Chapter 20

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" he-" quick footsteps were mixed along with the rest of the crowd's "so fast?!" Gary complained, still trying to lose this 'stranger'.
Gary had many enemies back in his day, perhaps this was someone who he stole from but happened to forget? He wasn't sure- all he knew was that it had been a long time and he needed to lose this guy fast so he could meet up with Little Cato.

Gary continued running, returning to the crowded areas and slowing down all the sudden and mixing in with the crowd, a good skill he had developed from stealing over the years. He risked a glance at the stranger, grinning once he noticed how lost he looked.

Walking among the crown, however, Gary had managed to catch a glimpse of an equally lost someone. His grin grew wider
"Spidercat" Gary called quietly, waving at the oh who was standing on a bench trying to look for him "sorry I am late"

:Gary! Are you okay? Who was that?" Little Cato was quick to fill the other with questions, running up to him an hugging his torso

"woah woah" Gary hushed "lets go with code names for today, alright?" he winked, looking around and gesturing Little Cato to follow as he gently pushed the boy away- Gary wouldn't risk the kid getting mixed up in his own personal problems.
Little Cato nodded, following Gary into a fund raiser clothes shop, lifting his brows in interest.
"wanna pick my disguise while I pick a shirt I can wear?" Gary chuckled quietly, flapping the long sleeves from the shirt that was far too big for him.

"I got you, Thunder Bandit" Little Cato saluted away, running off to find Gary his disguise.
Gary watched the other fondly, turning to go to the men's section and looking over the few choices as he took occasional glances around. A red shirt was quick to catch his eye, picking it up, Gary inspected the shit- it was his size, which was good, and it had a cute orange silhouette design of a cat in the middle, it was basically his old shirt but kittyfied.
Nodding to himself, Gary walked across the shop to check on Little Cato
"you found anything?" he asked curiously

"yeah!" Little Cato turned with some huge flashy glasses on and a series of items in hand "take these!' he handed Gary the items in his hand with a huge grin. Gary laughed in reply, taking no chances in checking what he was buying as he did not really care if it was as ridiculous as the glasses the boy wore

"you want those?" Gary asked with an amused smile, pulling out his wallet

"nah, I'm alright" Little Cato waved his hand, putting the glasses back "not really my style" he giggled.
Nodding, Gary payed for his items and put the new shirt inside the bag with his previous purchases before walking out
"alright, Spidercat" Gary turned with a grin, handing the boy the items "wanna play dress up?"

"heck yeah!" Little Cato was quick to take the items, beginning to put some things on Gary, his tongue sticking out in concentration. Gary laughed, watching Little Cato reposition some things.
"there!" Little Cato grinned proudly, watching Gary turn to the shop's window to examine.
Gary blinked in surprise. He was wearing a black round hat with a white pin flower at the side, there was a long golden colored necklace that matched well with the green shirt and a black choker that matched with the hat.

"huh...." Gary turned to Little Cato, still surprised at his own change of image. Little Cato only grinned knowingly, huffing proudly

"you are errrm....Alex!" Little Cato pointed at Gary "you are super into gardening and love to drink coffee and read a good book on thursdays!" the boy continued

"oh! oh!" Gary beamed "every thursday there is this guy- I mean girl- that works in the cafe I read books at, I have a crush on hi- her but as cool as I look...I am actually super shy" Gary joined in the backstory making, stumbling over his words every so often.
Little Cato listened carefully, looking up at Gary with an unreadable expression. It was obvious Gary was gay now-

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