Chapter 55

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The mission begins.

Gary racing past the stars just to get to this planet he had never been before- then again, Gary barely left Earth or the ship he was imprisoned in...

The planet had a greenish color to it and was surrounded by yellow clouds. There were only lakes that seemed like puddles from how far they were, no such things as rivers or sea.

"We are arriving at the planet Namek" Mantis informed through the earpiece

"Wait- Namek?" Gary piped up "like the Noodles?"

"Yes..." Mantis gave an annoyed sigh "the Noodles are originated from Namek" he answered as if talking to a child

"No way! I love their noodles! Maybe we could stop somewher-- hold on, no Gary! We need to save Little Spidercat and Avocato!" The blond began to ramble to himself, zooming fowards as he entered the planet's atmosphere

"You are aware the Noodles are made of--"

"Yes! We don't talk about it" Gary interrupted Mantis, cheeks going a tinted red from embarrassment for liking the Noodles even though they were made with.....things.

"Artifact we'll be stealing should be in the building 1263km from here" Mantis informed Gary, typing something "should be easy to take it as it's close to the top floor-"

"Got it! We park on the roof, run in and then out!" Gary grinned with confidence, bouncing in his seat with adreline- almost as if the ship wasn't moving fast enough.

"You are aware this is a very well secured area" Mantis huffed "you can't just....'run in and run out'"

"Right! We'll run in, grab the thing then run out" Gary nodded as his eyes locked onto the building far away

"What? No-- Wait! Don't just go--"

Before Mantis could finish, Gary flew up, flying above the thick yellow clouds to hide their ship. He had noticed the canons surrounding the building and wouldn't take any chances in getting shot.
Mantis went quiet as he looked at the blond who was focusing. Turns out he did know what he was doing and Sheryl didn't send Mantis to go along to make sure he doesn't die...

But then why was Mantis here?

He was injured and if anything he'd barely help in this condition. He had chased Gary, he had watched him and he was aware the human was not only fast but had basic knowledge of how to use a gun....from how he shot Bluestein.

So why was he here? To help him fly the ship? Report to Sheryl?
Mantis was sure Sheryl knew Gary wouldn't try anything against her with the other two being used as hostages...
So why?

"Alright!" Gary stood, leaving the ship hovering above the building "let the ladder down" he nodded

Mantis just sighed, doing as told with clenched teeth, opening the door for the other to leave.

"If the guards notice we're here- I'm leaving you behind" Mantis sat on the pilot's chair

"Do what you want- but I'll find a way back whenever you like it or not" Gary replied as he began to climb down "I always do" he muttered to himself, sliding down a few steps of the rope before climbing down the rest and landing on top of the building.

How long does he have? Will he make it on time? What if he does this and its too late by the time he gets back?

Shaking off the insecurity, Gary huffed to himself as he decided that there was no other running away but just doing his mission.

Sneaking in was the easy part despite all the security systems and passwords (he just broke one of those massive, fancy windows and climbed in) - the hard part was getting past the guards after he caused a commotion.

Startled steps ran towards him and the blond human quickly hid beneath a desk, watching a pair of guards begin to look around. One guard entered the room Gary was hiding in while the other went to cover more ground from the room in front.

Lights red like in a backroom, a light revealing muted course coming from the gun the guard held.
It was least that's what Gary should've thought-

But as he crouched there, eyes unblinkingly watching the other well dressed alien who was just doing his job... Gary felt peace. Anxiety that he felt previously melting away.

He didn't think, not that he did much before. Simply, when close enough, he disarmed the guard before the trigger could be pulled on him.
With a swift movement, he covered the other's mouth as he dislocated his arm then opposing knee in self defense, making sure he no harm would be done.
A muffled scream escaped, muted by the palm of Gary's hand as he dragged the man down with him beneath the desk when he heard the other guard approach.

Gary's hand was humid and warm from the tears and saliva from the cries of his very dislocated friend. He briefly cringed at the feeling, crawling away to the other side of the desk to sneak behind the other guard that was currently entering the room.
He could leave broken-bones here, distracting the other as he ran out the wide open door...

No- that wouldn't work.
Two guards entered the moment he broke the window and entered, that would mean there's many guards stationed in the hallways...many guards everywhere.

"Show yourself!" The guard barked, shooting randomly to attempt to get a reaction, second guessing Gary's location.

For a short moment, Gary felt as if he was back there, thrown in a situation he didn't want to be part of just so he could have some food on the table.
He could just...leave. He could run away from this all, it wasn't too late. He didn't have to do this- he had no need to do i-


"Agh-!" Gary winced at the pain in his ear, the loud screeching from his ear device.

"Got you!" The guard began to shoot and Gary had to leave his lopsided-limbed friend behind, rolling away to find new cover. His eyes scattering around for an exit, locating three.

Option 1: Door
Run towards the door then in the room in front, high chances of no guard seeing him.

Option 2: Window
Drop or climb to another window or simply find a way to escape this mission. Chances of ending in the same situation as now- high.

Option 3: Vents
Vents located behind guard, would have to get past him and possibly hurt to escape.

Gary huffed, shaking his head at any ideas to just leave the mission, reminding himself that both Avocato and Little Cato needed him to do this. Their lives depended on him, on this- literally.

Reaching for the discarded gun of the other guard, he shot a light, red sparks showering down the guard taking his attention before


Gary hissed, getting shot on his shoulder just as he shot the other square on the forehead.

"Great- just freaking great" Gary stood, dropping the gun as he grasped his shoulder, nose scrunched when he heard more footsteps heading his way.

Too many guards. This is bad- its real bad- especially if they find his ass--

"This is great" he grinned, eyes landing in the now unconscious smashed-skeleton friend.

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