Chapter 36

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There was nothing but space around them. Gary had spent 5 years looking out the window of a ship yet he couldn't help but look out in wonder at all the stars, the feeling of being so small and insignificant lying heavy on his chest.

How did he, one dumb bad luck magnet, manage to land the luxury of being a babysitter to the best kid in the world and go on a vacation with a handsome cat-man?

His life was so good that it was becoming scary...almost as if the universe was preparing his death bed and thus giving him some last good moments.

Little Cato had just finished his dinner, he sat on Gary's lap with the seatbelt trapping both of them in place as he stuffed his face with Gary's home made cookies.
The two had played some games but it was clear to the boy that Gary was tired, dozing in and out of conversations they were having as well as spacing out sometimes.

The ship was pleasantly quiet, the soft purr from the motors and the quiet music Avocato allowed the two to put on being the only things daring to break the quiet.

Little yawned, leaning against Gary's chest as he looked out the window as well.

"Here" Avocato leaned over and clicked the seatbelt to free them "there's really no use for that now" he smiled, wanting the two to get comfortable.

Little Cato stretched and then snuggled closer to Gary, purring quietly as the human began to rub his back gently until he fell asleep.

Once Gary had noticed Little Cato snore softly, he finally tore his gaze away from the stars and smiled down at him

"I'll go put him to bed" he stood up, carefully carrying the sleeping kit to bed

Avocato only nodded, his eyes following Gary before turning back ahead to continue piloting.

Tucking the kit in bed, Gary gave him a goodnight kiss on his forehead before finally returning to Avocato
"You should eat something" he suggested, sitting down besides him

"I will in a minute" Avocato replied

"You've been saying that the whole trip" Gary yawned, bringing his legs up and hugging them close as his eyes struggled to remain open "please eat"

"Alright" Avocato sighed but nodded anyway, stopping the spaceship and standing up to grab his food and sit back down

"You should head to bed" Avocato quietly ate his food, glancing at Gary with an amused smile

"I'm not sleepy" the human lied as he watched Avocato eat, blinking slowly due to the tiredness

Avocato stared at Gary and blinked back before continuing eating, he knew the human didn't mean the gesture but he couldn't stop himself now that he knew that he liked Gary romantically.

"Why dont you want to go sleep?" Avocato finally asked once he finished his food

"Because we're on a ship..." Gary answered with another yawned "and I want to give you company"

Avocato smiled at the last answer, remaining quiet for a moment longer before asking his next question
"Do you not like spaceships?"

"No...not really" Gary closed his eyes "never had good experience with them"

"What do you mean?" Avocato finally started the ship again, glancing at Gary

"My dad...died in one" he answered quietly, too tired to hide anything from the other "I accidently destroyed a few and got arrested in a ship for 5 years all alone....and you kidnapped the other time" he kept on listing

"Oh..."Avocato turned to Gary in surprise "you destroyed ships? Accidently?"  He asked a bit amused

"And a small family restaurant" Gary finally opened his eyes again with a sleepy giggle

Avocato laughed quietly, turning back to look ahead and allowing himself to drop the conversation.

"You know how to pilot?" He asked the blond

"Kind of...I guess" Gary replied "after I destroyed all those ships I studied a bit by myself"

"Come here" Avocato gestured for Gary to come to him, smiling as Gary did as told.
Once Gary was close enough, he pointed to a set of buttons
"This is the communication panel" he began explaining as Gary sat on the arm of his chair and nodded.

The Ventraxian continued to explain a few things to the human, telling him stories about his work that got a few giggles from Gary.

"Hold on-" Avocato pulled Gary onto his lap "Let's see how much you learnt"

Gary was far too tired to process anything, leaning against Avocato and giving a small nod as he took the controls and followed Avocato's commands

"Good, you're doing good" Gary shivered as Avocato spoke quietly next to his ear "keep it up"

Avocato tried to keep his hands off Gary but to him it was as if his prey was sitting right in position to his trap, ready to be caught. Gary's guard was completely down, he hadn't even thought twice about sitting on Avocato's lap when the usual Gary would've most likely blushed (but do it anyway).

Slowly, Avocato allowed his hands to rest on Gary's tighs, his thumbs rubbing the fabric of his jeans softly.
Gary was practically within Avocato's claws, just like a small innocent rabbit who has no clue for the danger they are in or for whats coming.

Avocato's mind was running widly, the sweet scent of the human was blinding his sense of reason and he could only imagine the taste of Gary's skin in between his teeth, if Gary was as sweet as he smelled then perhaps Avocato did have a sweet tooth after all.
He imagined Gary looking up at him with the same pleading eyes and pout, begging Avocato to trap him under his grasp and make him his, how he'd sound and whine when Avocato teased him...if Gary would beg by calling out his name.

When Gary's head fell on Avocato's shoulder, Avocato didn't have the courage to do anything. Gary had fallen asleep while Avocato was thinking about unpure things...
This man trusted Avocato which is why he sat upon his lap without a second thought and Avocato was going to use it to his advantage.

"What am I doing?" he mumbled to himself, feeling his ears droop as he put the ship to a stop "I'm sorry" he whispered quietly.

He remained sat there for a few moments longer, listening to Gary's quiet breathing and mumbles as he ever so slightly nuzzled closer to Avocato.

Avocato sighed, finally standing up with Gary in his arms and setting him on the same bed as Little Cato, smiling softly as he instantly snuggled to the kid.

"Goodnight" he whispered and without another word, Avocato continued piloting the ship to their destination, pushing back any thoughts of Gary away.

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now