Chapter 48

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"Oh my stars! Look at those!!" Little Cato exclaimed as he ran up to the front of the fair

"I am looking! I am looking!!" Gary joined in, admiring the place with star eyes just like Little Cato was

"Stay close you two" Avocato sighed fondly as he came to stand besides the duo, he had a feeling that he was becoming the babysitter at this rate

"There are so many games and rides!" Little Cato exclaimed as he hopped to look over the ticket desk, gasping when Gary picked him up to let him look at the place properly

"Team! There are a few rides I'd like to ride" Gary said a little quieter now as Avocato payed a clown for the tickets.

The clown had given Avocato a look after Gary had said that, causing the general to blush
"It's not like that!" Avocato barked as he ripped the tickets away from the clown and their dirty mind

"You okay, Avocato?" Gary asked, stepping closer as they walked in

"Don't worry about it" the ventraxian cleared his throat, watching his son try squirm out of Gary's grasp to run around with a chuckle

"Gary! Gary!" Little Cato stopped to pull on Gary's earlobes, something ventraxian children often did to parents though Gary had no idea about it, it made Avocato's heart warm seeing the two get along as if real parent and child- giving him an illusion of a life he could have

"Ow-- what?" Gary winced before blinking in confusion as the kit let go of his ears to smash his cheeks together

"Dont you want to use today to go all put with your deal with dad?" Little Cato's eyes widened adorably "you two could spend the time alone and I could play around!" He suggested, real intentions shining through- the boy just wanted to go to every ride without his father giving some sort of strict reason as to why not to go.

"That's not up to me, Spidercat" Gary chuckled "you need to ask your dad"

"Yeah it is! You can order him to do that!" Little Cato bounced, allowing his hands to rest on Gary's shoulders

"Nope!" Gary shook his head "this is something you need permission for!" The man shook his head before balancing Little Cato on his hip as he took his small hand "why dont we ask him?"

Grinning, Gary moved Little Cato's fingers to form a shape of a phone, watching Little Cato giggle at the dumb action, he couldn't help but smile

"Ring ring!" Gary pulled Little Cato's hand next to his ear "oh! You want to talk to Avocato? Hang on let me check if he is available" Gary turned to the older ventraxian with a grin "its for you Avocato- I think they want to ask if Little Cato is allowed to walk around the fair alone"

Avocato awkwardly stepped fowards as Gary gave him the 'phone' and stared at it for a few moments
"Alright, I'll allow it" he sighed in defeat as he looked up at the two

"You need to say it to the phone, dad" Little Cato snickered

"Perhaps I won't allow it" Avocato hummed

"What?! No!" Little Cato groaned playfully, watching his dad pull his hand up to his ear anyway

"I shall allow it but Little Cato needs to be careful" Avocato said "if Little Cato has the small blaster, knife and communicator then yes" he smiled, letting go of his son's hand

"They say Little Cato has all of those!" Little Cato beamed, kicking his legs in attempt for Gary to allow him down.

Chuckling at the kit's excitement, Gary set the boy down and kneeled before him
"Be careful little dude" he kissed the boy's forehead and stood up once again- Little Cato wouldn't think too much about the show of affection until much later

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now