Chapter 14

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"Sushi! Sushi! Sushi!" Both Little Cato and Gary chanted as they made their way down the street.
Avocato could only pinch the bridge of his nose in embarrassment, knowing fully well that his soldiers were to gossip about this.

"Oh! Oh!" Little Cato suddenly chirped "There it is!" The kit held onto both Gary's and Avocato's hand, rushing to the restaurant with a huge grin. Avocato took the moment to glance at Gary who simply smiled fondly at the kid.

It was clear that Gary meant no harm to his kid.

Once they had arrived, Avocato had gotten them a high class table which somehow left Gary nervous

"If you have to pee just go" Avocato teased, knowing that the human was simply fidgeting out of anxiety

"I-I don't have to go pee, dude!" Gary protested quickly, huffing and forcing himself to stop fidgeting with the bottom of the sweater.

The sweater was really warm despite Gary not wearing a shirt underneath it. Gary found that the sweater had a mixture of scents, it smelt like both home and Avocato, which Gary found himself liking quite quickly.

"Come on Thunder Bandit! Let's go get those sushis!" Little Cato hopped off the chair, pretending to cock an imaginary gun

"Ohohoh! You're on Spidercat" Gary grinned, imitating the kid's actions before following after him.

Avocato, on the other hand, sat patiently, deciding he didn't want to go pick his food with those two embarrassing him. Instead, he sat back and watched Gary with a thoughtful expression.

He had been considering it and the fact that he still was considering it meant that it wasn't a bad idea, so Avocato decided on sticking to his decision.
He would tell the two at the end of dinner.

"Ta-da~" Gary arrived holding just one plate and placing it in the middle of the table "Sushi pyramid!" He jazzed his hands towards the plate, revealing a tall pyramid made out of sushi.

"I picked sushi!" Little Cato said proudly, sitting in between Avocato and Gary on the round table.

"You didn't come with us to take food so I decided to just bring the food to you" Gary smiled, dipping his sushi in soy sauce before popping in his mouth.

It appears that by not going with them to avoid embarrassment, Avocato still got to be embarrassed. Can't they understand he has a reputation to keep? If the enemy were to find out he hangs around a doof of a human they would assume he, too, was a doof.

"Thanks" Avocato sighed, finding that he couldn't stay mad at those two innocent faces that meant no harm.

Meanwhile, Little Cato was biting his tongue in focus, trying to copy Gary and use chopsticks

" you-" he grunted, ending up in stabbing a sushi instead. Gary laughed in response to Little Cato's struggle

"Spidercat" he sighed with a chuckle, scooting closer to help him "you got to hold it like this- and place your finger here" Gary guided them, talking slowly and gently with the kid.

"Oh! I did it!" Little Cato looked up at Gary grinning "dad look!" He turned to Avocato, taking a sushi and holding it up proudly. Just before Little Cato put the food in his mouth, Gary chomped in, stealing the sushi.

"Gary!" Little Cato whined, playfully hitting his friend.

"Little Cato" Avocato suddenly addressed the kit. Somehow, the scene before Avocato of Gary teaching his kid so kindly and the happy smile he bought him made him certain that this was right, to the point he was talking without thinking.

"I am going back to work" 

And just like that, Little Cato's whole body language changed. His tail, ears and smile dropping within seconds

"Oh..." was all Avocato got from the kid

"As for you Gary..." Avocato turned to the human, who didn't look too pleased with Avocato ruining the mood "I have found a job for you"

"B-but dad! Gary is still hurt" Little Cato quickly butted in, afraid that he would be all alone again. First Avocato going back to work and now Gary leaving for his job, it wasn't fair.

"This is a job he can do at his condition" Avocato reassured, turning back to the human who looked both happy and unsure. Taking a deep breath in, Avocato finally said it

"Gary, I want you to babysit Little Cato"

There was silence as a response. Both stared with wide eyes at Avocato in disbelief.
Realizing no one would say anything anytime soon, Avocato continued

"You have proved that you are capable of taking care of my boy- capable of keeping him happy..." Avocato gave them a small smile "don't worry, I will pay you greatly and you are allowed to quit anytime you'd like" he reassured the blond.

"I-I-" Gary stammered, unsure on what to say. He was getting a great deal here, taking care of Little Cato would be like hanging out with a friend, wouldn't feel like work.

"It's your choice to do what you want with the money, save up and buy a place to stay" Avocato suggested "I will pay you monthly but, of course, if you are to need any money you can ask for some. Any money used on Little Cato won't count and you will still get your promised pay"

Little Cato finally glanced at Gary with wide eyes. He wanted to plead the other to agree to the offer but didn't want to force him upon it.

"Wow- okay" Gary chuckled nervously, brushing his hair back before playing with the paws of Avocato's sweater that he borrowed "that...that sounds too good to be true" Gary admitted "you for real?"

"As real as it gets baby" Avocato grinned, taking a sip of his drink "what do you say?"

"I say-" Gary turned to Little Cato with a wide grin "Let's do it!"

"Yes!" Little Cato cheered, throwing his arms around Gary's neck and nuzzling in. He wouldn't be alone from now on.

"Good. Its a deal then" Avocato smiled, thankful that he found a solution to Little Cato's loneliness while he worked.

((Hope this chapter was ok!
It finally happened~

Gary is officially Little Cato's babysitter! Woo-hoo!

Avocato: please babysit Little Cato

Gary: *sits on Little Cato*

Have some extra outfit doodles~

Thank you for reading the story so far♡
I'm sorry for slow updates))

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