Rockers & Writers

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Azzy's Pov

It was a normal day at Sonic boom. Ally was writing in her book and I was drawing.

"Hey Ally! Hey Azzy! Guess who got a job at Cupcake City?" Our best friend Trish said while walking in and holding two cupcakes.

"Thanks Trish, but there's no eating in the store.." Ally started. "But we do like cupcakes, gimme that." I finished and we both grabbed the cupcakes from Trish's hands.

"Yeah, they give us all the rejects, those were the ones I dropped on the floor." she said as we took a bite out of our cupcakes. As soon as she finished saying that, we grabbed some napkins and spit out the bites we took from the cupcakes.

Ally was wiping her mouth and I threw away the cupcakes. "Well that's what we get for breaking the rules, right Ally?" I asked and she nodded. "Well do you want to go to the movies with us on Sunday?" Ally asked as she turned around, only to find an old lady standing where Trish was just a few seconds ago.

"Oh, I'd love to go to the movies!" the old lady said. 'What did we get into' I thought to myself.

", great, because you're exactly the person we were asking." 'Oh my God, Ally what are you doing' I said in my mind.

"It's a date!" the old lady said excitedly and walk away.

"Cant wait, lady we've never met before!" I said and turned to Ally.

"What?" she asked. "We're going on a date with an old lady that we've actually never met. Why?" I asked her. We looked at each other for a second, then turned around to see Trish.

"Oh, where did you go?" Both of us asked our best friend.

"I was on the phone. That was work. Apparently, being there is part of the job! Gotta go." she said and started walking out. "Hey Mr. Dawson!" she said as Dad walked in and she walked out.

"Guess who found 37 more cents?" dad said as he walked up to us.

"Dad, stop taking money out of the mall fountain. Those are people's wishes!" I said and walked over to give him a hug.

"Well my wish came true. I have 37 more cents!" he said with a smile and I walked back behind the counter.

"Oh, and speaking of wishes, Dad, is there anyway I can put a piano upstairs in the practice room? the one I'm using is older that the lady we're dating Sunday." she said walking to the piano and motioning to both me and her when explaining about the old lady. Dad have both of us confused looks. "Long story." we both said quickly.

"Honey, I know you love music, but the odds of making it in the music biz are like a bazillion to one. Come here." he said and Ally walked over to him and they both did their handshake. "Boom!" they said and Dad walked away while Ally came to the counter and started reading. I gave her a small hug and went back to drawing. Maybe I should ask Dad if I could get a new sketch book since I'm running out of pages in mine.

Unlike Ally, I have a passion for art. I'm not as musically talented as Ally, but I can play a bit of piano. But my thing is drawing.

But my drawing and Ally's reading were interupted by these to guys. A red head and a blonde.

"And ACTION!" the red head said and the blonde started playing the drums with corn dogs while the red head recorded him. Cool but I know Ally's going to freak when she sees the corndogs.

She stopped reading and walked over to them. I sighed and walked over to them as well. I heard Ally whistle to get their attention. "Did you not see the 'Please do not play the drums' sign?" she asked.

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