Songwriting & Starfish

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Azzy's Pov

It was late at night. And Austin, Ally, Trish, and I were at the ice cream shop. I should be home right now. Sleeping.

You know, I need my beauty sleep. Not running around the mall with Ally.

And I mean, I would do anything for her, but not when it interupts my sleep.

I also forgot Dez was with us. I remembered Dez walked out. After that it was all a blur.

Well after I jumped into Austin's back, it was mostly a blur. I don't think he minds. I layed my head down on his back and started going in and out of consciousness.

~3rd Pov~

Austin and Trish walk out of the ice cream store, with Azzy on his back.

But were stopped by a cop.

Trish was wearing leopard-print pyjamas and had curlers in her hair. Austin was covered in sand.

The cop shines his flashlight towards them.

"Freeze, ice cream stealers!" The officer said to them.

"What's going on?" Trish asked confused.

"He's busting us for breaking into the ice cream shop." Dez answered her, since the officer had already talked with him.

"Officer, this is a misunderstanding. I work here." Trish tried to explain.

"No, you don't. You served me a latte today at the coffee kiosk." the officer told her.

"Yeah, I get fired a lot."

"I can see why. That was the worst latte I've had in my life.." The officer said to her. "Why are you in pyjamas.." he said gesturing to Trish. "..what happened to her.." he said gesturing to Azzy, who was asleep on Austin's back. "..and why is he covered in sand?" he gestured to Austin.

"Officer, I know this looks bad, but I swear, we're not robbing the ice cream store." Austin tried, but Ally came out of the store wearing a ski mask, and holding a tub of ice cream.

"Score! I can't believe we pulled this off." Ally said and pulled the ski mask off, but realizes it makes them look bad. "Uh-oh."

"Alright, kids, come on. Let's take a little ride downtown." The officer said to the four conscious teenagers.

"But we can't. I'm perfoming at the Miami Beach Bash today." Austin explained to the officer.

"The Miami Beach Bash? Well, why didn't you say something? I'll let you off right now." The officer said.

"Really?" All four of them asked, oblivious to the officer's sarcasm.

"No! Let's go!" he said.

Azzy's Pov

I can't believe we got dragged to the police station. What happened when I fell asleep?

I know Trish didn't kill Dez, cause he's sitting next to her. Austin and Ally we're trying to explain what happened to the officer.

Um, I'd like an explanation too.

"I swear we weren't commiting a crime, officer. We were trying to finish a song for Austin to perform at the Beach Bash." Ally said.

"Yeah. FM 109 is having a Hot Summer Jam contest. If I win, I get to hear my song on the radio." Austin said and started dancing carelessly.

Which also meant that sand got all over me, since I was the closest to him. Well it didn't matter anyway. I already had sand on me.

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