Chapter 33

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Gary sighed as he lied on the beanbag- he had always been able to sleep anywhere since he didn't really get to pick but now that he had gotten a taste of sleeping with another person again he was struggling.
He wanted to go lay down with the sleeping kit in the room, feel the warmth and hear the breathing of another living being- but that would be just plain rude. Gary was a babysitter not....whatever he was trying to be right now- it would be just straight on creepy.

So Gary remained with tossing and turning or just ceiling staring, trying his best to go to sleep.

Though it wasn't long the alarm started to ring for Little Cato.

Gary didn't take long to get up and go downstairs, tiredly walking past Avocato who sat on the sofa watching TV.

"Good morning" Avocato greeted, looking away from the TV

"Mornin" Gary mumbled

Avocato couldn't help but chuckle, finding it adorable how Gary's messy bedhair seemed to stand against gravity. He watched the human go into the kitchen before taking a sudden turn and walking back to Avocato, a bit more awake

"Shouldn't you be at work?" He asked

"Not today" Avocato smiled, sipping on his 'coffee'. He hadn't really tried coffee until Gary bought some and seemed to drink it,  he understood now why Gary seemed to make funny faces while drinking it, it was very bitter and Avocato liked it.

Before Gary could ask anything else, a very sleepy Little Cato smashed his face against Gary's leg-

"Oh! Good morning Spidercat" Gary chuckled, messing up Little Cato's hair further before crouching down and picking him up.
The boy didn't answer, simply resting his chin on Gary's shoulder as he began to purr loudly at the attention.

Gary always felt part of his heart melt whenever he heard a purr from a cat but hearing Little Cato (and Avocato when they slept together) purr was on a whole different level.
As Little Cato kneaded Gary's shirt without ruining it, Gary made his way to the kitchen and began making some breakfast, having no arm for a while really gave him some practice to cook with one hand.

By then, Avocato had stood up and followed the two, leaning against the door frame as he took occasional sips from his coffee and watched them. He liked watching Gary cook, he always would do his cute little dance, swaying side to side. 
However, this morning, Gary wasn't dancing. Instead he just held Little Cato close as he watched the bacon sizzle with an empty look.

"Is everything alright?" Avocato asked, making the other jump and turn to look at him

"Yeah, what about you?" Gary returned the question, smiling cluelessly

"That's not what I-" Avocato sighed, walking over and taking out the bacon that was beginning to burn "You don't look like your usual self" he interrupted Gary who was bound to send million apologies for almost burning their breakfast

"What do you mean?" Gary tilted his head, turning to look at Avocato

Avocato paused, staring at Gary for a moment. There's no way he could say "You're not doing your usual cute dance" to the man, then he'd know Avocato was watching.

"Just..." Avocato trailed off, reaching for some of Gary's locks that were just standing upright and brushing it down, tidying up his hair "You're usually more energetic, I guess?"

Avocato cringed at himself, glancing away as he didn't want to embarrass himself further- though, when he glanced back Gary's face was completely red, looking down shyly at the gesture and at the fact Avocato seemed to pay attention to him.

His tail swished behind him with interest, now that Avocato knew that when humans turned red it didn't necessarily mean it was bad he couldn't help but chuckle. Gary was far too cute.

The chuckle had made the other realize he had yet to answer, begging to stutter out excuses before he froze as Avocato placed his hands on his shoulder and leaned in.

Avocato had good hearing, so the moment he leaned closer to Gary he could hear the human's heartbeat pick up at the proximity. He tried to hold back a grin as he placed his forehead against the human's with a hum.

"A-Avocato?" Gary squeaked, tensing up 

"It seems you don't have a fever" Avocato leaned back with an amused grin, spinning around to sit on the table.

Gary stood in place, not really moving as he tried to process what had happened. His face was flushed a bright crimson as he seemed to stammer to himself, walking like a tobot to finish the breakfast.

Little Cato hadn't said anything as he was caught by surprise on his own father's actions. His dad wasn't the type of guy to do such a thing way less (very obviously) tease another.

"Gary put me down" Little Cato squirmed, jumping off as Gary allowed him to do so

"W-what's up?" Gary asked, glancing down at Little Cato who seemed to be staring with stars in his eyes.

Was Gary going to be officially his mom?

Without answering Gary, Little Cato ran to the table, sitting down with his father and giving him the same exact look.

"Whats up with him?" Avocato asked once Gary came with the food, placing it in front of each of them

"Maybe he's excited you're here?" Gary shrugged with a smile, finally taking a seat with the two Ventraxians

"Oh yeah- that reminds me" Avocato's ears perked up "I have another week off" he grinned

"Wait! Really?!" Little Cato leaned in with a huge smile "dad! We don't have school next week!"

"I know" Avocato chuckled, watching Little Cato bounce "so I thought we should go on a little vacation"

"Where?!" Little Cato gasped, hyped to spend more time with his dad

Gary remained quiet, smiling at the boy's excitement as he ate. Part of him was worried, if the two were going away then Gary had no reason to stay at their house- it would be very rude. It was only a week, Gary would be sure to find a place to stay that long right?

"Paraiso- it's an hotel on the Sara Bilia planet, not far from here" Avocato took a bite of his food "heard it had lots of activities for kids your age so thought it would be fun"

"Oh! Gary this is going to be so fun!" Little Cato turned to the other who only nodded and smiled as his mouth was full

"I picked a room for the three of us if that's alright" Avocato turned to Gary as if asking for permission, he wasn't sure the human wanted his own privacy

"Yeah that- wait! Three of us? I'm going?" Gary asked in surprise

"Well, of course. I can't exactly leave you to go on a fun trip...unless you don't want to?" Avocato seemed unsure now, his ears flopping slightly

"No no no! I'm super ok with going! Just...I dont want to cause any more trouble" the human sighed, glancing down at the plate

"Gary, you are no trouble to us" Avocato places his hand on Gary's shoulder with a soft smile to get his attention "plus, Little Cato likes having you around"

Gary looked up at Avocato and smiled with a small nod
"Well then...if you don't mind me, I'll be tagging along"

After they all had finished eating, Gary stood and took the dishes into the kitchen, smiling as Little Cato bounced as he waited for him.

"Alright, we're heading out" Gary announced, taking Little Cato's hand

"Wait" Avocato put on a normal jacket "I'll come along, we have to get you some swimming trunks, Gary" he smiled

Gary blinked in surprise but made no effort to refuse, stepping out as he waited for Avocato to lock the door.

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now