Chapter 31

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Warmth surrounded him, he was safe and cozy where he layed. The scent around was different than home yet familiar and Gary did not want to get up.
No, not the usual "I don't want to get up and have to live another day"...this was different. This time Gary was so comfortable and felt so protected that he didn't want to leave the warmth.

He had been half asleep for a while, zoning in and out of cousiousnes. It wasn't until he heard a small snore that he finally opened his eyes.

Gary first noticed a pair of big arms holding him close, he slowly twisted his body to be met with Avocato who was sleeping peacefully while cuddling Gary.

Gary felt his face head up at the realisation that Avocato had been spooning him this whole time, though Gary didn't necessarily dislike it- in fact he loved this kind of physical much that he didn't realize how touch starved he was until he began tearing up.

Not wanting for the other to wake up with him in tears, Gary attempted to break out of the Ventraxian's grasp which only led into Avocato tightening up the hug and pulling Gary closer. The man placed a hand behind Gary's head and brought him closer to his chest where a low and very quiet rumbling could be heard

"Is he purring?" Gary thought, surprised that the general could purr afterall.
If it wasn't for Gary suddenly remembering how he used to sleep with his father, Avocato's purrs and slow beating heart would've lullabied him back to sleep.

"Oh come on" Gary grumbled quietly as he tried to clear his tears away. He decided he really needed to get away before he woke Avocato up...

"Mmm" Avocato hummed, his eyes slowly fluttering open.

Gary didn't know what to do. Afraid Avocato would see him cry, he smashed his face against Avocato's chest to hide it and pretended to sleep.

When Avocato awoken from his sleep, he scratched Little Cato's ears only to find them gone and his hair much longer than it should be. He quickly looked down and felt his heart stop.

He was hugging Gary.

Avocato froze in place, examining if the other was awake before he relaxed as he noticed the other was still asleep.

He allowed his hands to brush Gary's soft hair, taking in the texture and scent the other carried. Smiling softly, Avocato decided he quite liked how Gary felt in his arms.

"Gary?" His whispered as he noticed the other shiver in his arms, pulling away slightly to try get a proper look.

Gary's face was completely red and his eyes were shut close as tears streamed down, he was obviously awake.

Usually, Avocato would've been embarrassed, however he was far too worried about Gary to care

"Are you alright?" He asked, bringing his hand to Gary's cheek and rubbing the hot tears away with his thumb.

Gary was confused. He would've expected Avocato to pull away instantly when he woke up or maybe get angry with Gary for being awake and still remaining in his bed- what he didn't expect was Avocato's low morning voice asking if he was okay.

Gary finally opened his eyes, his cheeks red from embarrassment had turned into a blush at the low voice and eyes that seemed to pierce through him.

"G-good morning?" Gary forced a smile

Avocato only stared at the other in silence before pulling away
"Sorry" he said quietly as he sat up, thinking he had made the other uncomfortable. Gary was his son's babysitter- not....whatever this was.

"Wait-" Gary didn't understand why Avocato had apologized, all he knew was that he didn't want the warmth of another living being to go away.
"Let me just stay like this for a moment" he smashed his face against Avocato's chest, gripping tight onto the fabric of his shirt "please..." his voice wavered, afraid the other were to pull away.

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