Presidents & Problems

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Azzy's Pov

I finally got used to sleeping on the bus. But I still stayed with Austin.

Anyway, I felt him move and then get out of the bunk.

"Guys, guys, get up! Come on, we're gonna be late for the ceremony!" I heard him say.


We started getting up.

"What? Hurry!" I said, getting out.

"Austin, you can't be late today. This is a big deal! The American Parent Association is giving you a teen role model award." Ally said.

Really? If she never said anything, I wouldn't have known.

"Yeah, and role models are always on time. Let's go!" Austin said, getting dressed quickly.

"Dez, hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Trish said.

I looked up towards his bunk and ssaw him still laying down.

"Oh no, no, we're not. I changed the time on the clocks so there would be no way we'd oversleep." Dez said.


"What? Wait, so it's not 10:00?" Austin asked.

"Nope, it's 4:00 A.M. You're welcome."

We just looked at him annoyed.

"Great! Now I'm wide awake. There's no way I'll get back to sleep now." Ally said.

"Yeah, me either. We may as well have breakfast." Austin said.

He walked out of the bunk area and we followed.

"I can't believe last night was the final show of your tour." I said.

I got a cup out and got some water.

"Yeah, I'm kinda sad. My first tour is over."

"It's been fun traveling around. We've been to 23 different states." Trish said.

Yeah, even though me and Ally only showed up for the last few weeks, it was still fun.

"24 if you count us being here in Washington D.C." Dez said.

"I don't. It's not a state." Ally said.

"Nobody likes a know-it-all, Ally."

I stifled my laugh and sat down at the table, with my cup of water.

"Look, I bought a headband in every single city so I wouldn't forget a thing. Remember Vegas?" Trish said, holding up a headband.

It looks cool and it also lights up.

"Oh, nice! I did the same thing, only I got t-shirts in every city." Austin said.

He brought over a couple shirts, but they were all white.

"But they're all just plain white. How do you know the difference?" Me and Ally asked.

"Aw!" He said, looking at them.

I actually giggled this time.

"And, twins, I have a suprise for you." Trish said.

She pulled us from the table and brought us over towards the couch.

"Since you two weren't with us for most of the tour, Azzy, I've collected small Teddy bears for you. And Ally, I've collected tea cups from every city for you." Trish said.

I somehow managed to hold all of the Teddy bears and hugged them.

They're so cute.

"Thanks, Trish. I love them." Me and Ally said.

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