Chapter 59

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"FUCKING BASTARD!!!" A high pitched scream rang through the sewers, making Avocato's ears pin back in defense.
It didn't take any genius to guess that Sheryl wasn't too happy.

"Little Cato-" Avocato breathed, trying to find his way out through the maze of halls but his sense of smell was ruined due to the rotten smell of the sewers "hang in there, son"

His jog was fast enough to get away but slow enough to not make his son in any more pain than he was already in.

"Dad-" Little Cato whimpered, claws digging onto the fabric of his father's clothes "I want mom" he called weakly

"Mom--?" Avocato asked before his eyes widened in realisation "don't worry...we'll see Gary soon enough" he slowed down, eyes soft as he tried to apply pressure to his son's wound.
Giving up on the exit, Avocato settled down, ripping his own shirt to mend Little Cato. He carefully cleaned the wound before wrapping the cloth around, frowning as his son softly cried and groaned in pain.

"Shhh" Avocato held his son close, hoping that witch wouldn't come here any time soon "You're okay...its're going to be ok" he forced himself to purr to ease his son's worries

"Mom..." Little Cato whimpered quietly, hising his face in his father's chest to feel the soft rumbling further, eyes fluttering closed.

"This isn't a good idea" Hue said, standing outside as Gary made his way in the room with the many red beams that you'd see in spy movies

"I asked if you can hack the system's cameras or not?" Gary huffed impatiently, he was in a lot of pain and in a lot of need of furry cuddles.
Maybe if he asked really nicely in a bro way, his avocato bro would let him have a nice cuddling bro session.

He wouldn't reject a none bro cuddling session though.

He glared at Hue as the robot stared back for a moment before his screen flickered black with binary codes rushing through

"System has been hacked...Gary"

"Thanks-" Gary thanked, walking towards the red beams before he froze, eyes widening for a moment, turning slightly to look at the robot "Hue?"

"Yes, Gary" the small robot responded

Gary opened his mouth, having so much to say as he realised that truly was Hue...Not weird SaHUErai, good old Hue...

"It's good to have you back" his voice cracked as he smiled

"It's good to be back" Hue nodded "be careful, Gary"

Nodding, Gary made his way down, dodging the first few beams before he got to the complicated part.
Now, being a thief for many years, this isn't the first time Gary encountered some spy kids jazz but...He still loved it everytime.
Removing his shoes, Gary's steps became lighter as he limbo danced his way, doing crazy acrobatics that he shouldn't with a hole in his abdomen, and carefully getting across towards the middle.

"Replace object with something of equal weight to avoid alarms" Hue aided with the mission.

Gary stared down at the artifact, a small smile sprouting at the nostalgia as he took his gun, cleaning the fingerprints before replacing it with the artifact.

He gazed down at the gun, face falling into cold and emotionless as he further dug into his pocket, pulling out with his metal hand long strands of blond hair.

His mother's hair.

She must have hoped Gary would make some sort of mistake and get hunted down by the Lord Commander while she got all the goodies...but Gary had been double-crossed a few times too many.

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