Chapter 10

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Gary felt like crap. Gary felt as if crap took a huge crap and that crap took another crap and then made a huge crap sandwich and fed it to crap then gave it to him. In short, he felt super crappy.
He forced his eyes to open, a grunt leaving his lips as he sat up on his unusually soft bed. Bringing his hand to his forehead, Gary tried to recall what happened. Maybe he got a bit too much of a drink? That seemed reasonable since he felt this huge headache-
"Oh my crap" he breathed as he noticed that there were bloody bandages around his torso. Suddenly it all came crashing down on him- including him.
Falling onto the floor Gary groaned.
This wasn't his room. He wasn't having a hangover.
He was attacked by some weirdo who ended up burning his whole apartment down and cutting him like a loaf of bread.
"Gosh darn it" he muttered to himself as he felt his back burn. This sucks. Everything sucks.

"Gary?" a quiet voice brought his attention away from the pain "Gary! You're awake!"
Gary noticed Little Cato, a smile plastered on the boy's lips as he got on his knees to hug Gary.

"Hey spidercat" Gary said, forcing a smile through the pain of the tight hug. His throat was scratchy and so he tried to clear it up, only sending him in a fit of coughs.

"Woah- You don't look so good" Little Cato pointed out the obvious as he helped Gary up

"yeah well...don't feel so good either" Gary sighed, forgetting to put up a 'hey i'm super brave and strong and can handle all this pain so please don't worry about me' front to the boy.

Little Cato frowned as he helped Gary up "Well at least you look better than...well...when we got you" He smiled

"Oh yeah!" Gary suddenly remembered "What happened? I remembered being on the floor already seeing the gates of heaven...or was it hell?" Gary turned to the boy, muttering the last part as he sat down on the bed with Little Cato

"We were walking back home- me and my dad" Little Cato explained with a frown "We saw your apartment on fire, dad went in to save you" he explained "Then we took you here and he took care of your back! Luckily he didn't have work so he was able to watch over you for a while" Little Cato beamed

"oh wow...wait- a while?" Gary echoed "How long was I out?"

"nearly a week" Little Cato cringed

"huh....that explains this on growing pit in my stomach" Gary laughed nervously, trying to ease the tension.

"Oh! Oh!" Little Cato jumped off the bed "Let's go eat! I haven't eaten breakfast yet" he pulled on Gary's arms, helping him stand.

"okay" Gary chuckled in response as he wobbled out the door with Little Cato who still held his hand almost as if he was afraid if he let go, Gary would disappear.

"Morning dad!" Little Cato called at the top of the stairs to his dad who sat by the table reading some important looking stuff.
Avocato looked up from his work to greet his son only to freeze as his eyes were met with a pair of blue ones
"h-hey" Gary greeted, suddenly nervous. Only now did he realize that he was practically half naked which meant that Avocato did see him half naked while he was healing him. Oh God...Gary gave them a lot of work didn't he? Little Cato's dad already is a busy man and Gary happened to wonder in and cause more trouble.
Noticing his guest becoming very self conscious, Avocato decided to speak
"you're awake" he stated the obvious
"yep" Gary replied just as awkward with a smile.

"come on" Little Cato jumped down the stairs leaving Gary to hold onto the wall so he wouldn't trip and most probably die. Gary then heard a chair clatter and he looked up to see Avocato making his way towards the stairs.
Moving out of the way so Avocato could get past, Gary winced as he put his weight on a not so good foot
"here" Gary heard and looked up, to see the cat man known as Avocato, offering his hand
"O-Oh, thank you" Gary stuttered as he took the Ventraxian's hand. While Avocato helped Gary down the stairs, steadying him whenever he was about to trip, Gary noticed that his hand was small compared to his.

"There" Avocato reaches the bottom of the stairs with Gary

"Thank you" Gary smiled and watched the man nod at him before returning to work.

