Chapter 29

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Gary threw on his new clothes Avocato had gotten him, impressed that he guessed his size just from looking at him
"Guess that's why he was staring at me lately" Gary hummed to himself, checking if the jeans fit properly, he wasn't much for skinny jeans but Avocato did choose them so he'd wear it.

The phone downstairs began to ring and Gary grabbed one of Avocato's hoodie before he ran downstairs to answer it

"Yello?" He answered the hologram call, smiling as he was face to face with Avocato

"Hello" Avocato greeted from his office, smiling as he noticed Gary was wearing the red t-shirt he had bought him that was visible from under the hoodie that seemed to fall of his shoulder

"What do I owe the pleasure, general?" Gary gave a playful bow to which Avocato only rolled his eyes with an amused smile

"I'd just like to remind you about your new wrist device before you go collect Little Cato" Avocato tidied the papers on his table before folding his hands "you know where to send your location, right"

"Yes sir" Gary saluted "on this button here" he smiled

"Good...use that button for emergencies only though, it will send me a warning" Avocato hummed "you know where Little Cato's school is?"

"Errm....yeah I think so" Gary nodded "the one like over the top where there's like a big library close by, right?"

"Correct" Avocato smiled, he wanted to make sure nothing were to happen to Gary again but he couldn't exactly forbid him from leaving the house, he was his own person and last time he did that...Little Cato had ran off on his own anyway "how are the new clothes fitting you?" Avocato asked, not really wanting to hang your yet

"Oh!" Gary span in front of the hologram for Avocato to see "they fit well! Quite comfortable too, thanks!" Gary smiled before he gasped as he noticed the time "uh oh! Sorry Avocato, gotta go"

"No worries" Avocato nodded "be careful, Gary" he told the other. Truth was, Avocato had finished earlier and would get to meet Gary halfway, he wanted to make sure Gary was really okay, once he checked it himself then he'd allow him to go out by himself.

"Will do, bye bye!" Gary waved at the hologram as it switched off. He smiled, satisfied with finally being able to leave the house by himself.

"Guess I should start going too" Avocato put on his uniform jacket and made his way out.

When Avocato had to return to work, Little Cato would try spend as much time as he could with Gary despite having to go to school, he even helped around the house since the human couldn't do much without his other arm.
The boy had told Gary that Avocato only allowed the medical pods to be used for emergencies involving him so either Gary was really dying or Avocato really cared for Gary, the boy seemed to insist on the second option.

"Should be here..." Gary made his way to the school, looking around at the few spaceships parked around the area as well as the parents waiting for their kids to come out.
The human's attention was taken by some shouting near the gates as well some whispered among parents. Curiously, Gary made his way through the small crowd to find a father with his child hiding behind him with a wicked grin, the father was screaming to none other than

"Little Cato!" Gary called, jogging to join the boy who seemed to try put up a brave front.
Little Cato, who glared at the other with his ears lowered, perked up at the familiar voice and quickly looked away from the man to see Gary.

"Primate!" The man barked "is this little shit yours?!"

Gary's face turned cold quickly, his usual relaxed smile disappearing into a thin line as his eyes turned icy blue with anger. He quickly understood that the man had most likely talked like this to Little Cato and Gary didn't quite like that-

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