Chapter 57

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"You know I'm not one for hurting pretty gals like you-"

A kick, destroying a the broken monitor with a hole from the laser beam that came out of her gun

"But- equality! You know?" Gary, who had dodged the gun attack, had lost her gun somewhere in the mess they created.

"Silence intruder!" The other huffed, taking out two blades and slashing at Gary.

The blond scrambled properly onto his two feet, feeling a sting on his brow from the blade he barely dodged.
Without stopping, the guard kept gaining on him, pushing forth, irritated that Gary somehow managed to dodge most attacks.

"Crap on a bucket-" Gary lost his balance, falling back and catching himself on the water dispenser. Another slash and there was water everywhere.

"Thirsty for more?" Gary kicked the machine towards her, running to make some distance  only to slip on the wet floor, falling face first into the cold, hard, shiny floor. Curse these cool polished shoes!

"Enough games!" The guard growled, taking out a walkie-talkie

"Nope!" Gary hooked her feet with his, making her fall before taking the walkie himself

"You little--"

Gary winced at how loud his gun was. He had wanted to avoid using the bullets too much due to the sound and-

"3 left" he sighed at the remaining bullets showing on the very tiny screen of his gun which- mind you- is the worst idea ever??? Who came up with the idea of telling not only you but your enemies, who can see this stupid screen, how many death pills you have left?

Gary placed the gun invetween his skin and pants on his behind, not having one of those fancy belts that had magnets to stick his guns to like other guards since- old gun, remember?

"Never have I killed so much just to steal a stupid dumb artifact" Gary scowled at himself, watching his disorted reflection in the pinkish water beneath his shoes.
It was true...well mostly anyway-
Gary usually never had to kill anyone as he usually didn't care if people were lucky enough to catch him but...this was a high security place which the Lord Commander seems to own- he couldn't risk it. He couldn't risk his and the Catos lives.

"Gary" the blond flinched, nearly slipping on the wet floor again

"Yeah?" Gary called, hand placed on his ear to listen to the communicator, disappointed in himself for forgetting

"4 hours have passed" his moth- Sheryl said "only 20 more to go" she sang and Gary could hear her fox like smile through it

"Is that so?" Gary exhaled through his nose, turning away from the dead guard and opening the closet which he hid the other in

"How close are you?" Sheryl asked, what? Gary didn't know...

"Not so close, I assume" Sheryl said once there was no reply from him, the sound of her sipping on a drink making Gary cringe at the unnecessary ASMR "your mom is an alcoholic" experience.

"I suggest you hurry...the tiny cat is starving"

"Give him something to eat then!" Gary bit his lip to avoid shouting, glaring at the wet floor sign he found before placing it besides the dead body. Unable to clean the water and blood, he didn't hide this corpse, instead he waited for his conversation to end so he could move on quietly.

"Not part of our deal, now...Is it?" His mother's execrated voice came through with slight static before a click was heard, signaling the end of their fun little talk.

Gary scowled at the floor, pulling at the skin of his lips with his teeth in frustration.
He wasn't far- he wasn't! He knew the location of his goal and of his possible threat, the Lord Commander...
Problem was just how freakishly huge this place was, he came from the roof and his destination is at the base.

"Damn it" Gary wracked his brain for any ideas, drying his shoes in order not to leave any footprints behind before walking out of the room.

With a growing headache, Gary groaned at the amount of red his vision had. Every light in the building was red, uniforms wine coloured and the laundry chute had scarlet blinking light--

Gary froze in place, taking a few steps backwards to be side by side with the conveniently sized laundry chute that conveniently lead downstairs without passing by the Lord Commander.


Ears high on alert, lowered ever so slightly as Avocato sated down at his hand. His eyes soft, mind attempting to conjure the feeling of Gary's hand in his- the weird warm skin, soft and sploshy with red in certain areas.

"My mom was the one trying to kill fucked up is that?" Gary's cries pounded at his head. Like scissors, they painfully snipped each heart string.
Avocato could only hold his son close, closing his eyes to try and listen for his beloved's sleeping breaths, attempting to erase the cracks in Gary's voice that spoke within his skull. Attempting to erase the itching of his fingers, the desire to cut that woman's back as it happened to Gary...

Speak of the devil.
Entering the room, Sheryl seemed upset with something as she muttered to her self, radio tight in her hand.

"Time to go, you two" she replaced the radio with a gun, placing the device on her hip as she pointed the weapon at the two ventraxians.

"Is Gary alright?" Avocato asked, attempting to remain calm

"I said it's time to fucking go" she seemed to shove the gun forwards more, aggressively throwing two set of handcuffs inside "put those on and wake the fucking cat" she kicked the crate, attempting to wake the small ventraxian herself.

Avocato felt a low growl rumble deep inside his chest as Little Cato flinched awake, his fur poofed in a spook as he scrambled for his father.

"Where's Gary?" Avocato squinted his eyes, glaring at Sheryl

A warning shot.
Avocato quickly covering his son as a laser beam managed to just take a small chunk of his ear off. He hissed, looking up-

"Gary is fine" she finally answered, much calmer than moments ago, eyes calculating "he is finishing his mission"

"What?" Avocato couldn't help the surprise in his tone, eyes slightly wide in disbelief

"Yeah" she scowled seeming unhappy with the turn of events "I thought I had longer but... a deal's a deal" she nodded

Avocato wasn't buying it.

"Is Gary coming back?" Little Cato asked, holding the bars of the jail, ears low

"He still has someone to kill" Sheryl shoved the gun on the kid's forehead "and if you don't put those cuffs on, I'll have someone to kill as well" she threatened

Avocato's eyes widened, shaken by the scene before him and before he could think better his body acted on his own. He pulled his son by the collar and held the gun similarly to how Gary had when he got caught, except instead of blocking a bullet with his palm, Avocato pulled the gun towards him- pulling Sheryl with it.

The trigger was pulled in the process, barely hitting Avocato's side but he successfully stole the gun- shooting Sheryl in the leg before the lock

"Go!" He ordered his son who, with a hint of hesitation, nodded and began to run.

"You fucking--" Sheryl cursed, forcing herself up, taking out a set of blades and a battle stance, eyes set on Avocato.

Her eyes glanced momentarily towards his son and Avocato instantly jumped forwards


A blade flew towards his son's back...
Things had certainly escalated.

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