Chapter 15

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"You sure you two will be okay?" Avocato asked as he threw on the jacket of his uniform

"Yes dad" Little Cato rolled his eyes playfully, poucing on his dad to hug him

"Alright" Avocato hugged the kit back "you know what to do if you need me"

"Go to the Lord Commander's head quarters and let Little Catl handle the rest" Gary answered, earning a nod from Avocato

"I left some money for you two if you need anything, alright?" He nuzzled his kit before putting him down "goodbye"

"Bye" Little Cato waved a bit sadly, despite having Gary now, it still hurt to see his dad go

"See you" Gary waved with a smile, placing his hand on Little Cato's shoulders to comfort him as Avocato left.
The man paused just as Little Cato did, looking at the door a moment longer before turning to the young kit
"Come on Little Cato, back to bed we go" he softly said, gently pushing Little Cato back upstairs.
Once Little Cato was in bed, Gary carefully tucked him

"Goodnight Gary" Little Cato yawned

"Goodnight Spidercat" Gary smiled, brushing the hair out of Little Cato's face with a tired smile and headed to lay on the bean bag.

The night was cold, Gary always hated the cold.
Cold only reminded him how alone he truly was.

The young boy sat in the treehouse, watching his mother come and go with different men or drinks. He never questioned it, there was nothing to question.

All he knew was that somehow he ruined her life.

"Gary!" Little Cato shook the human "wake up! I have school" he huffed. Sure, Little Cato didn't need Gary to be awake since he would walk to school alone anyway but, now that he had someone, he didn't want to eat breakfast alone anymore.

"Wha-" Gary sat up, wincing at the sharp pain in his back "I-I'm awake" he yawned

"Come on" Little Cato pulled the other's sleeve, dragging the half asleep Gary downstairs "I've already made you cereal"

"Oh wow- how thoughtful" Gary smiled tiredly, sitting down on the table with Little Cato "thank you"

Little Cato smiled in return and began to dig in happily, the sound of Gary eating besides him making him feel more at ease.
He had a feeling today would be a good day.

"Gary?" The kit finished his cereal, drinking the milk off the bowl as he earned a hum in response "are you going to be okay here by yourself?"

"I'll be fine, don't you worry about me" Gary was quick to reassure the kid, messing up his spikey hair

"Hey!" The boy complained with a laugh "well okay...don't try do anything that will open up your wound though" Little Cato said with worry, standing up and putting on his backpack

"You got it Spidercat" Gary saluted, standing up as well as he headed towards the door to see Little Cato off "and you dont do anything that will get you in trouble alright? Unless that is being awesome- then be the most awesome of awesomeness" Gary grinned

"Oh I will- Gonna be the most awesome of awesomeness awesome!" Little Cato returned the grin, fist bumping Gary as he skipped out the door "See ya TB!"

"See ya SC" Gary chuckled, watching the Little Cato as he leaned against the door frame until, only closing the door when  he couldn't see him anymore.

"Now..." Gary placed his hands on his hips as he looked around. If he is going to stay over the least he could do is help around the house "lets start small" he hummed, heading to wash the dishes.


Little Cato walked through the school's halls, despite everything being exactly the same as it was before, his walk had some beat to it and his tail swing side to side contently. He payed no mind to the same whispers, he was too much into his own little world to care.

Little Cato never wanted a babysitter but now that his only and best friend was his babysitter he couldn't help but smile. Heck- all he did was eat breakfast with the guy and he felt so much better than the previous mornings his father wasn't home.

"Freak" a sudden kid had pushed the boy against the lockers "what you so happy about, huh?" An alien kid loomed over Little Cato with a grin

"Carefuk dude, he'll tell on his daddy" another kid stepped up with a snicker, mocking Little Cato.

Little Cato's ears dropped which only made the two laugh harder

"Wow- so this is the son of the all great General Avocato" the long nose, bugs bunny tooth alien mocked

"Pathetic" the bald tall alien spat, looking down at Little Cato with disgust.

Suddenly Little Cato had a feeling today wasn't a good day at all. The moment he had realized it, the whispers around the halls got louder and he could hear people snickering here and there.
Nothing changed, everything was the same as always. How dumb could he be?

As the bald alien rose his fist to punch Little Cato, the boy braced himself, Gary's words ringing in his head

"dont do anything that will get you in trouble alright? Unless that is being awesome"

Thats right...he promised he'd be awesome today and waiting for a punch was definitely not awesome.
Gary gave Little Cato permission to cause trouble if it meant being awesome, so he should be fine right? This would be fine right?

Swallowing down his fear, Little Cato quickly dodged the punch, making the kid slam his fist against the locker harshly. Little Cato watched the other let out a cry, snickering to himself as he tripped him up and made him fall on his butt.

"Here, let me help" Little Cato grinned, blowing on the bald head and cleaning it with his hand as if it was a window.

"Why you Little shi-" just before the other stood, Little Cato slammed his fist ontop of their bald heald with force.

"H-hey! What do you think you're doing?" The long nosed alien butted in, ready to stand up for his friend.

"Stop being nosey" Little Cato rolled his eyes, pulling on their nose and twisting it. The long nosed alien let out a pained cry, stumbling backwards instantly to hold his bleeding nose.
Little Cato laughed to himself at the sight, turning on his heel and heading to class. 

He payed no mind to the lack of whispers as he made his way to his next class.


"There" Gary wiped his brow as he stood in the clean living room proudly. He had made sure not to move anything out of place while cleaning so everything looked the same only much more sparkly.

"Gee whizz" he sighed as he rubbed his back "this really is tiering without music" he groaned as he made his way upstairs to clean Little Cato's room.

The child's room was quite bare, boring and empty and Gary considered encouraging the other to get things for their room to make it more....Little Cato.

Cleaning the room, Gary didn't have to worry much about keeping things where they were as there wasn't much, the problem was Avocato's room, Gary wasn't even sure if he was allowed to touch anything in there.
Instead, Gary cleaned the floors and left the General's room as it was , closing the door behind him.

"Okay" Gary hummed to himself as he put things away, who would've thought he'd be doing house work? Gary, acting like a normal human being...the world sure is crazy.

"Little Cato should be coming back soon" he checked the time, tying the obviously unused apron around him to get dinner started.

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