Chapter 19

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"Alright..." Gary hummed to himself as he eyed the closet with caution. Sure, Avocato had given him permission but that didn't mean Gary could go ahead and use whatever he wanted- Gary needed to think about the fact that these clothes were most likely expensive since vocational was a well known general, not to mention some type of crazy fan could recognize the shirt right away or something...

Eyeing the closet filled with lots of turtle necks and boring plain clothes, Gary sighed- he had no right to be picky but....
"Does this man know any fashion trends?" Gary groaned, sitting on the bed. He had planned leaving earlier to pick up his own things but at this pace he would just have to do it with Little Cato.
"Whatever" he sighed, taking one of the many dull colored shirts Avocato had "at least it has some color" Gary pouted to himself as he put on the long sleeved shirt that just fell off his shoulder, revealing his bandages. Flapping the discolored green shirt's sleeves, Gay smiled it's a nod and finally turned to leave, putting the money in his back pocket.

Lucky for Gary, thee was a town clock around the area he was going, with it there he would be sure to get to the sushi place he planned to meet Little Cato at in time. Being the forgetful person he is, Gary had already prepared a list of items he needed most

"let's start with a wallet" he mumbled to himself, remembering the amount of times he had been mugged as well as mugged others who didn't have a wallet- its just easy target.
Humming quietly to himself, Gary looked around the boring wallets. He wanted a cheap one that would last
"this one will do" he nodded, picking a brown leather wallet and heading to pay for it. Just as Gary neared the till, he bumped into someone that was just slightly taller than him
"Oh- Sorry" he smiled apologetically at the man before him.
The man seemed to stop to look at properly at Gary, looking him up and down with an unreadable expression that only made Gary more anxious.
Swallowing hard, Gary remembered the time he had ventured into the bad side of the space station and how the strangers had touched him. Feeling uneasy, Gary quickly excused himself, paying for the wallet and walking out of the shop.

"okay...its okay, Gary" the human tried to calm himself, a habit he picked up from having no one else to rely on "just breathe" he reminded himself, looking around and smiling lightly at the guards. Before, the guards were usually his enemy but at moments like these and after becoming Little Cato's babysitter, Gary found that he felt quite safe around them.
Once he was calm enough,Gary proceeded to go get the next thing on his list, heading to a pharmacy. After his apartment and shop burned down, Gary didn't get the chance to take or get his pills which only made matters worse for him.

Meanwhile, Little Cato was walking back from school towards his meetup place with Gary, a huge grin on his face. His day couldn't get better- first he was genuinely happy about waking up to somebody at home every morning, not mention Gary! His friend who is suer affectionate, just what Little Cato needs (though he doesn't like to admit).
Second, no one at school had picked on him- at least not as bad as before. Every time someone were to come towards Little Cato with any ill intention, Little Cato was far too happy to let any of their attempts to hurt him which only ended up in them embarrassing themselves.
Now? Now Little Cato was going to hang out with his friend who is also his babysitter- not weird. This would be his first time hanging out with Gary outside after a while!

Skipping to the front of the restaurant, Little Cato waited with a small, content smile. His ears were perked up at any noise he would recognize as Gary's and he swayed slightly with excitement e same way Gary would.

"thank you" Gary smiled politely as he left with a paper bag of his pills, sighing in relief.
His smile was quickly erased when his eyes met up with pair of red ones. The same man standing he saw earlier was standing across he street, staring at the entrance of the pharmacy.
Usually Gary would just shake it off as overthinking but the body language of the other did not convince Gary that this was coincidence. The stranger stood facing the shop, body rigid and his fists in balls in each side.
Gary analyzed the red eyed alien. He was dressed in a sleeveless black turtle neck,  some basic grey joggers and som wrist plates that were awfully familiar to Gary. If Gary were to describe him he would say it was a mixture of Wolverine and a werewolf that you would see in some teens romance novel.

Wasting no more time, Gary began to walk away, glancing at the clock.
"crap..." he whispered as he noticed it was time to meet Little Cato. Gary took a glance back, noticing the man following him boldly "men now a days have no shame" he shook his head, picking up his pace and walking a completely different direction than he had to.
He could run from a general, he can run from this stranger.

Once the crowd grew thicker, Gary began to run, taking sudden turns to try mislead the other. The stranger followed Gary, running after the human with the same unreadable expression.
"okay" Gary panted, and continued to run, passing in front of the sushi place without noticing it himself. He was focused on losing the creep at the moment, whoever this guy was- he couldn't be good.

"huh?" Little Cato watched his babysitter get chased by some random guy in the streets, no guards doing anything to stop this. Grabbing the straps of his backpack, Little Cato followed the two as stealthily as he could, trying to find a way to help Gary or figure out what was happening. However, after a bit of chasing the chase, Little Cato had lost them both.
Pulling out his wrist band, Little Cato called his dad in hopes he would answer
"of course" Little Cato huffed once he was sent to voice message. He allowed to let some time pass before finally sending the voice message

"Gary's being chased"

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