Chapter 30

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"Sports day?" Gary repeated as he placed dinner on the table and sat in front of Little Cato "sorry... refresh my mind on what sports day is" Gary chuckled. Truth was, he never really went to school after his father died so he knew absolutely nothing about school's events.

"It's practically a day in school where we don't study and just do sports all day" Little Cato explained, perking up as the food was placed on the table "we do lots of games and parents come..." he suddenly sighed, a bored expression returning to his face.

"That sounds fun" Gary served the food with a smile "so...why do you not look excited?"

"Well..." Little Cato hesitated "Usually I don't go...since I know my dad won't be able to go" he frowned as he looked down, he had always wanted to try the sports day but when he had arrived to the sports event and there were parents everywhere, he immediately left.

"Did...did you ever tell your dad?" Gary asked with concern


"Then how would you know your dad won't go?" Gary smiled softly "Knowing Avocato...Im sure he'd find a way to go"

"But he's busy" Little Cato played with his food, his ears and tail drooping

"Your father wouldn't ever be too busy for you, Little Cato" Gary said with a serious tone before he smiled once again "But if you really want me to go, I will"

"Really?" Little Cato cheered up instantly, happy to finally be part of the event and to actually have someone there

"Of course!" Gary chuckled "now, eat and then get some rest- you have a long day tomorrow" he took a bite of his own food

Little Cato nodded and began to eat, taking more food once he finished his first plate

"Woah! Calm down cowboy...don't eat too much before bed, you still gotta digest all that" he chuckled

"Okay" Little Cato stopped, looking down at his plate and deciding it was enough.

He and Gary watched a movie together before Little Cato took a shower and went to bed, nuzzling into the covers as Gary tucked him in.  His eyes closed as he wanted to get some sleep as quick as possible

"Goodnight" he heard Gary whisper before he felt a soft kiss on his forehead.
The boy was surprised to say the least, he remained with closed eyes, pretending to sleep while his tail seemed to sway side to side happily. Little Cato wouldn't mind more kisses goodnight from Gary.


Mantis watched his boss break more bottles of alcohol in anger
"He's still alive?!" She shouted in fury, breaking yet another glass.

Mantis had done everything to find Gary and kill him, it had to be him to kill the man with his own hands- he had to be sure so he could tell his boss.

It had started with him hiring people to find him and tell him everything they knew, not to cause any harm to John Goodspeed's son. Mantis wanted Gary alive so he'd kill him himself for his boss.

His bets on Derek were already low but the way that man failed was just embarrassing.
Luckily, Mantis got new information though...

"If I may...." he spoke quietly "Gary seems to always be around a child....perhaps we could use that child to lure him" he suggested

His boss had paused everything , slowly turning to him as she poured another drink for herself

"Do it...if you fail again- I will get rid of him myself"


Little Cato woke up in cold sweat, breathing heavily as he looked around the dark room. His quick heart had calmed down as his eyes fell on Gary, the man sleeping peacefully in the beanbag.

The boy had tried return to sleep but he just couldn't. No matter how much he tossed and turned, the image of fire and Gary's wounds would flash in his mind- the nightmare he had still fresh in his mind.

Once the image of Gary dying in his dreams got far too much for the boy, Little Cato slowly made his way to Gary, nudging him lightly.

"Gary?" He whispered, sniffling lightly as he watched Gary stirr.

"Wha-" Gary's eyes squinted in the dark "Little Cato?" He whispered, unable to see properly

"Gary...can you come with me to my dad's room?" The boy asked shyly, fidgeting with the covers he dragged along.

Gary sat up with a worried expression as he heard the cracking voice and sniffed from the boy

"Of course" he said sweetly, standing up and taking his hand "are you alright?"

Little Cato only nodded, not knowing that Gary couldn't see in the dark like him and his father. He dragged the human along the darkness, opening the door slowly to his father's room.

"Dad?" He whispered, smiling as he saw his dad turn to the door immidietly, his general senses shining through.

"What is it son?" Avocato asked, glancing between the obviously blind human and his boy with swollen eyes

"Can I sleep with you?" Little Cato asked, stepping closer to his father's bedside

"Of course....Did you have a nightmare?" His father sat up as his kid started climbing in bed with him

"Yeah..." Little Cato answered, getting under the covers with his father

"Well then..." Gary whispered "I'll give you two some privacy" he smiled, excusing himself but walking into a wall instead

"What?" Little Cato frowned, he seemed afraid "Gary, stay" he whined, trying to reach for the man who was rubbing his nose in pain

"Oh..." Gary turned to the boy's voice "Well alright" he smiled, walking with caution towards him. Once his foot hit the edge of the bed, he sat down on the floor "I'll be right here" he smiled

Little Cato crawled over his dad and started tugging Gary's shirt up, wondering why he wasn't joining them in bed
"Can I sleep with both of you?" He asked finally, thinking that maybe he needed permission

Gary placed his hand over Little Cato's small one that pulled him closer, his hand seemed to shiver and the boy sounded frightened
"Of course...if that's alright with you dad" Gary smiled softly, just wanting to make Little Cato feel better

Avocato tensed as Little Cato turned to him for permission. Gary had accepted so easily, he wasn't sure how the other did it until Little Cato looked upat him with those teary eyes.

"Thats alright with me" he brushed a hand over Little Catos messy hair and layed down with him.

Gary stood up, his arms searching around until they felt something soft. He carefully made his way on the bed, pausing as he tried to feel his way to the other side with his hand but instead only got a hand full of fur.

", let me help" Avocato offered nervously, Gary was currently sat on his lap as he seemed to brush his bare chest. He carefully tilted Gary to the side and showed him where to lay down, Little Cato remaining in the middle between the two.

"Thanks" Gary whispered, patting his way around until he felt the familiar feel of Little Cato's fur.

Little Cato turned away from his father to smash his face against Gary's chest, desperate to hear his heartbeat and know he was okay and it was all just a bad dream, he smiled softly as the calming thumping and Gary's arms around him brought him back to sleep.

Avocato smiled softly at the two, watching Gary's eyes softening as he brushed Little Cato's hair. He couldn't help but chuckle as Gary was quick to follow after, falling asleep rather quickly by the surrounded warmth.

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now