Chapter 13

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"Boom baby!" Avocato cheered as he won against Gary yet again. Ever since he stopped underestimating Gary he found that the man was quite readable in otherways.
For example, the man would tap either his foot or fingers whenever he was having trouble and his eyes would look up at Avocato a second to long when he was confident.
It was little things but Avocato found himself learning more about the human by playing cards with him. Heck- he actually was starting to like the human.

Avocato wouldn't lie, he enjoyed listening to his boy's laughter and excitement which happened mostly when Gary was around. The kid seemed to love the guy.

Ring Ring Ring

"Excuse me" Avocato checked who the caller was. Realising who it was, he excused himself to his room to answer, leaving Gary downstairs by himself.

Bored from being left alone, Gary started building a card castle. Getting frustrated whenever it fell down from a small sigh.
Honestly, Gary was enjoying his time here. He never had real friends or any of that sort but he liked to consider Avocato one- afterall, he was the father of his little bestie, Little Cato.

With a sigh, Gary gave up on the castle and leaned back on the chair as best as his wounded back could.
Whenever the man was alone like now or before he went to sleep with Little Cato, he'd stare at the ceiling and think how he would survive.
He will need a new job and a new apartment, which sucked bad. After all that work, all that job searching and apartment hunting...
The only good thing coming out of this was not working for that gremlin, Clarance, as well as hanging out more with Little Cato, that was it.

Avocato had mentioned helping him look for jobs once he was all better but Gary felt as if he had caused enough trouble.
Popping his lips, Gary tried to think of a solution. He could accept any job, to be fair, he just had to fake it until he made it....right?

Gary was knocked out of his train of thought when Avocato returned. His shoulders were tense and his jaw clenched together, he practically looked like a rock

"Woah- you good dude?" Gary asked with concern as he watched the other sit down.

"Yeah break is almost up" he sighed, looking at the mess of cards on the table.

Gary bit his lip guilty as he cleaned up the cards
"I'm sorry..." Gary apologized "maybe if I weren't here you could've spent more time with Little Cato"

"What?" Avocato raised his head to look at Gary "Don't blame yourself, I would've gone back eventually" Avocato waved his hand as he picked some cards himself.

Gary wasn't convinced with that but decided not to press any longer as he watched the other bite his claws in deep thought.

"Little Cato kept telling me how excited he was to have me home" the other sighed in frustration, opening up to Gary without realizing

"I'm sure he'll understand" Gary tried to give the other a comforting smile, placing his hand over Avocato's to reassure him.

"I'm home!" a cheerful voice rung out.
Taking his attention away from Avocato, Gary stood up to greet the boy leaving Avocato to stare at his hand that the human held seconds ago.

"Wazzzuuuppp" Gary greeted, putting his tongue out

"Wazzzaaaaahhhhhhhpppppp" Little Cato imitated, laughing as he placed his bag down.

Avocato watched the scene before him in deep thought with an unreadable expression, not noticing Gary's confused expression. Avocato was worried about Little Cato, it was obvious the kid was lonely without his father, he wouldn't know how to tell him that he had work to do again way less leave the kid alone once again.

"Avocato?" Gary waves his hand in front of the other's face "You've been staring really hard at me dude, I'm getting nervous" Gary laughed anxiously as he finally snapped Avocato out of his thought process

"unless..." was Avocato's mumbled reply before he returned to stare intensely at Gary. As awkward as it was for Gary, the human just shrugged and copied Avocato's gestures, beginning a staring contest.
"What are you doing?" Avocato questioned

"HAH! You blinked! I win" Gary cheered

"What? I wasn't-" Avocato sighed in defeat, knowing that Gary would just continue no matter how much he protested "wait...where's Little Cato?" he stood up, noticing the kid wasn't around

"Weeellll...." Gary started, rolling his hand in the air "You were gazing at me with those lovey-dovey eyes so he decided to give us some alone time" Gary winked. That was not what Little Cato said but it was pretty close, Gary just twisted the words to try cheer the stressed Avocato.
The Ventraxian gave the other an annoyed eye-roll as he climbed the stairs to go talk with his son.

"Hey...How was school" he leaned against the door as his kit got changed into a hoodie

"It was fine I guess..." Little Cato groaned before smiling up at his dad.

Avocato loved that smile, it was all he ever wanted for the kid- to keep smiling. Sadly, Avocato wasn't the kind of father that could keep their kid happy...

"What do you want to eat tonight?" he asked with a smile "Anything, anywhere- We can take Gary" Avocato chuckled, adding the other part as he knew Little Cato would ask

"w-wait? For real?!" he asked excitedly, bouncing in place "Oh! Oh! How about that sushi place down the street?" Little Cato suggested with a huge grin

"you got it" Avocato nodded "I'm going to go tell Gary" he turned to leave, closing the door and hearing a "WOO-HOO" from the other side. Smiling to himself, Avocato decided to enjoy this before worrying about telling Little Cato the news
"Gary! Come here" He called the human, walking to his own room. It wasn't long until the human poked his head in with a clueless smile

"What's up?" he asked only to be thrown a sweater at his face "Augh- What the...?" He grabbed the sweater to look at it with a confused expression

"Put it on, we're going out" Avocato ordered, crossing his arms "your shirt is filthy with blood stains so wear that"

"wo-woah" Gary laughed nervously "When I said lovey-dovey it was just a joke Avocato" Gary blushed, doing as told anyway as he noticed Avocato wasn't going to leave to give him privacy

"No- you idiot" Avocato rolled his eyes "The three of us are eating out" he explained, receiving a "aaaaah" from Gary.
While changing, Gary did it very slowly which somehow seemed to frustrate Avocato. The  human was removing his shirt slowly, almost in a teasing way, Avocato would've said something about it until he noticed that Gary wasn't just trying to annoy him but he was genuinely having trouble due to his back wound.

"Here. I'll help" Avocato stepped closer, helping the human remove the shirt

"T-Thanks" Came the embarrassed reply as Avocato put on the white turtle neck sweater over his head.
The sweater sat loosely against Gary's body, being much bigger to him. Avocato helped him fold the edges of the sleeves though they remained long, the bottom of the sweater hanging just below the other's butt as the turtle neck covered nearly half of his face
"How do I look?" Gary asked, making a small dumb pose to erase the awkward situation

"Ridiculous" was Avocato's reply, though his smile told Gary that it wasn't in a bad way "Let's go then"  Avocato started going down the stairs, noticing an excited Little Cato already waiting at the bottom.

(((I was going to make this longer but gave up

Have a some doodles I did long ago as an apology )))

Have a some doodles I did long ago as an apology )))

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