Rejection & Rocketships

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Azzy's Pov

We were all in the music factory today, when Ally walked in holding a box.

"Guys, I just found out that my Harvard interview is going to happen here, so I need to showcase my proudest achievements." She said, setting her achievements down.

"Like being a runner-up in a macaroni necklace making contest when you were six?" Jax asked.

I stifled my laugh as we all looked at her.

"I'll put that one back in the box." Ally said, taking the award and putting it into the box.

"You can use my trophy. It's for world's best son. My dad got it for my brither." Dez said, getting his trophy out of his backpack.

Aww that's ni- Wait, he doesn't have a brother.

"You don't have a brother." Trish said.

"Aww, that makes it extra sad." Poor Dez.

"I can't believe you already have an interview. College applications aren't dur for months." Austin said.

Hey, we still have our spot open at that art school in London, right?


"I applied for early admission. Harvard has been my dream school since I've been little. My mom went there, and I want to follow in her footsteps." Ally said.


"Well, you're a shoo-in. You have straight A's, perfect attendance, not to mention all of your musical achievements." I said, following her to the couch.

"Plus, you're adorable."

"That junk means nothing to Harvard. The only kid from our school to get accepted last year climed mount Kilimanjaro, then wrote a best-seller about it, then adapted it into a movie and starred in it. And he was waitlisted." Ally said.

Is it really that hard to get into that school?

"Ooh, I know how you can impress your interviewer. You could invent something, like a magic box with wheels that drives you places." Dez said.

I looked at him.

"A car?" Austin asked.

"Oh. Well, what about a machine that you type on that knows everything?" Dez said.

"You mean a computer?" I asked.

"Oh. Well, what about something you eat that's round and fille with jelly?"


"A jelly donuct, like the one you're holding?" Trish said. She took the donut he was eating and squeezed it, making the jelly go all over Dez's face.


"Oh. Well, I gues everything has been invented... And you're never going to college, Ally." Dez said.

We looked at him.

It was a bit later, and me, Jax and Trish walked into the practice room and found Ally there.

"Oh, hey, guys. I'm prepping for my Harvard interview. Which looks smarter... this one or this one?" Ally asked, holding up two pairs of glasses.

"Mm, they both look dumb, because you don't need glasses." Trish said.

"And they don't even have lenses. And are these mine?" I asked, grabbing my old pair of glasses.

Haven't seen these in a while.

"Guys, we have some terrible news. Are you sitting down for this?" Dez said.

No, we're standing up.

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