Chapter 27

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Gary had woken up in a medical pod, still feeling rather dizzy and sick. He tried to sit up only to collapse right away, his breathing shallow and forced as his whole body seemed to ache.

He tried to focus anywhere with his blurry vision when he heard mumbles around him, squinting with a look of confusion as he tried to focus.

"Gary" a familiar voice called, reminding the human his name

"Hmm?" Gary hummed in reply, everything was cold and Gary was growing more tired than ever

"You have low blood pressure and have lost a lot of blood" the voice explained the human his situation from outside the pod

To Gary, however, it sounded as if the voice was far far away from him, so he reached for the window of the pod and tried to push it open with the little strength he had

Avocato frowned at the human, opening the pod for him and examining the many bruises that seemed to form on his body only now. He gently took Gary's cold clammy hand in his to guide his eyes to it, holding it close to his chest

"Is there anything you need?" He asked as he watched the human try focus on him, eyes crossing every so often as Gary struggled to stay awake. He brought his other hand to wipe the sweat off the human's pale forehead, Gary sighing contently at the warm touch with a hum.

Avocato wouldn't lie, he had grown a soft spot for the human- though it was a very small spot....the size of a fly.
Gary had taken good care of his kid and clearly has gone through some things he still had to reveal to Avocato. Though, after Little Cato had told him that Gary had stood up against Derek without being even able to move his robotic arm just so Little Cato could get away, Avocato grew some kind of respect for the human.

"Sweet..." Gary mumbled weakly

"What was that?" Avocato leaned closer, ears stood attentively to try hear the human

"I want something sweet" Gary mumbled again, eyes opening slightly to look at the dark blur before him.

Avocato stared into Gary's hazy azure eyes and nodded
"Alright...anything in specific?" He asked, watching Gary's eyebrows furrow cutely as he tried to understand his question

"Cookies" was his short reply with a tired smile

"Got it....wait here, okay?" Avocato brushed the hair off Gary's forehead that seemed to stick due to the cold sweat, smiling softly as the human used the last of his strength to lift his head against Avocato's big hand, asking for more head pats.

Avocato sighed, pulling away despite Gary's whines and closing the pod once again
"I'll be right back" he informed the other "get some rest"

Gary sighed once the mysterious warm shadow walked away from his field of vision, frowning to himself as he allowed his eyes to close.


"Why do you have cookies?"

"Gary asked for them"

"Gary was awake? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"It was late and you looked adorable"


Gary's eyes fluttered open at the voices nearby, looking around before reaching for the window above him. He felt nauseous and needed some fresh air.

"Gary? Gary!" Little Cato cheered, smashing his face against the glass "are you okay?"

Gary flinched at the loud thud eyes widening slightly as he tensed, somehow expecting another beating.

"Little Cato" Avocato pulled the kit back, noticing the spike in Gary's heartbeat monitor "you scared to him slowly and softly so he understands you"

"What?" Little Cato frowned, looking at the monitor as well "okay...sorry Gary" the boy's ears dropped "You're okay...don't worry"

Avocato smiled, watching his son try calm down the human as he kept an eye on the monitor

"It seems he has calmed down" Avocato placed the cookies on a nearby table, opening the pod.

To the two Ventraxians surprise, Gary managed to sit up only his eyes instantly rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed side ways, nearly falling out of the pod if it weren't for Avocato catching him

"Careful Gary!" Little Cato gasped, trying to help his dad put Gary back in the pod

"Out..." Gary breathed, making some unreadable gestures as his eyes remained closed "outside..."

"You want to go outside?" Little Cato asked, trying to understand, tilting his head when Gary nodded

"Air-" Gary tried to explain through his short breaths, his head hurt so much and he felt as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the room, making his chest ache

"Fresh air" Avocato understood right away, picking up Gary and walking out of the small room where the pod was.

Gary leaned against the shadows soft chest, eyes opening slightly as he felt the cool breeze from the outside. He shivered slightly and nuzzled closer to the warmth of the fuzzy shadow, taking in deep breaths and feeling the headache die down.

"I'll go get him some water" Little Cato whispered to his dad from the door before running back in.

Avocato stared down at the human that rest in his arms at peace, not an ounce of fear despite the general having killed a man with his bare hands right before his eyes...
Once he noticed the sleeping human grow colder and his skin paler as he shivered, Avocato brought him closer to warm him and walked back in.

"Is he okay?" Little Cato asked, holding a warm cup of milk and a cup of water

"Yeah...don't worry" Avocato smiled softly, walking back in the room and placing Gary in the pod.
Little Cato placed the two cups on the table besides the pod, looking in at his friend with a worried frown before he yawned

"Tell me when he wakes up again?" Little Cato looked up at his dad, knowing his dad would keep an eye on Gary as he hadn't left the small medical room ever since the human passed out.

"Sure" Avocato smiled and kissed the top of Little Cato's head goodnight. He watched his son leave the room, glancing in with a final small wave before he went upstairs.
Turning back to the human in the medical pod, Avocato pulled out the same chair he sat in the past few days.

"Don't leave me..." Gary's voice echoed in Avocato's head. Little Cato had fallen asleep in the ship and Avocato needed to go back to get him after he placed Gary in the pod.
The Ventraxian didn't know what to say as the human tugged on his sleeve weakly, his welling eyes taking Avocato's attention away.

When Avocato had noticed he had wasted too much time staring at the human on the brink of tears, he quickly shook his head- trying to focus at the task at hand.

"I won't take long" he placed his hand over Gary's, noticing how small his hand was compared to his. Slowly, he removed his hand from his arm and rushed out to get his son as quickly as possible.

When Avocato had come back, he heard a sound that seemed to grab his heart and rip it to pieces.
The sound of Gary crying.

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now