Chapter 58

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Jumping off the vent from the ceiling, Gary landed on a shelf, climbing down silently and reanalysing his location.
He was in a storage room just a few rooms down from the laundry room he had landed in and close enough to the Artifact room.

With a deep breath, the blond tried to erase the guilt from having dirtied further the dirty laundry, he knew how hard blood was to wash but...He couldn't exactly hide the body in a locked closet!

"OK..." he held his breath as he pressed his ear against the door


A few footsteps.

2 bullets left.

In a quick motion, Gary opened the door. No guard had seen him walk in but the uniform had managed to confuse them whenever or not he was an enemy.
Gary kept walking, without stopping, gun outstretched as he made his way towards another door.
3 guards...
2 bullets...

When two guards' heads lined up, he shot. Killing two birds with one stone, except the birds were guards and his stone was a bullet. As he opened the door to another room for cover, he hissed as a bullet grazed the back of his upper thigh.

"Careful with the luxuries" Gary groaned, quickly taking cover as the remaining guard kicked down the door and began to shoot.

Why is it that guards first reaction is never to call for backup? It'd be so much easier for them!

"Oh well-" Gary rolled his eyes and grabbed a random object and threw it to distract the guard before running towards him and throwing another thing which he didn't even know what it was but it managed to hit the guard square in the face.
While the guards eyes were closed, Gary hit him with his gun, knocking him out but-





Avocato froze as the sound of Gary choking and dripping of thick liquid followed, heard through Sheryl's radio.

He had been pinning Sheryl down, about to kill her in blind rage when his son's blood was shed, spilling on the filthy grounds of these sewers. Blade sticking to his tiny back.


A kick to the face cut him off, heels digging into his eye, forcing him away.
Sheryl stood, taking the chance to create distance before charging towards Little Cato.

"Don't you dare-" Avocato's growl echoed between the walls as he pounced on her once again, claws dragging down her back painfully slow at last.
The devil in disguise let out a cry of pain, trembling for a moment in agony before reaching towards the blade and pulling out his son's back

"Little Cato!" Avocato gasped when his son wheezed in pain, trying to crawl away.

There was no time for Avocato to even try help his son as Sheryl attempted to strike him with the blade, almost stabbing him.

"You crazy fucker" Sheryl's voice was shaken, pale blue eyes wide in disbelief as Avocato grabbed the blade with his bare hands and- "AGH!"

He was pretty sure he heard something break and when he pulled himself up, he confirmed true with the way Sheryl's nose was turned at an odd angle, broken from the headbutt.
With a low growl of frustration, Avocato grabbed his son and ran down the dark halls, taking advantage of Sheryl's wounds to help his son.

The sound of Gary's pained and heavy breathing from the radio serving as some comfort that he was still alive.

"Fucking shit damn it on a stick!" Gary held his stomach, coughing when whatever pierced him was pulled out.
A kick here and there and he was on the floor, staring up at...well he didn't know who but it was some fucker who had stabbed him in the back. Literally.

"Intruder" the voice was cold and monotone...
It sounded...

It sounded familiar-

"Hue?" Gary coughed, blood tickling down his mouth, building enough stregh to sit up in order not to choke. Once up, he couldn't help but feel acid build up

"Hue was my last design by Infinity Guard" the robot that was adorably short and whose movements were noisy, said... Gary asked himself how he had not seen him coming as he waddled quite adorably slow

"I am now SaHUErai" Sahue-- not calling him that, its dumb- said, long sword in hand

"Oh- word?" Gary coughed again "is that belt like...samurai?" He asked, clenching at his side

"Negative" Hue shook his head "it is called haidate" he sounded almost offended

"You should get a hat to-"

"Helmet" Hue corrected "I don't get payed enough to get one- Lord Commander gifted me this in exchange for work" the robot deflated

"I'll get you a samurai helmet if you...don't stab me?" Gary offered

Hue's red eyes blinked into yellow and without a second thought, he put the sword away at his hip


"For real?" Gary croaked in disbelief

"For real...real" the robot tilted itself and Gary sighed in relief

"OK, Hu-"


"SaHUErai...I can't get you a cool helmet if my DNA is left on the scene me clean up" Gary wobbled as he stood up, using wall for balance

"Before that...Please sign this" Hue's screen on his belly showed what appeared to be a contract as he handed over an old looking Ipad pen.

"What is it-"

"Sign it"

Gary stared down at the robot and his pen in hand before sighing and doing as told, too tired to read through terms and conditions when-

"Really?" Gary asked when a "are you sure you're not a robot?" Window popped up.

Patched up, walls and floors cleaned, Gary sat down, stretching himself, wincing in pain every so often but otherwise adreline kept the pain at bay.

"I suggest you don't move, your wound will only become worse" Hue suggested, facing the wall in a weird pose that Gary simply didn't want to know "scars are hard to get rid of...I know they are" Hue turned around, hand pointing to an X that was scratched onto where his cheek would be.

"Did you just-" Gary squinted "Did you just do that to yourself?"

"I saw character with an X scarred onto his cheek, I wish to become like him" Hue's screen flickered and revealed an anime character.

Gary hated that the fact that he recognised the character.

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