Chapter 56

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Whistling filled the halls, clacking of well polished shoes becoming the beat of the joyful tune.
Red halls, red lights and red uniform.

He wore a pair of tight pants, dark and expensive looking. A shirt and wine colored vest matching his fancy looking soldier berret. A charming smile to top the whole look together.

"Good day" he greeted what was supposedly one of his pals, a short nod of greeting being their reply.

24 hours she said?
Watch Gary do it in half.

All he had was a cheap looking gun to his name and the hopes that his two kitties were still alive and well, and to him-
That was more than enough.

"You're dissmissed" Gary entered a well lit room, the lights from the many screens illuminating the figure he walked up to.

"Who the hell are you to tell me that?" The other replied, accent heavy as they slammed their fists on the desk "you think you wear the pants around here?!"

"Nope" Gary replied, pearly white lined teeth ever so present "I'm the one who wears the gun here"

A loud BANG escaped the old gun, bullet lodged inbetween the man's eyes. Gary huffed, grin falling with a pout, disliking how old the gun Sheryl had given him. Didn't she at least have a laser gun to spare? While Gary would've loved vintage guns usually, this was certainly not the time for it

"This is so 2035" he sighed, kicking the dead man out of the chair and hiding him before taking a seat, making sure it wasn't too noticeable someone died in case anyone passed by due to the sound of a gunshot.
None that saw him here were alive, apart from CCTV that seemed to lack an AI to tell them "hey- you kind of- like- have an intruder", so Gary used only his metal arm as to not leave behind finger prints.

"Damn it" he cursed quietly at how slow he was with one hand, searching the computer for any signs of the Artifact when-

"What the-" he blinked, watching as a short tic-tac-looking-ass alien floated down the halls towards what seemed to be a meeting place. Gary knew that was the Lord Commander, the man Avocato worked for as well as the most feared son of a gun in the galaxy as of now-

"Apart from my Avo-bravo" he told himself with a proud smile, nodding as he continued looking for the location of the lame thing he was supposed to steal all the while leaving a window open with the CCTV of Lord Commander. Just in case.

"Ah-hah!" He piped up, finding the many classic red beams surrounding the damned thing just as another guard walked in.

She didn't seem to ask him why he wasn't out there looking for the intruder, nor did she seem to care, instead she just circled around to grab a cup of water. It wouldn't be obvious to anyone else but Gary was paying attention since he was said intruder and he could feel her eyes on him.

He shut down some windows and opened new ones as to not be suspicious, noticing that the Lord Commander sat upon a chair bigger than him at the end of a long table while doing so.

The people that sat with him seem to quiver in fear. Gary watched as one dude flew out of frame and into another window- kind of funny but he didn't laugh. Promise.

But that did get him wondering...Did the Lord Commander own this place? It wouldn't be surprising...

"Hmm" Gary hummed as he understood now why he was sent to do this instead of his mother doing so herself. Certainly becoming enemies with an OP overlord wouldn't be too great.

"How come you aren't using your other hand" the other, who was in his presence, finally asked. Her coal skin had pink frekles that shone even beneath the red light, four eyes that matched the scarlet lights remaining unblinkingly as she disposed of her drink.
She didn't give a chance for Gary to answer as she pointed a gun to his head and pulled the trigger.

Things had escalated.
A growl of frustration leaving him as he sat in the cell, his son, layed upon his lap sleeping with distressed purrs to try soothe himself.
Sheryl had left not long after, taking the radio with her. Avocato had no idea even if Gary was still alive...

It had been well over 4 hours since Gary left and even longer since they got caught. While Avocato had been trained to withstand long periods of time without any food or water, his son was still a child- growing weaker by the second without proper nutrition-

"Mph--" Little Cato turned in his sleep, eyebrows drawn together, frowning.

Or sleep.
Counting the moment he disappeared, it's been too long for someone as young as him to go without food or water.

Moments before, when Sheryl had still been present in the room, sat upon a chair with drunk hand and a smirk on her lips, she had told them that a normal thief would need more than the time limit Gary had.
Someone who had time would have spent days studying the security, watching them and learning in order to make a plan that most likely wouldn't even succeed first time round.

"Well trained guards" she swirled her drink in hand, listening to gunshots that went from Gary's forgotten ear communicator "and those guards are everywhere"

If he could, Avocato would have already left this cell and taken that bitc-- She-devil's neck and ripped it open with his claws.

He flexed his hands, watching his claws extend before relaxing and repeating the motion, imagining what it would be like to feel the warmth of her blood running down his fur.

"No-" he muttered quietly, shaking his head as he placed his hand down, brushing his son's hair away from his face.
He recalled Gary, how broken he looked when he talked about Sheryl...about his mother.

Unless Gary decided him to, Avocato wouldn't lay a hand on Sheryl. He wouldn't dare...

Maybe a punch or two though.

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