Chapter 49

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"Damn it!" Mantis cursed as he took a small break to finally close his wound. He was usually calm and collected, however he hadn't expected a child to be able to use self defense way less be that skilled- a child....a freaking child.

Wrapping bandages around the gunshot wound, Mantis took a moment to take a small break- leaving his pod floating in space as he drank some Whisky he found in the dusty shelves.

"Better let me go now!" The kid shouted from his small cell "If you dare hurt Gary my dad and I will kill you" he threatened which truly had no effect on Mantis- if anything it was just annoying.

"Quiet!" The man growled as he poured himself the rest of the drink and threw the empty bottle towards the cell, letting it shatter and scare the kid away for a moment. Nursing his cup, Mantis contemplated everything- was a woman really worth all the trouble?
Of course.

The more struggle the more satisfaction he will get.

Chugging down his drink, Mantis grabbed the communicator from the kid's wrist- pulling harshly at it to try get a look and make sure their location was on

"Augh!" The boy hissed before scratching Mantis face

"Fuck!" Mantis let go to hold his face, feeling blood tickle down his eye "you little-"

"Little Cato!" Gary called again, he and Avocato had already searched the whole park over and over.
The human had suggested they split up and look but Avocato insisted they'd stayed together as to not lose each other.

"It's no use" the general growled "he's left the atmosphere"

"What?!" Gary exclaimed, walking closer to look at Avocato's com to see 3 dots- two that were close to eachother and one that was faraway "Little Cato isn't in the planet anymore...?"

"Lets go" Avocato suddenly turned, marching his way back to the hotel, where his ship was parked.
Gary was quick to follow and stay close by, feeling the back of his hair stand at the furious look the ventraxian carried- suddenly he was aware that it was the same exact expression he had when Gary had first met him....he was glad they cleared the misunderstanding quickly otherwise Gary was sure he wouldn't be breathing today.

Little Cato hadn't meant to attack the other, sure...he wanted to end the man first time he figured out who he was but he still couldn't help but regret his instinct to claw the man's face.

"Ow..." he groaned as he curled more into himself- finally awake.

His whole body ached and his breath hitched as he tried to breathe in any way that wouldn't hurt. Lifting his head, Little Cato took a look at Mantis piloting the ship- his fresh wound patched up with bandages in a way that covered one of his eyes.

Little Cato could keep calling out names, reminding the other that he was a dead man....but after being knocked out from that beating he decided to play the waiting game instead-
His fathers would come for him...he just needs to be patient.

"This is all my fault" he said through clenched teeth, hands grasping onto the joystick of the ship as if it was the neck of whoever had taken Little Cato

"No! No!" Gary quickly said, standing from his seat to place a hand over the man's shoulders "Im the one who insisted on Little Cato playing alone-"

"Im the one who allowed it!" Avocato growled, breathing heavily as he glared at the ground "I've failed as a father...again..." he muttered softly

Gary couldn't help but frown, getting on one knee besides the man and placing a hand on his knee to try catch his attention. He looked up at the ventraxian that rarely seemed to look at the ground and took in the pathetic sight

The Babysitter - Garycato (Final Space Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now