Mattress Stores & Music factories

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Azzy's Pov

A new day, and I was sitting on the counter, drawing. Well, I was trying to draw, but Jax kept bugging me.

"What do you want?!" I said, finally looking at him.

"I'm bored..." Jax groaned.

I rolled my eyes.

We're not doing this again.

"Then go take pictures or something." I said and continued drawing.

"I already did that.." He whined.

"Then go hang out with the boys." I said, grabbing a color pencil.

"Already did that." Jax said, messing with my pencils.

I smacked his hand away.

"Go bug Trish, then." I said, not looking at him.

"Scares me."

I groaned.

"Then go bug Ally."

"You really want me to wait in line with all those kids, just to hang out with my girlfriend?" He asked.

I smiled and pointed to the line.

He groaned and walked away.

Finally. Peace and quiet.

"The line's too long."

"Oh my god!" I groaned.

Jax finally left me alone, when I had to work.

And I don't know what's worse. Jax being annoying... Or this fucking customer that's been here for three hours!

Dad and I walked over to Ally once we saw her.

"We have been helping this customer for over three hours. I think he's finally gonna buy something." Dad said.

Hopefully. If not, I'm throwing the guy out.

Dad walked back to the guy and I stayed with Ally.

"So, uh, what do you think?" Dad asked.

The guy was looking at a banjo.

Remember banjo badminton.

Yes, Austin and Dez still play it sometimes.

"This banjo is twanging my name. I'm gonna buy it."


"From this discoutn banjo seller online." The guy continued.


"Wait, what?"

"And purchased. Thanks for all your help, brother." The guy said and walked out of the store.

The fuck was that?

Me and Ally walked over to dad.

"Man! Customers keep coming in here to try out the instruments, and then buying them for less online." Ally said.


"I know. Can you believe how cheap people are?" Dad said.

"Says the man who takes rolls of toilet paper from the mall restroom." I said.

Where's my boyfriend??

"Well, at least the store's staying busy with kids signing up for music lessons. I mean, look at that line of them outside right now!" Dad said.

Very true.

"Ally merch!"

He's back.

"Get your Ally merch here! We've got Ally shirts, Ally hats, Ally nuts."

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