Chapter 39

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It was weird, to say the least. Gary was certainly not used to it.

"Why are you like this?"

"Why can't you just be normal?!"


"You are such a r*t*rd..."

Despite hearing all that before, no such words ever came from the general himself. Instead, the general simply had told Gary to hurry up as his son had rushed ahead to find their room.

Doing as told, Gary quickened his pace, not wanting to make Avocato angry or disappointed in him more than he may already have. He slowed down to walk a few steps behind the other nervously, only for Avocato to stop abruptly, causing Gary to bump into him.

"Ah! S-sorry" the human quickly apologized, taking a step back as Avocato's head turned to peer him down. They shared a moment of silence before Avocato sighed and grabbed his wrist, not too harshly but just enought to drag Gary along.

Gary felt guilty for finding comfort in the touch, he likes this touch...he liked Avocato's hands- so there was really no attempt to break free.

"Dad! Over here!" Little Cato waved from down the corridor, grinning widely as the two came closer.
They all stopped in front of a door, Avocato letting go of Gary's wrist to grab his card and swipe it.

As soon as the door opened, there was a  orange blur running in

"Woah! Look at this place!" Little Cato eyed everything excitedly as if he didn't have such things as a bed or a microwave in his home.
At this, Gary couldn't help but chuckle, feeling his tense shoulders relax, the glance from his boss with a soft smile going unnoticed.

As Little Cato hid under the covers and wrapped himself in a burrito, the two adults took a moment to examine the room only to find that there was...

Two beds.

Because life isn't some kind of fanfiction.

Gary fidgeted with the sleeve of his hoodie, unsure if now he was even allowed to do anything- the least he could do now was not cause trouble for Avocat-

"There's a hot tub on the balcony!" Little Cato gasped, quickly forcing the window of the balcony open to rush out

Gary was going to act normal and not cause any problems for his boss, Avocato the general, second in comman-

"Theres so many buttons!"

With that, Gary dropped his bag and rushed outside, instantly at Little Cato's side peering down at the buttons.

"So many" Gary whispered in disbelief, his eyes growing twice the size

"Must.. press" Little Cato reached foward slowly, wondering if Gary would stop him

No way that Gary was going to do that.

Instead, the human watched in anticipation, allowing Little Cato to have the first press


A whirring sound started coming from the hot tub and then the water started to swirl around

"Oooooooh" they both said in union as Avocato walked out as well after putting the bags away, a amused smile tugging at his lips as he leaned against the frame of the window to watch.

The balcony had a pretty view and to his surprise wasnt cold. It took Avocato a moment to realize that each balcony actually had thick window-like barriers around it, probably to avoid anyone from escaping of they ever do something illegal.

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now