"Gary! Come sit" Little Cato called, patting the chair besides him that faced Avocato's. With a chuckle, Gary went to sit down with him "This is my favorite cereal, you should try it" Little Cato pushed a bowl to Gary that was full of colourful fish-shaped cereal that Gary couldn't help but smile at, as it was really cute.

"Thanks Spidercat" He messed the kid's hair gaining a playful groan in return. Gary watched as the child started digging down at his cereal and so he followed his example. "Oh my wow- These taste amazing!" Gary exclaimed as he ate the cereal a bit faster.

"Told you!" Little Cato laughed, glad that his friend was awake and seemed a bit healthier "Oh right..." Little Cato remembered "You need to be more careful with fire Gary" he said with his mouth full, recalling the fire "you almost-" Little Cato stopped, not being able to complete his sentence

"Got roasted?" Gary finished it for him, in hopes it would lighten up the mood. Gary, swallowed down the last bit of milk before telling his part of the story. "I wasn't necessarily playing with fire, some rando just walked in- cut my back then set my apartment on fire!" Gary spoke, suddenly becoming very angry.

"So it wasn't you?" Avocato spoke, seemed that the conversation peaked his interest.

"Not me" Gary smiled, glad to finally have a (sort of) normal conversation with the boy's father. Avocato turned, putting the papers down and his hand on the chin as he thought to himself. Feeling some tension rise, Gary spoke again "Thanks by the way...Little Cato told me what happened. Sorry for all the trouble"

"It's alright" Avocato attention turned back to the human "Whoever is important to my son is important to me" he said as he picked up his papers again.
Gary noticed that Avocato didn't necessarily smile at him, rather- his smile was just for his son and Gary thought that was kind of cute (you know for a General of death and all).
Standing up, Gary picked up his dishes and wobbled towards the kitchen. He didn't want to be any more of a burden and the least he could do was clean his own mess
"Gary! It's ok, I'll do it" Little Cato rushed to the kitchen, taking his bowl away from him. Standing on a chair, Little Cato began to wash the dishes

"Look at you, being a responsible young man cat" Gary chuckled as he pat the boy, receiving a grin back

"Wait at the table, I'll be there in a flash!" Little Cato told Gary to which Gary listened, giving a tiny "yes sir" as he wondered back to the table.
Once he sat down, the silence hit Gary. It hit him hard.
Usually, when Gary was by himself, it was natural he wouldn't talk much, heck- he even made more noise when he was alone! When with Little Cato, they never stop talking or playing.
With Avocato? Gary didn't know.
Gary was a man child and like he mentioned to Little Cato before- he didn't socialize much with others as it always ended in a failure. So now that he was sat here, face to face with a cat man sipping on milk as he does work, Gary didn't know what to do. Should he even be doing something?

"Is something wrong?" The cat man looked up, knocking Gary out of his train of thoughts (which was a wreck train of thoughts to be exact)

"Oh- No nothing's wrong" Gary said, quickly looking away "nice place" He muttered, mentally slapping himself.

"Thank you" Avocato replied simply as he looked back at the papers. Gary sat there popping his lips and tapping his legs anxiously "Will you stop that" Avocato gave a small growl, showing annoyance at the human. Gary nodded as he held his breath. Gosh, he was crap at this

"I'm bac-"

"OH THANK GOODNESS" Gary exclaimed as Little Cato arrived to save him from the silence

"You okay?" Little Cato laughed

"mhm- I'm ok just the VOID OF AWKWARD SILENCE IS CONSUMING ME" Gary replies dramatically mainly to make the boy laugh, gaining laughter from the boy and a weird look from Avocato. Little Cato then went quiet as he thought to himself

"Gary" Little Cato started as he came closer to the human "What are you going to do once you're all better?"

"What do you mean Little Dude?" Gary questioned

"Well..." Little Cato glanced at his father receiving a nod from him "Your whole apartment and shop burned down"


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