Chapter 18

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"Be careful, Little Cato" Gary walked towards the door, handing the kit his backpack "remember to-"

"Yeah yeah, I got it" Little Cato took the bag from Gary's hands, putting it on "meet you in front of the sushi place we went with dad" he grinned, swaying on his heels, trying to contain his excitement.

Gary chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he realized he may have repeated it a few too many times.
"Be good, alright?" He smiled softly, brushing the kid's hair back before opening the door for him.

Little Cato gave a shy nod in response, still getting used to the whole physical contact between another person that wasn't his dad. Hopping out of the house he gave Gary an enthusiastic wave, grinning big. As Gary tried to answer with the same kind of energy, waving in the air just like the kit, Little Cato decided that only Gary would get the special treatment of him allowing the other to be so close (his father was already a given, he loved when Avocato gave him attention).

Gary laughed, watching the kit walk backwards, still waving until he was out of sight. Sighing contently, Gary looked around, his smile dropping-
It was such a shame that there were no such things as sunny or even calming rainy was always just....well....dark.

Glancing over to the smoke rising in the air, Gary frowned. He really missed Earth...
Correction- he missed the weather, the smell of the dirt and rain, the warmth of the sun and hot chocolate on a snowy day, the bugs hed catch during summer in his childhood and

"Dad" he sighed, closing the door behind him with a bitter look in his eyes that he refused to show anyone- especially Little Cato.

Gary's attention was taken away by the house's phone ringing. He nervously made his way to the device, staring at it with uncertainty. Gary was sure whoever called knew Avocato was working but still he wasn't too sure whenever or not he should even answer-
Should he pick up? Leave it be?
His hand hovered over the telephone and he started a countdown- if the phone were still ringing then he'd answer.


Meanwhile, in his office, was Avocato with a phone against his ear, staring at the security camera in his living room.

"What the hell is he doing" he wondered out loud, watching the human walk around the table then back to the phone then back around the table. Avocato gave a fustrated sigh, zooming in on the human's worried face who was biting on his nails.

Avocato rolled his eyes, pulling out a different device as he let the phone ring as he pressed a button on it

"Just answer the damn phone" he watched Gary yelp, jumping away from where a hologram of Avocato would be.

"A-Avocato?" Gary stepped closer to the hologram, inspecting it with curiosity "wow...its almost as if you're here" he smiled while Avocato flinched away, the hologram of Gary coming far too close to his face.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?" he asked, annoyed, finally turning off the other call so the ringing wouldn't interrupt his conversation.

"Well..." Gary laughed sheepishly, twiddling with his fingers "I didnt know who was calling or even if I was allowed"

"Most guards are aware I have gotten a babysitter for Little Cato, if you introduce yourself as such, you shouldn't be concerned as they wouldn't do anything to you" Avocato looked down at his papers, deciding to work as he talked to Gary.

"Are you saying they would if I wasn't the babysitter" Gary gave a worried laugh, looking around the hologram until finding where the device was. He smiled to himself, picking it up and placing on the table so it would be as if he was sat face to face with Avocato.

"Of course" was Avocato's simple reply, lifting an eyebrow as the hologram was moved

"And? Why did you call?" Gary asked curiously, swinging his legs under the table "you look very busy so I doubt it was for nothing" he smiled

Avocato nodded, glad the other seemed to understand
"I have left an envelope with money on my bed, you should use it on yourself and Little Cato while you two are out" he began, placing the papers down to look Gary in the eye as he talked, interrupting Gary before he could protest "you could use some new set of clothes, no?" He smiled knowingly

Gary blinked, looking down at his bare torso, the only thing covering his top half were the bandages
"Yeah...I guess so" he laughed, embarrassed "Thank you" he smiled softly

"No need to thank me" Avocato lift his hand in halt "It is only fair my son's babysitter has proper clothing- which reminds me..." Avocato hummed, eyeing Gary's hologram up and down for a little too long. He watched the human squirm after a while, clearly beginning to feel embarrassed by his gaze.

"Yeaaahhhh?" Gary pressed, hoping Avocato would continue instead of staring at his bare chest. He covered his stomach, being the part he was mostly self conscious about since he didn't get the chance to work on his body after he left the Galaxy One, the ship where he was sentenced to stay for 5 years.

"Right-" Avocato cleared his throat, disappointed in himself for staring "I do not want Little Cato to be with you and that dirty shirt so feel free to borrow any of my clothes" Avocato offered

"Oh! A-are you sure?" Gary asked, feeling bad for using Avocato's belongings

"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure" Avocato gave a small smile, hoping it would make Gary feel better.

"Well then...I appreciate it" Gary returned the smile, twice as big "Oh right!" He clapped his hands together "anything you'd like for dinner?"

Avocato blinked in surprise, not expecting the question
"Do not worry about me, your job is to take care of Little Cato"

"Who really cares about his father- which means I have to take care of you too, general" Gary grinned.

Avocato sighed, lowering his head to the papers as he felt weird about the other calling him by his title- not a bad kind of weird though....
"Salmon" came his simple reply, quickly hanging up before the human could say anything else.

Avocato sighed, putting the device away and turning back to the security cameras to watch the human as he completed paperwork.

Gary stared ahead, blinking a few times before he grinned widely to himself
"Salmon, huh...." he tapped his chin in thought, already planning dinner.

(( GUYS!!

Art by: @ Kirrkatsuki on twitter

I honestly love their art- this is so cute omg💖💖)))

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