

"Decided to work at home today" Avocato replied, brushing his paw over his shoulder just in case he did have something.

"Oh...okay" Gary nodded, now looking down at the shirt he borrowed to avoid looking at Avocato's arms- he hated to admit that he always had a weak spot for strong men (probably the desire to be hugged and protected for once instead of always standing up for himself).
"I should uuuh....get washed and changed" Gary nodded, grabbing his  bag from yesterday and awkwardly making his way out.

"Sure" Avocato moved out of the way for Gary, wanting to ask the other the reason behind his red cheeks but remaining quiet as he watched him leave.

Avocato sighed softly, walking over to his boy and deciding to wake him otherwise he'd probably not sleep tonight. He softly kissed the top of his head, smiling as he watched him stir before opening his eyes slowly

"Hi dad" Little Cato smiled sleepily

"Hi son" Avocato smiled back "Gary's awake now, he's just showering" he told him, hoping that would excite the kid enough to wake him.
Just as Avocato had expected, Little Cato instantly sat up with a grin, jumping off bed to grab the many bags of his new room decorations and throwing the things inside it on the bed, ready to be put into place.
Avocato laughed, allowing Little Cato to do his thing as he went back downstairs to finish his paperwork.

"Hey Spidercat" Gary came in after a while, hand drying his hair. He chuckled as he saw how excited the boy seemed to get his room set up

"Gary! Come on!" Little Cato pulled on Gary's new shirt

"Hold on! I need to put this to wash" Gary laughed, holding up the green shirt he wore that was probably covered in his sweat from running.
Just as he held it up, it was taken away.

"I'll do that" Avocato stood behind Gary, his chest against the human's back and arms around to grab the shirt- somehow looking as if he was giving the human a back hug.

Gary looked up at Avocato, face flushing as he stammered from suprise
"Okay" Gary managed to squeak after stuttering far too much and making a fool of himself as Avocato walked away to put his shirt to wash.

Avocato took the chance to put other clothes to wash, thinking on how despite Gary having bought his new shirt (that seemed to fit him very well despite the odd Ventraxian face in the middle) the human was still missing some pair of pants- he'd have to wash those sooner or later.
Once most clothes were in the washing machine, Avocato finally picked up the long sleeve shirt Gary had worn so he could put it with the others, pausing for a moment. His tail swayed behind him as he eyed the shirt, slowly bringing it closer to him before his face was hiding it.

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