Chapter 4

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Ever since the day Little Cato met Gary, he has been leaving the house more often, now not so afraid of wondering too far. He has a basic understanding of the map of the space station, at least on the level he is- he hasn't really seen what it's like down on the area his dad works or way up some stories.
Every time Little Cato went out, whenever it was after school or during none school days he would look for Gary near the street food stalls, sometimes he wouldn't find him which is why Gary decided to tell him where he worked.

Little Cato jumped from roof to roof until he saw Gary's shop from afar, the boy was out of breath with excitement as he was planning to spend another day with his only friend. Sure, it did occur to the boy that maybe he was annoying the guy but Gary would always say that he enjoyed the company. Gary was a mechanic, something Little Cato found out after asking about his robotic arm.
As Little Cato stepped down to the front of his friend's shop he gazed up. There, was his apartment, on top of the shop he worked at. The boy never really went in but he did catch a glimpse once after Gary had forgotten his wallet in his room.

Little Cato opened the door to hear the familiar bell. Gary who was under a spaceship, rolled out with a
"Welcome- Oh! Spidercat!!"
The man immediately stood up to greet the boy, Little Cato knew he made this shop his second home. He cleaned his black stained hands with a dirty rag and engulfed the boy into a bear hug, spinning before setting him down.
"Hey Gary" Little Cato laughed as he sat down next to Gary's work "watcha working on?" the boy asked his curiously
"Fixing the engines of this bad boy" Gary slapped the small ship before sitting down next to him "I'm almost done, there's some cookies over there if you want" he pointed to a table as he got back to work

"don't mind if I do" Little Cato grinned and started munching on the cookies sitting on top of the table, swinging his legs and watching his friend work.

"say...Spidercat." Gary called from under the ship

"hm?" Little Cato hummed with a mouth full of cookies. Spidercat was a name he had gotten so used to that he barely started responding to Little Cato at school

"I was thinking you and I hang out a bit today? What do you say?" Gary asked rolling out to look at the boy.

Little Cato thought about it, he did want to hang out with Gary and his dad did usually arrive it should be fine, right?

"Yeah, let's go man!" Little Cato swallowed the cookie and jumped off the table towards him

"Y-you sure?" Gary sat up "Don't need to ask permission from your parents or anything?" Gary questioned worriedly

Little Cato's ears folded at the mention of parents but he quickly hid it with a smile "It's all good Gary" Little Cato lied

"You super duper sure?" Gary asked again now standing up to face the boy "Don't want to worry your parents... You know with all hanging out with someone they don't even know"

Little Cato didn't know what to say. He wasn't used to having to tell his father where he was going or what he was doing since he didn't it was necessary. Worry his dad? Little Cato thought all he would be doing is trouble him by taking his time.
"Well where are we going?" Little Cato asked, trying to seem that he has limited options due to 'parents'. Gary seemed to brighten up at the question

"I was planning on taking you to this place I like to go to cool off! Usually I go at night time but I think we should go a bit earlier than that so we don't worry you parents" Gary grinned as he walked to the sink washing his hands

"My parents allow me out as long as its not too far" Little Cato smiled, he felt bad for lying to Gary but he really wanted to go to this place that he seemed to love so much "I could use cooling off" Little Cato added folding his hands behind his back and standing on his tip toes

"Well...if you say so" Gary dried his hands on his pants "Let me just close off the shop"

"Can I help?" The boy chirped, grabbing a broom

"Naah" Gary said turning off the lights "because I'm leaving it like this- Let's go!"

As Gary locked the doors to the shop he turned to look at the boy who was already jumping on the spot asking questions such as "where are we going?", Gary couldn't help but smile.

"You ready Spidercat?" Gary called

"Heck yeah!" The boy bounced

"Grab hold, its quite crowded there around this time" Gary held out his hand. Little Cato looked at his hand, the same hand that he shook and helped him and without hesitation held it. Gary gave it a gentle squeeze as he started walking.

It was late afternoon so lights were lightning up the streets. From purple shimmers to bright yellows, the lights blinked and flashed to catch the attention of customers

"Woah... I've never been out this late before by myself" Little Cato said mainly to himself

"But you're not by yourself, Spidercat" Gary grinned "You sure your parents alright with you hanging out with me?" Gary asked

Little Cato looked up at him with a "this again" look for, what must have been the, 100th time. Gary always asks him this, always making sure if his parents are really OK with him. Honestly, Little Cato would be suprised if his father even cared as much as to wonder that.

"OK ok, won't ask again" Gary laughed at the boy's funny face.

Little Cato tensed as he walked past the guards. He no longer wore his usual cloak to hide himself since he felt safe enough near Gary, but he would sometimes worry that maybe the guards knew he wasn't supposed to be out and about.
The boy felt another gentle squeezed and looked up to see Gary smiling kindly at him. Feeling his shoulders relax, Little Cato thought that he didn't care if they found out, no one would ruin the fun when he is with Gary.

While the two were enjoying themselves, someone happened to arrive from work earlier than usual.

"Little Cato?"

Only to find out that their son is gone.

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