Chapter 25

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Little Cato didn't know what to do when he saw the man lift the passed out Gary like a sack of potatoes and carry him into the dark alleyway, he just knew he was scared for his friend as he stared wide eyed at the puddle of blood that was left behind.

"Dad!" Little Cato dropped everything at the door as he rushed to his dad who was sat on the sofa "Dad!" He screamed again, jumping to hug his torso.

Avocato's eyes widened at the way his boy's voice cracked in distress, quickly dropping his book and hugging the trembling kit close.
"Its okay...its okay..." Avocato hushed, trying to calm his child.

"No! No its not-" Little Cato tried to catch his breath, a pool of tears forming in his eyes "Gary- he's-" the boy sobbed, nuzzling closer to his dad.

Avocato felt his heart drop hugging his child closer at the mention of Gary
"What happened?" He asked

"A weird man...Gary told me to go home and I was going to but then the man sh- shot him" Little Cato tried to explain.

Avocato was quick to act, sitting the kit besides him properly and typing on his wrist device
"I need you to stay strong for now, son...okay?" Avocato placed a hand on his boy's shoulder, squeezing it lightly

"Okay" Little Cato sniffed with a nod, rubbing his teary eyes

"Okay...Can you describe him?"


There he was before Avocato's and Little Cato's eyes, Gary layed down on the floor with his eyes closed.
Avocato could tell what anyone's thoughts would be at a moment like this, if it wasn't for Derek's laughter, announcing Gary was awake, the two would've certainly thought he was dead.

The two watched Gary sit up with a wince, the hole in his stomach being covered by the human's blood stained and trembling hand being the first thing they noticed.
Avocato felt a tiny growl escape from his throat, the man who had done this was right besides him, ordering him around and Avocato couldn't do anything- not yet....he needed to know why these men were after Gary.
He needed the source of the problem.

Avocato held back Little Cato, watching Gary get kicked right in his open wound. He tried not to squeeze his son's shoulder too hard from the anger that was building up inside him.

Avocato's ears flicked up in interestrest at the mention of a stolen diamond.

So Gary was a thief....
That man seemed to be full of surprises.

"I lost it" Gary answered their question simply.

Avocato bit the inside of his cheeks, was this man an idiot? Couldn't he have made some dumb excuse for the diamond instead of so plainly telling the truth?
It took everything in Avocato not to laugh at the situation-

"That's a pretty nasty wound" Dr Bluestein ran a finger over Gary's bare back wound, they must've removed the bandages.

"Feels pretty nasty too" Avocato watched Gary arch his back before glaring at Bluestein.

He found that he quite disliked the man touching Gary's back in such a way.

Once they all had arrived to the room, it was quite obvious what was going to happen to Gary.
He was going to be tortured.

Avocato glanced at Little Cato quickly, unsure if he should really be here anymore. The boy had insisted on coming and making sure his friend was alright but it was a dangerous mission for a child...Avocato didn't know if Little Cato could handle seeing his friend tortured...
Neither did he think he could handle seeing Gary anymore hurt, himself.

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें